Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1267

Someone opened the chatterbox, and the workers next to him finally began to answer: "yes, yes, it\'s really difficult to squeeze in... There are always a large number of people in it. Even if you want to go in, it\'s very difficult. Many times you are hungry and really annoy such a crowded situation."

Ariel thought for a moment and saw that the workers were frowning one by one. It was obvious that they were not deliberately prevaricating. After a little thought, she suddenly thought of something and said, "you just said you wanted to buy food? And you said you went in hungry? When do you usually go? "

The workers paused a little and then said, "when are you going? Go after work. Sometimes I go on a Sunday when I have a rest. "

In this regard, Ariel suddenly realized a problem and said, "so you always encounter a lot of traffic after work, or when you go to the central square on Sundays?"

The workers no longer denied it, but nodded one after another.

If so, it\'s probably not your perception.

Ariel is the president of the guild and the mayor of the city, so she can arrange to go to the central square at any time. When she went to the central square, it was obvious that most of those hours were when others were working. Although I do occasionally go to see it on rest days, generally speaking, I don\'t often go when there is a lot of traffic.

In other words, Ariel\'s perception of the central square and the perception of these serious workers of the commercial area of the central square have a significant deviation in time.

Moreover, from their own arrangements, the central square should not be fully loaded, and the stalls should not be fully paved. However, under such circumstances, the flow of people is still crowded in a few small time ranges. Obviously, this is not a simple problem of the central square, but the working hours and rest hours of workers.

When you think about it, although Pelican city is still developing, its total population is less than 3000.

This also leads to the trend of diversification of some stores in Pelican City, but generally speaking, most of those stores are privately operated. In the evening, especially after the workers get off work, the shops will close one after another. Just like their own mermaid song, they basically won\'t receive any guests after 6 p.m.

After 6 p.m., when there are basically no consumption points in the urban area, the workers who just got off work can only pour into the only busy street of the central square, so this is also a congested point.

In addition to the above two points, I\'m afraid there is another place that needs careful consideration.

Pelican city is not a big city, but because Pelican city provides many items that are not available elsewhere, a large number of outsiders have poured in.

Most of these outsiders, especially businessmen and tourists, come and go. Tourists of these two kinds may be better to say, but businessmen often target those unique textiles, flower goblin crafts and cigarette products in the central square. The business hours of the flower demon spirits don\'t say first, but the business hours of the blood clan just start in the evening. Therefore, in the evening, especially before and after dinner, the stalls of blood clan and flower goblins will be opened, and businessmen and tourists will naturally flock to the central square, which will also lead to the increase of congestion factors in the central square again.

In other words, the reason for the congestion of a small square is likely to be the working hours for people, the underdeveloped small business in Pelican City, the influx of a large number of outsiders and the specific business hours of blood families.

Well... Just think about it, you will think that this is simply a problem that workers can\'t buy food, and so many messy troubles will be involved behind it

While Ariel was thinking, the workers were constantly talking about the reasons for the overcrowding in the square at night, and the voices of complaints were one after another.

However, when they saw that the expression on Ariel\'s face gradually became serious, their voice of discussion also gradually disappeared and began to fear again, for fear that their voice of discussion had touched the mayor\'s scales and made any mistakes.

"I see. It\'s a problem worth discussing."

Although Ariel\'s expression gradually changed from smile to seriousness, she took out her notebook, took out her pen and began to record it.

At the moment she opened her notebook, she looked at the records on the previous page, but found that all the records in it were about who she had dinner with and ribbon cutting.

Then I turned several pages forward. After a long time, I saw the records when I chatted with the workers about two months ago.

Seeing the date, Ariel couldn\'t help feeling a little ashamed. However, she quickly turned over her notebook and recorded her ideas in detail. Then she drew a box at the back to verify these problems one by one and see if there are any solutions.

As for those workers, when they saw that the mayor was not angry, but began to take out pen and paper again and write in that notebook, gradually, they couldn\'t help recalling the president of mermaid song who could stand with them, listen to their ideas, and then take notes seriously

Seeing that these workers seem to open their hearts and speak to themselves again, Ariel\'s anxiety is now slightly relieved. In other words, if you want to get rid of this extremely anxious feeling, you may need to do these things often

"Well, I recorded it. Anything else? Are there any other questions you want to ask in your daily life and work? "

With the deepening of the conversation, the workers said again, "mayor, we want to ask, where should we go to see a doctor if we are ill?"

Ariel thought for a moment. Her face was still serious, but not anxious. She said, "can\'t you go to Dr. Cora?"

The workers looked at each other and said, "Dr. Cora\'s herbal medicine room... Sometimes they can\'t line up. Sometimes Dr. Cora is not here. When we can see a doctor, the price is a little too expensive... After seeing a doctor, we basically put all our wages in a week. If seeing a doctor can be cheaper and more convenient... "

"And, Mr. Mayor! Although... Although the former mayor\'s residence has been transformed into a school, my children still can\'t go to school. Said the school was full. But I think there are so many vacant seats in the school... What\'s the reason? "

"Mr. Mayor, if we draw water, can we stop drawing water from the well in the central square? A traveling merchant who lives next door to me has a water magician among them, so they don\'t have to line up to fetch water every day, and they don\'t need to fetch water from the hidden lake. Can we drill more wells? Although the water of the secret lake is clear, there is no fish and I dare not drink. There are too many people in the well, so I can\'t reach it. "

"Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor! We... We are usually very tired at work, but after the work, you ask us to come to class at least once... I don\'t understand what Mr. cream taught. Can I not come to class? "

Once the conversation box opens, all kinds of problems begin to emerge. This also makes Ariel\'s notebook, which originally seemed a little thin, record all kinds of problems in an instant.

At first, she was standing.

But after standing for a long time, her legs were a little sour. She simply found a place to sit down and keep recording all the problems in her notebook.

Seeing that the mayor remembered quickly, the workers also worked harder and harder and began to tell all the troubles in their daily life.

Ariel felt that these workers all sat down beside them, told some small stories in their daily life, and listened to what their life was like under the leadership of those nobles. She couldn\'t help adding a little relaxed emotion to her heart.

However, when she was listening, unconsciously, an element car stopped at the door of the textile factory with a stab. The garden cheese jumped out of the car and rushed into the factory. When she saw Ariel, she immediately patted her knees with both hands and shouted nervously——

"Mr. Mayor! Mr. Mayor, why are you still here? You have agreed to go to the banquet tonight! "

Ariel looked up at the chubby administrator. After a while, she remembered what she had promised.

At that moment, she nodded, got up, looked at the notepad in her hand and said, "thank you for your valuable opinions. You see, although I am the mayor of the pelican City, I also need your help to manage the city. Therefore, you are the driving force that can continue to promote the development of this city! I\'m just a tool to help you make choices. "

The garden cheese is already on fire! But he didn\'t dare to come up and drag, so he had to worry about it.

The workers also got up slowly now, looked at Ariel, and seemed a little unsure of what the mayor said.

Ariel closed the notepad in her hand, and the seriousness on her face finally changed into a smile: "I will consider your opinions carefully. Of course, some of the problems can be improved now, and some are difficult to do in a short time. I hope you can understand if there are some areas that cannot be improved for the time being“

At this stage, these workers can finally listen to Ariel. Although the worship and fear on their faces have not completely disappeared, they have finally alleviated a lot.

Seeing what they looked like now, Ariel also knew that she had done enough today. The next thing was to nod her head, turn around and continue to worry about other things.

On the element car, the round cheese in front started the car and said anxiously, "Mr. Mayor! Although you are Mr. Mayor, you must be on time! I\'ll take you there now. I\'ll go now! It should still be in time! "

Ariel doesn\'t deny it. But when the cheese in front was driving, she suddenly realized something, lowered her head and looked at her body.

I don\'t know when. The suit she wore when she went out at noon has become dirty now.

In addition to the insignificant little stain on the cuffs, the white dress on his body has now become a little gray. Many places are even contaminated with some dirty wool balls, which are contaminated with a little oil and dust.

Now, Ariel couldn\'t help breathing out, recalled what cream said when she went out, and said, "go back to the guild first."

As soon as the round cheese in front heard it, he quickly turned around and said to Ariel through the glass between the cab and the rear compartment: "Mr. Mayor! Do you have anything else to do? "

Ariel smiled, raised her dirty sleeve and said, "go back and change your clothes. When you meet the boss of the chamber of Commerce, you can\'t dress so impolite? "

Seeing Ariel\'s words, the cheese, who had just planned to make a helpless speech, immediately resumed her smile, nodded and said, "yes, that\'s right! So, Mr. Mayor, let\'s go back now! Hurry up, hurry up! "

After the element car really opened, Ariel supported her chin with one hand and looked at the scenery through the window without saying a word.

Napa, who had always been with her, now slowly dropped down, sat down in the seat opposite her and said, "what\'s the matter with you? What do you think of? "

Ariel smiled, then stretched herself and said, "to tell you the truth, I thought I had seen my way ahead. But now I suddenly find that I can\'t seem to achieve that goal. "

Napa stared at Ariel\'s relaxed and leisurely face and said, "so... Is your smiling face what a person who finds himself failed can have?"

Ariel waved, smiled and said, "well, I just know my limitations. And more aware of their identity and status. "

Napa tilted her head: "what do you say?"

Ariel: "it means that I am indeed an aristocrat, and the fact that I am an aristocrat has doomed me that I may not be able to really achieve the statement that I boasted before that everyone is equal and everyone can live well."

Napa breathed out and said impatiently, "just say what you want? Can your human mind change freely? Can\'t one thought go to the end at a time? You\'ll have to change it later. You\'re not too firm. "

Ariel shrugged, and she didn\'t want to change so much if she could. However, if you realize that your theory is wrong and that your statement may not be in line with reality, you must change it. If you always cling to a theory and don\'t relax, what\'s the difference between those old stubborn people who don\'t allow women to own property and think that nobles are naturally more noble than civilians?

"Hee hee, I just said that I am not suitable to be a leader of the common people at present. Although my status and wealth in my hands decided that I could not really shout slogans and tell them to attack the nobility, I was excluded. But I can develop these civilians as much as possible. I want to tell them how to learn knowledge, how to strive to obtain wealth and how to protect themselves. I want to tell them that although I am an aristocrat, I am different from those aristocrats. Even if I wear beautiful clothes, in their hearts, I will always be the Ariel Garcia who can be on an equal footing with them. "

In this regard, Napa waved her hand and still seemed not very interested: "all right, all right! Whatever you say? I don\'t understand anyway. Just tell me what you want to do next! "

Ariel smiled, looked up at the street view outside the window and smiled slowly——

"Next... We have to start with rectifying ourselves."


Pelican city court.

It\'s a court, but it\'s actually just a two-story building.

As a newly established court in Pelican City, not many people know here.

After all, before that, the civilians here had no habit of going to court. Many people also feel that as long as they enter the court, there will be a lot of bad things.

Perhaps because of this, today\'s courts seem idle. The little girl in charge of reception on the first floor is dozing off on the table. Several stools placed in the corridor are now brand-new and beautiful. It seems that few people have sat at all.

If you really want to say that the most frequent members in this court are those flower goblins.

"(goblin language) sister citrus ~ ~!"

Five or six flower goblins flew in together. After circling around the door of the reception desk, they immediately followed the fragrance and flew into one of the offices.

At first glance, the layout of this office looks like a small mini forest. All kinds of plant potted plants are everywhere in the corner, on the table and on the next cabinet. These flower demon spirits even have to go through a small rockery before they can see the tree table growing directly from the ground, I saw the orange hovering in the air looking at the file.

The flower goblin judge was stunned when he saw his fellow countrymen coming and said: "(goblin language) why did you come in? Isn\'t it to be announced? "