Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1266

"Elegant... Noble... Exquisite...?"

Silently, Ariel whispered these three words.

As she read, she looked at her cuff again and at the little stain on it.

The foreman on one side obviously noticed this little stain. At that moment, his face immediately changed color! It was like seeing a terrible dragon suddenly appear in front of him. The foreman quickly stepped back, fell on his knees with a pop, and immediately kowtowed to Ariel.

"Spare your life! Spare your life, Mr. Mayor! It\'s a villain... It\'s a villain who didn\'t do a good job in cleaning the factory! Blame the villain\'s lack of consciousness! Please spare my life, Mr. Mayor... Please spare my life, Mr. Mayor! Mr. Mayor, I\'m sorry! Mr. Mayor! "

Compared with the foreman\'s fear kowtow, Ariel was also frightened by his current behavior. She quickly turned her head and just wanted to make a sound of comfort, but she didn\'t expect that she just took two steps towards the foreman. The foreman immediately fell back half a meter and continued to kowtow to Ariel.

With the foreman taking the lead, the other workers seemed to be infected. One by one, they all knelt down, with fear and panic on their faces, and constantly kowtowed to Ariel.

If this feeling had happened elsewhere, Ariel would have laughed at it. After all, I haven\'t said two words yet. Is it worth kowtowing and sparing my life just for a stain?

But now she can\'t laugh. Because these people are not kowtowing to other nobles for mercy, but... All to themselves.

It\'s like I\'m a villain who gives them food and accommodation, takes care of their lives, gives them work, and allows them to live such a good life... Instead?

"Why are you? If you do... I... I... "

When Ariel was surprised and confused, Napa, who was floating next to her, looked very indifferent and said slowly, "why? It seems that this result is very bad. I think you should get used to this life as soon as possible. "

Ariel was stunned and turned to look at the cat next to her.

Napa didn\'t care about Ariel\'s tension, and continued, "isn\'t it? You see, it\'s not a good thing that you, a girl with no combat effectiveness, can make so many people bow down to you, Chen Chen? To be honest, I think this feeling is much more normal now than before. You have your own identity. If you want to avoid misunderstanding between each other, sometimes maintaining your identity is the safest way. Even if you feel uncomfortable now, but after a long time, you will understand that such a practice is a common thing. "

Ariel looked at the cat as if she were looking at something she didn\'t know at all.

No... it should be said that Napa may not have changed from before to now. She has always been such a cat who thinks she knows a lot about human society, but in fact she only knows a general cat Warcraft.

So it hasn\'t changed.

So, since it hasn\'t changed, who is it?

The irritating feeling rushed to the forehead again. Ariel gritted her teeth and turned around. She ignored the kneeling and kowtowing workers behind her and rushed out of the factory.

At the moment when she rushed out of the factory, she saw the guard who had just hid aside.

Just for a moment, the guard\'s knees softened and knelt down directly. Like those workers inside, he kept kowtowing to Ariel.

"Spare your life! Spare your life, mayor! Sobbing... Spare your life! "

"Get up! Stop kowtowing! Look into my eyes! "

Ariel\'s anger grew stronger and she couldn\'t help roaring.

The guard looked up in a panic and saw Ariel\'s angry eyes.

"Mayor... Mr. Mayor..."

"Say! What did I do to you? Did you offend me? Why beg me for mercy? "

"I... i... I may... May... Have offended..."

"You have no place to offend me! So why are you kneeling now? stand up! Don\'t kneel! "

"No... no, no, no! Spare your life! Spare your life, Mr. Mayor! Spare me... Spare me...! "

No matter what Ariel said, the guard looked frightened, but kowtowed more vigorously.

Seeing this, Ariel twitched again at the corners of her mouth, turned and rushed out of the factory, running to the other end of the street without looking back.

Leaving the element car assembly factory, Ariel ran nonstop to the nearby textile factory.

She dared not stop, even afraid that once she stopped, something terrible would happen soon!

Napa on one side has been accompanying her all the time. At the same time, she is still looking at her with a pair of incomprehensible expressions. It seems that she is surprised at why this woman is so frightened now.

Soon Ariel ran to the textile factory. However, when she stood panting in front of the factory, the weavers were all shocked at the next moment when they saw Ariel! They stepped back and looked at the mayor with a very humble attitude.

"Mr. Mayor... What can I do for you?"

Seeing the same expression of these people, Ariel couldn\'t help getting more angry and hummed——

"What? Can\'t I come without something?! "

Just as she blurted out this sentence, Ariel immediately realized that something was wrong.

However, where can I take it back if I say it? After seeing the mayor\'s anger, the textile workers around, whether men or women, quickly knelt in front of Ariel like the workers in the element car factory.

"Don\'t kneel! Get up! You are not allowed to kneel to me! There are no emperors, no great lords, no great nobles! What the hell are you kneeling for now? "

In the face of Ariel\'s increasingly angry voice, the workers still just lowered their heads and knelt tremblingly in front of her, not even daring to take a breath of air.

That is, when Ariel now looked anxious and angry, the cat fell on her shoulder again and said slowly——

"You are the nobleman here. You are the only and largest nobleman in Pelican city. Who else can you kneel if they don\'t kneel? "

In an instant, the original anger dissipated under this sentence.

Ariel stared at the kneeling workers in front of her, at the fear and fear in their eyes.

Then she raised her hand again and looked at the little stain on her cuff.

Yeah... They kneel on their own.

Napa is right. She... Ariel Garcia is indeed the largest and most noble nobleman in the pelican city.

Once nobles like themselves express their "anger" towards them, even the most gentle workers who usually treat themselves will now kneel down in front of themselves and turn their worship eyes into panic eyes.

Is this hard to figure out?

It\'s not hard at all.

It can even be said that Ariel had vaguely guessed this.

But she doesn\'t want to admit it or recognize it.

Because she felt that she was different from other nobles. She was a nobleman who was really standing beside ordinary people.

But now when I think of it, my so-called standing beside them... Maybe it has always been just wishful thinking? For these people who have been bullied by the aristocracy before, Pelican city is just another aristocratic territory where "the aristocracy is not so fierce".

"So, what do you feel dissatisfied with?"

Napa stopped her head, patted Ariel\'s face with her palm and said——

"Well, stop worrying. Just put away your terrible expression. Just put it away and look at them with the usual smiling expression. I believe they will all smile at you. Aristocrats must show a gentle appearance on the surface. Come on, smile ~ ~! Don\'t you usually like to laugh most“

Ariel could only lower her head and think for a moment about Napa\'s statement, which she didn\'t know whether it was ridicule or really didn\'t understand.

Then, she gradually overcame the anger on her face, walked to a female worker with a smile, held out her hand, grabbed the kneeling female worker and helped her up slowly.


”It\'s all right. I\'m just running and panting“

Ariel put a smile on her face again. After helping the female worker, she looked back at the others and said, "let\'s get up, too! It\'s okay. Now I\'ll get you up. But if I let you up and you don\'t obey, don\'t blame me for really getting angry! "

People, look at me, I look at you. When they confirmed that the mayor\'s face was really smiling and no longer as angry as before, they slowly stood up.

However, even when they stand up, their faces are full of caution, and their knees are bent. It seems that they can kneel down immediately at any time.

For a moment, Ariel didn\'t insist. With a smile on her face, she took the woman worker\'s hand and walked slowly into the factory. After looking at the roaring element textile machine, she shook the woman\'s hand again, smiled and said, "Elena, how are you working in the factory recently? Any complaints? You can bring it up“

Around, the workers also came in slowly and walked around the textile machine.

The female worker was obviously excited when she heard Ariel say her name! She pointed to her nose and said, "I... Mr. Mayor, do you know my name“

Ariel nodded gently, smiled and said, "it\'s OK. I only remember my first name, last name and middle name."

The female worker quickly said, "I... my name is Elena lovich Changge forest..."

Ariel smiled and continued, "well, I remember it now. Have you been in my factory for nearly a month? Is there anything uncomfortable? "

The female worker looked around again and saw that there was no very frightened expression on the faces of other textile workers except a little fear. Then she said, "no... I have no idea... I can... Find a job in Pelican city... Accompany my husband... It will be good when he finishes his sentence..."

Ariel seemed a little dissatisfied. She held the woman\'s hand and felt that her palms and fingers were all wrinkled, which didn\'t match the woman\'s current appearance. It was like being a teenager for no reason. She asked again, "no idea? It doesn\'t matter. Any ideas, complaints and suggestions can be put forward. You don\'t have to be afraid of anything. "

Unfortunately, the female worker still shook her head and couldn\'t say anything.

Seeing that she didn\'t dare to say, Ariel could only take the initiative to pierce such a gap and gently said, "what\'s the matter with these hands? Why do you look so old? The skin is dry and cracked, and the palms look dry. "

The woman worker obviously didn\'t know how to answer Ariel\'s words. After hesitating for a long time, he replied: "well... Mr. Mayor... Your hand... It\'s so slippery... It\'s so beautiful... My hand is very rough. You\'d better not touch it... It makes you feel bad... I\'m really sorry."

Ariel was slightly stunned, but then nodded slightly. Instead, she clenched the woman\'s hand more tightly, turned her head and looked at the textile workers around. Then he said again, "everyone, it\'s been hard. You can really ask me. As long as I can do what I can, I can really do it. In other words, what can be improved in the work of our textile mill? Didn\'t you often give advice to me or Tesla before? You can also mention it now. "

These textile workers look at me and I look at you. Obviously, they don\'t know what to do now. What\'s more, I don\'t know how to face the mayor who attended the noble banquet in a luxury element car not long ago, wearing skirts they can\'t afford in their life and jewelry they can\'t afford in their lives. What else do you want to do now?

After a long time, the workers still had no response.

Seeing that they were all timid, afraid to speak or speak... Ariel was really disappointed.

After thinking about it, she said, "I ask you, do you usually do anything besides work?"

The workers were silent again. Ariel could only accentuate this and asked again.

Finally, a worker boldly said, "tell the mayor, we... No, i... I don\'t do anything after work, that is... Just shopping..."

If someone speaks, the problem is simple.

Ariel nodded and said again, "shopping? Is it? Good. Shopping can kill time and buy something. What do you buy when you go shopping? "

The worker thought about it, perhaps because these problems are not related to his textile work, so he said it more quickly: "shopping? Well... Just buy some food, then buy some clothes... Occasionally buy a goblin drink, or buy two cigarettes to smoke... "

Ariel smiled and gradually relaxed her grip on the female worker\'s hand, but she still didn\'t let go of each other\'s hand and continued to talk along the topic: "it seems that she has bought a lot of things? Is there enough money? Is life a little cramped? "

Perhaps it was because of the mention of "money", and the "money" of these workers actually came from the mayor in front of them. Just now, the workers\' relaxed expression became nervous again, their lips trembled, and hurriedly said, "enough! The mayor... The salary the mayor gave us... Is really enough! "

Seeing that he returned to the tense state just now, Ariel also knew that there were some problems in her way of asking questions. She quickly changed her way and asked with a smile, "ah, let\'s put this topic aside and don\'t talk about him first. Do you often go shopping? Do you often visit the central square? I think the design of the central square is sometimes inappropriate. It seems that many places will be omitted. But I am also busy. I may not be able to go shopping often. What do you think of the central square? "

The topic left their work again, and the expressions of these workers relaxed again.

Seeing their expressions, Ariel nodded silently in her heart and understood at least one thing - that is, don\'t use the identity of a boss to ask her employees whether they are satisfied with the salary. It may be impossible to get a correct answer at all.

Sure enough, after talking about the central square, some other workers are also eager to try. After all, some of them boldly said, "Mayor... Sir, if you can, can you... Can you make the central square... A little less crowded?"

Ariel was stunned. The word "crowded" was heard from others for the first time.

For Ariel, as long as she goes to the central square recently, there is no such thing as "crowding". And before that, she was still hesitant about where the stalls of flower goblins and blood clan would be better. It can be seen that the central square is generally empty and not crowded at all.

But now, crowded?

"What kind of crowding method? Tell me. "

Seeing Ariel smiling at them now, the workers exhaled again and boldly said, "every time... Every time I go to the central square and want to buy something, it will become very crowded and lively. Sometimes I can\'t even get in... If I just stroll around, it\'s OK, but sometimes I\'m worried about some rice flour, grain and oil that the buyer wants to use, but I can\'t get in all the time. It\'s really hard to buy. "