Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1271

At this point, Ariel\'s speech paused slightly.

Her eyes swept over these people\'s faces again, and her eyes gradually changed from softness to seriousness, and then to sharpness.

People could not help but feel a chill when they came into contact with her eyes. Especially when these eyes touched Su TA\'s eyes covered by thick bangs, the paladin\'s body even trembled involuntarily.

"Since a guild is like this, why is it not like this in a city?"

After looking around, Ariel breathed out a little and continued——

"So far, mermaid song is still the only security force in the whole Pelican city. Among them, there are factors that I deliberately do not allow other guilds to enter, and there are also factors that our guild\'s operation in Pelican city is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. "

"If you want to run a city well, it is essentially no different from running a guild. I\'m still the ordinary human girl who doesn\'t have any power, can\'t magic, can\'t walk on the eaves and walls, and can\'t see anything clearly at night. Therefore, the only thing I can do is to rely on everyone in the whole city and drive everyone to work in the same direction with me. Only in this way can we solve the problems of the city and finally let the pelican city develop smoothly. "

"So, how can I work with the citizens in the city? How can I make them understand that it must be good to do what I say? "

Tesla didn\'t understand and said, "president, you are now the mayor of Pelican city. What you say, the city people naturally do. How can you not do what you say? "

Ariel shook her head and said slowly, "it\'s different. They will do whatever I say, and the citizens will appear very passive. Why passive? Because they can\'t understand the reason for doing so, nor can they understand the benefits of doing so. To put it more bluntly, they will feel that if they do as I say, even if they can make Pelican city better, I, the mayor, will certainly take a large part of the profits. "

Tesla rubbed the back of his head: "you are the mayor. Urban development is good. You take the big head... Shouldn\'t you?"

Ariel was not angry. She also knew that she was really transforming her thoughts into specific action policies. She could never make mistakes at this juncture, so she had better explain a lot of things clearly——

"I can really take a big head. But in this way, citizens will feel that they guessed right. They feel that even if the whole city works well, they will get very little. Since they get very few things, their motivation will be insufficient. Even if they do things according to my orders, they will not contribute very much. In this way, in order to convey the policies I signed, I must also rely on a supervision team to urge the implementation of the policies. In this way, I will incur the expenses of the supervision team for no reason, and may even make the citizens feel that they and I have completely stood on the opposite side, making them more dissatisfied with me. "

After a short pause, Ariel continued——

"So I can\'t just be satisfied with letting the citizens follow my orders. I hope they can do things spontaneously for the beauty of Pelican city. Let them feel that they can really get real benefits from the development of Pelican city. "

Cocoa nodded, smiled and said, "Oh ~ ~ ~! Oh, I see. So, the president\'s sister is to tell them that they can make a lot of money by doing what you say! That\'s all right, isn\'t it? "

Ariel smiled, reached out and gently touched cocoa\'s head, and then said, "although some imagination, it\'s not exactly the same. Because I am not God, any decision I make may not always be right. I can\'t guarantee that I will never do anything wrong. If I only use money to lure them to do things, the citizens will come to me for trouble as soon as they find that I have done something wrong and they have lost money. "

"Therefore, I want something that can make people move towards the same goal in addition to money. This should be a belief, a force far beyond money, so that everyone can move forward spontaneously and actively towards the same goal. "

Margo snapped her fingers: "God of light? In the name of religion? I think it\'s also a good way. "

Ariel shrugged, glanced and said, "well... Maybe you\'re right. But this method first needs to convince me to believe in the God of light. Then... Don\'t talk about me, Margo, do you believe in the God of light? "

Hearing Ariel\'s question, Margo immediately put on a mocking expression and laughed: "ha! Why do I believe in that guy? Is that guy bigger than all the men I\'ve met before? "

As soon as the words came out, Margo immediately thought of saying hi. She quickly put away the sarcastic smile on her face, restored the pious appearance of the nun, and slowly said, "ladies and gentlemen, I have a very flexible self-control ability for my belief in the God of light."

In that case, Ariel shrugged again and said with a smile, "in that case... Let\'s put down the concept of religion first. Then I thought about a belief myself. I think... I should tell everyone that it is not me, nor you, nor even the God of light, nor the royal family, nor the nobility who can make them live a good life. Maybe... It\'s not a legendary brave man. "

Brad looked at his president in a daze. Buffy, who sat on his shoulder, said curiously, "don\'t rely on them? Nothing? No faith, no spiritual sustenance? What\'s that for? On your own? "


Ariel snapped her fingers and said approvingly, "that\'s right! On your own! "

"I hope to let all the citizens of Pelican city know that they can get a happy life, make more money and have a better living environment. They definitely don\'t rely on the gift of anyone. And it all depends on them, on us, on everyone in our whole Pelican city! "

"Therefore, the identity of our mermaid song in the pelican City, although now, whether in name or in essence, mermaid song is the power center of the pelican City, I hope those of us who have power can not feel that we have a superior attitude or act to distance ourselves from ordinary citizens!"

"Only by making those citizens feel that we are the same as them. We are essentially no different from them, but the division of labor is different. Everyone can use their own efforts to obtain the opportunity to rise! In this way, the difference between us and the citizens will not be greater and greater! "

"Bigger and bigger?" Buffy couldn\'t understand it again. "What do you mean? What is bigger and bigger? Our relationship with the public? Yes? Is there a difference? "

Ariel breathed out again, and her face looked very serious. She looked around at the members in front of her and said slowly, "ask yourself if there has been any change in the relationship between the members of our mermaid song and ordinary people since this time? When those citizens see us, can they still call us brothers as before? "

The atmosphere that had just seemed very cheerful was suddenly repressed.

Guild members, look at me and I look at you. There seems to be nothing to say for a while.

After a while, dak breathed out slowly and said, "I\'ll be the bad man. I joined the guild earlier than you, so I don\'t have any preconceived impression. So in my opinion, the relationship between the citizens of this city and us in recent months is really very different. "

"I remember when I first came to Pelican City, although the residents of the city treated the mermaid song with respect, they were not too cautious. Like Brad, you used to go out on patrol with those armed equipment to maintain order? "

Brad nodded slightly, with a look of fear on his face.

Dak continued, "in the past, some of your friends would hook up with you when they met you. Some children will also surround you and ask you to pick them up and put them on your shoulders. But since you rode that tall and exaggerated horse, I have never seen those residents feel so close to you. Even say... Today\'s children will look a little scared when they see you. "

Brad was shocked, as if he had been beaten, and looked very nervous: "I... I! Really? I have... Have I changed so much? I didn\'t even notice... President me! "

Dak ignored Brad and continued, "the others... I didn\'t pay much attention. Say another cocoa. Coco, did you see your friend Guoguo the last time we patrolled the street? Maybe you didn\'t notice, but compared with your familiar appearance, your friends are obviously very cautious about contacting you. It\'s not like meeting friends, it\'s more like... The feeling of alienation and division when my subordinates saw me in my previous guild. "

After being scolded by dak for a while, cocoa also stared and opened his mouth. He looked like he couldn\'t believe it.

Seeing this, Ariel looked at the time and said, "don\'t just talk about others, dak, although you don\'t seem to have anything, you still can\'t change the smell from the big city, so others don\'t dare to approach you, do you?"

Dak lowered his head and replied, "the president said yes."

Ariel nodded, satisfied with dak\'s cooperation, and then said, "so our mermaid song can\'t be so special. What\'s so special about us? What qualifications do we people have for privilege? What qualifications do people have to see us so afraid and so distant? "

"Brad, do you think you\'re special? Are you smart? Is it special to eat so much? "

Brad shook his head like a rattle.

"Coco, do you think you are special? Do you think you have a high status? You are just a necromancer and a glutton. "

Cocoa bowed her head and stopped talking.

"Tesla, you\'re nothing special. You\'re an assembler. Without financial support, you can\'t do anything, can you?"

Tesla said nothing.

"And cream, don\'t you think you\'re good at flying all day, do you deserve to be respected if you can boast? Are you kidding? "

Cream shrugged and nodded helplessly.

"And Su TA, not long ago, you were a woman who was afraid to take up a shield! What do you think qualifies you for such a high sense of worship? "

The crisp tower lowered its head and kept silent.

"Then it was me. What do I deserve to be feared by the citizens? I\'m a slave. They don\'t even have to be afraid of nobles. Why are they afraid of a woman who is abandoned by her own parents and can only become a slave in the end? Why are they afraid of me? Why are you so afraid of me that you even have to kneel down to me? Why should they respect you? With the gold and silver jewelry you and I wear? With our clothes? Exquisite weapons? Because of this, should the residents be afraid of us? "

"Of course not."

"What they are afraid of is not our clothes, our clothes."

"What they fear is our attitude."

"It\'s the attitude that we are getting farther and farther away from them, that we don\'t communicate with them, that we don\'t understand what they are thinking, and that they don\'t understand what we want to do."

"Our strength is strong. If we don\'t take the initiative to communicate with them, do we expect those residents to take the initiative to communicate with us? Is that possible? "

In the face of Ariel\'s reprimand... Or a kind of self refutation, the members around you look at me and I look at you, and they all begin to think deeply.

After a while, the cream realized it for the first time and said, "president, what do you mean... We must always remember our identity? Then... Do you want us to have more contact and communication with the residents? "

Ariel nodded, smiled and said, "in addition to more contact and communication, the most important thing is that we should always remember that we are one with those residents. It can even be said that it is not our mermaid song that makes the pelican City, but the development and growth of the pelican city that makes our mermaid song strong. Therefore, we must thank the residents here. We must try our best to work for the residents here, solve their difficulties and understand their suffering. For their normal and reasonable requirements, we must do it as soon as possible! If it is something that is reasonable but we can\'t do now, we must first record it, and then find time to discuss it together and think about it together to see what methods we can resolve it. "

After a moment of meditation, the president continued, "so what our guild needs to do next is to contact the residents all the time. In this way, you used to patrol and be responsible for protecting the safety of the city. But from now on, in addition to patrolling, I want each of you to take the initiative to talk to the residents. "

Brad was a little confused: "talk? But... President, i... I\'m stupid. I may not... Chat! "

Ariel looked at the big man, nodded slightly and said, "I can\'t talk, but I want to talk! Didn\'t those children like you very much before? Why can\'t you talk now? I think you are riding on your beautiful horse, and your feet have never fallen to the ground again! "

Brad was stunned and his eyes showed grievances. He squeaked and wanted to say something, but Bafei quickly patted him on the face and said, "are you stupid? The president told you to stop riding, or walk as before, don\'t you understand? "

Brad said with a suddenly enlightened look on his face, "Buffy, great! It\'s good to have you, otherwise I don\'t know what the president is talking about! "

Buffy looked proud, her hands on her hips and smiled.

Ariel nodded again, looked at the guild members in front of her, and continued: "I\'m going to arrange the inspection system next. Each of you should go to chat with the residents, not only the residents in the city, but also the farmers outside the city. Not only those who have money and status, but also ordinary people who work with workers, farmers and make some small handicrafts. Anyway, the lower the economic status in this city, the more you want to chat with them. Do you understand? "

Facing Ariel\'s reprimand, people dare not object. Besides, they have no reason to oppose it. Now they can only nod and promise.

But even if he agreed, dak said after a moment of thinking, "president, although I think your practice is very good. But do you really think that the secret to making our guild strong is to contact ordinary people? "

Ariel smiled and said, "of course, it\'s not just that. In addition to our efforts to keep in touch with them, I also want to set some rules for our guild members. "

With that, the president got up, raised his hand, slapped heavily on the table, looked around everyone and said——

"From today on, as long as people in our mermaid song guild are not allowed to wear those obviously too expensive jewelry or expensive clothes."

"Members of our mermaid song are not allowed to receive gifts from others in their own name. If the other party gives gifts in the name of the gift guild, they must keep accounts and enter the warehouse of the guild. But in fact, in principle, we are not allowed to accept gifts from others. So from today on, members of our mermaid song are not allowed to take anything from ordinary residents. If you want to take it, you must buy it at the market price! "