Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1270

Ariel was stunned. She stared at the white cat covering her mouth with a puzzled look on her face.

Napa seemed to feel that her actions were too much. After two seconds of embarrassment, her claws moved away silently, readjusted her posture, coughed and said slowly, "swear and swear, don\'t swear casually with the monster, okay? You humans, if you really want to swear, you can swear to your God of light. "

Ariel smiled, put down her hand and said, "but I don\'t believe in the God of light ~ ~ ~ if there is a god of light, how can he allow so much pain in the world? Besides, the Holy See of light is targeting me now. I\'m not in such a good mood to pray to them. "

Napa frowned and seemed a little uncomfortable: "then you don\'t have to swear to those monsters! You don\'t even know what those monsters look like, so you swear to them casually? "

Ariel took up her arms, looked at Napa with a very curious expression and said, "but for me, these monsters are the most real existence. Moreover, my base is in Pelican city. If those unknown monsters around do anything, my Pelican city will suffer a lot. Therefore, they can really affect my existence. I prefer to believe in them rather than in the God of light. But then again... Napa, you seem to have no respect for our human God of light, but you are very nervous about the monsters around you? What do you know? "

For Ariel\'s inquiry, Napa was stunned, quickly turned around in mid air, then put on a very proud look and said, "what do you mean to know? I just think you humans are too strange. I don\'t know anything else! "

Since Napa still refused to say anything, Ariel had nothing to discuss. She looked in the mirror, had completely removed her makeup, changed back into her old ordinary coat and trousers, rolled up her hair, and put on a habitual cap. Well, good! Ariel Garcia, if she wants to return to her identity and status and stand with those who have the same identity and status, she must first start from her own clothes!

"We have known each other for more than three years. Since you still refuse to say anything... I can\'t help it. ok There is still a lot of work today. Before that, let\'s go to work first! And the content of the work... Hey hey, let\'s start by reshaping the ideas of so many people in our guild. "

After dressing up, Ariel went out of the door, said hello to the guild members in the hall, immediately took her notebook and went out with a smile.

Before she went out, the cream beside her hurriedly put down her bread and wanted to drive, but she still didn\'t catch up in time. She saw the president of her family running out in a hurry without even waiting for a while.

"What happened to sister President? Why are you in such a hurry? "

Cocoa has put on her beautiful clothes again and plans to go out to work. But after seeing the president and the mayor running out in such a hurry, I was also a little confused.

Margo also came up, looked at the gate with her head tilted, and said, "it\'s okay. There\'s a vice president with her. It is estimated that the president has something to do today. Since the president didn\'t call us, we naturally don\'t need our help. Su TA, are you right? "

Su TA: "ah... Ah? Oh, yes, yes... Yes... The president has always been like this... "

Margo tilted her head: "what\'s the matter with you, Britta? It\'s been so listless for a week. "

Su TA: "I... I\'m fine... But a magician came to see my husband recently, so... So I\'m a little too happy..."

Dak: "please rest assured that your husband\'s illness will be cured. If you really can\'t... "

At the beginning, dak wanted to introduce some magicians from his father\'s guild, but when he thought of his identity, he swallowed his words before he could speak.

"Well... The president feels a little strange today."

Brad thought about it and said to Buffy on his shoulder——

"Buffy, do you think today\'s president is a little strange?"

Buffy nodded and replied, "well, it\'s really strange. It seems... Not so beautiful... "

"That\'s because our president didn\'t wear those clothes and jewelry today." Cheese, which has been busy all night, is now eating breakfast, with a pair of bleary eyes, drinking blood wine and saying, "she\'s wearing more like what she wore two months ago. It\'s old-fashioned and inconspicuous. Even if there is a natural beauty, it doesn\'t show much under such a cover. After all, even the most beautiful women need to have appropriate clothes to set off their beauty, don\'t they? "

Hearing the words of cheese, the people also woke up and noticed Ariel\'s clothes now.

But after understanding Ariel\'s clothes, the others couldn\'t help looking at their clothes and looked a little embarrassed.

There is no doubt that after the mayor of Pelican City dressed so plainly, it is obviously not a wise decision for these guild members to dress so brightly.

"Alas... I hope you forgot to wear it today..."

Cocoa had no choice but to take off the bracelet from her wrist and touched it with great regret.

After simply eating their own food, others went back to their rooms, put on those old clothes they had planned to throw away, put on their shoes and socks, and then planned to go out again.

However, Margo is an exception. Whether Ariel wears beautiful or simple clothes, she still goes her own way. She should dress up and wear jewelry when she should. She doesn\'t mean to ask for simplicity at all.

At first, the members of mermaid song thought that such an action would only last for one day.

But what they did not expect was that their president, such action and dress, lasted almost a month

In the twinkling of an eye, the day is about to enter October.

The original heat was also gradually dissipated at this time, which was replaced by the cool autumn wind at the same time.

Today, Ariel went to various farms, met with the farmers and discussed the autumn harvest. After that, she returned to the guild early, quickly reviewed the municipal construction documents of Pelican City, put the work aside, lifted her sleeves and walked into the kitchen.

"Ah! Mr. Mayor, what are you doing? I can\'t let you come to such a place! "

Since Ariel became mayor, on the one hand, to save time and on the other hand, to facilitate the cooking of prisoners, some cooks have been hired in the mermaid song. They come for dinner three times every morning and noon, and then leave.

But now, when they were preparing dinner, they were surprised and even more frightened to see that the mayor personally raised his sleeves and walked in.

"What? Look down on my cooking? Do any of you want to challenge me? "

Facing Ariel\'s beautiful and playful face, these cabinets were surprised and frightened one by one. Although they know that the mayor\'s character is very soft since these contacts. But anyway, the other party is also the mayor. You can\'t mess around casually.

Therefore, they can only accompany a smiling face now, and their hearts are obviously complaining.

Ariel didn\'t mention it when she arrived. She took a knife next to her, turned it around in her hand and said, "what are you going to eat tonight? Oh, onion with celery salad, chicken breast in sauce with special cheese sauce, and a glass of milk? OK, look at me. "

Unable to help herself, Ariel quickly began to operate.

Facts have proved that the mayor\'s skillful skill made the cooks around difficult at the beginning, then suddenly surprised and gradually worshipped! I\'m afraid they never thought that such a charming little girl could cook a good dish in addition to doing a good job in municipal affairs!

However, Ariel didn\'t completely let herself do everything, but while holding the spoon, she asked the nearby cooks to hand over all kinds of kitchen utensils, and then commanded them what they should and shouldn\'t do.

With this collocation, in only half an hour, the dinner of all members of mermaid song has been finished and stacked neatly on the table.

"Done! Well, well, hard work, everyone. Let\'s go back and have a rest first. We\'ll wash the dishes later. Ah, by the way, your salary will still be calculated. Today is my whim. Continue tomorrow! "

Hearing Ariel\'s words, the cooks showed a relieved expression one by one, smiled and said goodbye to the mayor, turned and left the mermaid song.

After they left, the guild members of mermaid song also gradually ended their day\'s work and came back one after another.

"Wow ~ ~ ~ it smells good!"

As soon as cocoa entered the door, she stood on tiptoe and smelled the food smell in the air.

After sniffing hard, the girl rushed to the table with an excited face and said with a smile: "sister president! This must have been cooked by the president\'s sister? Just look at it! I haven\'t eaten the food cooked by the president\'s sister for a long time ~ ~! "

Ariel smiled and let cocoa sit.

Moreover, after entering the door, his members began to praise the smell of tonight\'s dinner and sat down one by one.

Even the cheese opened the door before it was completely dark today, raised his nose and smelled constantly. Finally, he jumped down directly from the second floor and sat down in front of his own plate of goose liver sauce with honey (harmony) juice baked blood tofu.

Seeing the people gradually sit down, Ariel looked around and said, "by the way, it\'s rare for me to cook today. Where\'s the cassava?"

Cheese can\'t wait. He looks at the different food on his plate as if he appreciates art, and says, "although the girl said she was willing to join the mermaid song, she still lives with her mother now. The little girl always wants to live with her mother. We can\'t let her live here now, let alone eat. "

Margo nodded and said, "yes, but it\'s estimated that in another hour, the girl should come to us to get the task."

Tesla smiled and said, "it\'s a task. In fact, we take her around the city. In the final analysis, Mr. cheese took her everywhere. It\'s a small security force. "

"So what? I think the little girl of our night family has great potential. She wants to do things very much, and she is also very serious and cautious. I\'ve always felt that I\'m the only one who will be bored at night. Now I feel much more relaxed with her help. "

The cheese picked up his blood glass and drank it slowly, with an expression of appreciation on his face.

They talked and laughed, eating this delicious meal and exchanging their daily work and life experiences.

Ariel watched the people eat and drink. When everyone was almost ready, the mayor finally got up, knocked on the cup in his hand and said——

"It seems that everyone is very satisfied with this meal tonight. My craft... Has not retreated? "

Everyone\'s eyes turned to Ariel and raised their glasses. Tesla even shouted, "the president\'s cooking is unparalleled in the world!"

Immediately, the crowd burst into laughter.

Ariel smiled together, but soon she put down her cup, looked at the members in front of her, and said, "although I\'m unparalleled in cooking, I still don\'t think I\'m doing very well."

Margo said with a smile, "president, if you have anything, just say it directly. I knew you were suddenly cooking dinner for us now. You must have something to discuss with us. "

Ariel nodded. After a little meditation, she looked around the faces of these guild members and said, "everyone... Looks very clean now. Not only the clothes are clean, but also the face is clean. "

Originally, they thought that their president would still say some words about the action policy of mermaid song as before, but after hearing Ariel suddenly say such words with unknown meaning, everyone\'s faces looked a little puzzled.

Ariel did not let the people continue to guess, but continued——

"Of course, it\'s natural for us to do this kind of work and keep our faces and bodies clean. Not only do I, the mayor, want to be clean, but I also want my guild members to be clean. The body is clean, so that we can give people a refreshing feeling, and our work can be more comfortable. "

Cocoa looked around and said, "sister President... Are you... Inconvenient? irrespective! Now I don\'t smell it. I\'ll help you back... Ouch! "

Margo knocked cocoa\'s head and looked at Ariel. The expression on her face also seemed calm: "president, what do you mean...?"

Ariel breathed out slowly and said, "I just think of my origin. I never dare to forget that I was born a slave. "

Cream was a little puzzled. After thinking about it, he said, "president, what do you mean... Do you hope we don\'t mention it again?"

"No, just the opposite."

Ariel pointed to the cream and said seriously——

"I hope you mention it, and even hope you can mention it again and again. I was born as a slave. I want to remind myself that at any time, I must never forget who I am and where I come from. "

There were more doubts on their faces. Everyone didn\'t know what their president wanted to do. Even Margo, dak and cheese, who have always been very smart, frowned and looked at each other. They couldn\'t feel Ariel\'s mind.

In this regard, Ariel smiled faintly and said slowly, "I am an ordinary man born as a slave, who has no fighting power and no magic affinity. In the eyes of you adventurers, if I am not your president, I am a very ordinary village girl you can see casually on both sides of the road. "

"Maybe all the time, you think I founded the mermaid song. But what I really want to say is that I\'m not the one who can make the mermaid song this size. At least, I\'m not alone. "

"But from all of you, from all of you."

"It is precisely because of everyone\'s help and concerted efforts that mermaid song can come to this step and have all this now."

Hearing this, Brad probably thought that the president wanted to encourage everyone. He immediately raised his glass and said, "president! I have all this because of you! I admire you more! "

"Listen to me."

"Yes! I\'ll hear the president finish! "

After Brad obediently sat back in her seat, Ariel exhaled again and continued——

"The success of mermaid song comes from your joint efforts. You can see the success of mermaid song. Although I am the president, no matter how powerful I am, I can\'t do everything. I need everyone to help me and work together. In this way, we can help each other, unite as one, and do not rely on someone\'s heroic leadership. Such a mermaid song may not have the legendary brave, but it can definitely ensure the strong driving force for us to go all the way. "