Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1265

Then he raised his head and looked at the makeup on this face in the mirror. It no longer looked like the beautiful and generous girl of last night.

Well, it looks more like a rustic, a village girl, a woodlouse, and a rural woman who seems to be very outdated.


Which of yesterday and today is the real self?

At this time, Ariel sat at the table and even couldn\'t stand up.

She suddenly felt as if there was something wrong with herself.

Yesterday, the beautiful young lady was surrounded by many handsome boys on the dance floor

Today, sitting here, my hair is messy and my makeup is not neat. I really look a little embarrassed

Which of these two is Ariel Garcia?

Who is your real side?

Ariel looked silently at herself in the mirror.

But it was no use just looking at it. A moment later, she shook her head, simply combed her makeup, got up, went to the wardrobe and opened it.

The cupboard was stuffed with his own clothes. Most of them are beautiful clothes sent by Norris recently.

These clothes give people a new feeling. Just putting them on makes Ariel feel a little different from before.

In contrast, in the corner of the wardrobe, there are three sets of ordinary cotton clothes he has been wearing before.

These three sets of clothes come from our own textile factory and are produced together with those clothes in batches without any uniqueness.

After scanning the clothes back and forth several times, Ariel stretched out her hand towards the cotton clothes.

But at the moment when her hand was about to touch the cotton dress, she turned her head and took a simple and soft white skirt from the hanger.

After changing, Ariel opened the door and went downstairs.

I just saw the cream talking to cheese in the hall and said, "what time is it now? The position of the sun is not quite right. "

Cream looked up and saw the president come down the stairs again with a goddess feeling. He smiled and said, "president, it\'s one o\'clock in the afternoon. Have you had lunch? I\'ll let the cooks do some. "

Round cheese also hurried to the stairs and said to Ariel, "Mr. Mayor! You are really getting more and more beautiful! Hee hee, we have a beautiful mayor like you in Pelican city. You have face when you say it! "

Ariel snorted and said, "the mayor can\'t be a good mayor just because he is beautiful."

The cheese laughed and said, "that\'s right! But our mayor is such a young and beautiful lady. After all, people will still feel in a good mood! Mr. Mayor, according to the work arrangement, there will be a business negotiation activity of hyena chamber of commerce at 2:00 p.m. the president of their chamber of Commerce hopes to enter our Pelican city for business cooperation. Although it is said to be a meeting, the other party actually hopes to sit down with you, Mr. Mayor, for dinner, chat and contact. I was going to cancel when I saw you asleep. Now do you want to arrange it? "

Ariel covered her head, looked at the invitation sent by the round cheese and nodded gently. But the moment she wanted to promise, the strange feeling last night suddenly occupied her mind. She was stunned and said——

"When was the last time I went to the factory to meet everyone..."

Round cheese was stunned. It seemed that he didn\'t quite understand what it meant.

The cream immediately replied, "don\'t say... It\'s been about half a month? This period of time is really busy for the development of Pelican city. "

Ariel nodded, frowned and said, "I think it\'s been like this lately. HMM... I haven\'t seen the workers for more than half a month... If I hadn\'t suddenly remembered just now, I would have forgotten what the workers look like. "

"Workers? What do the workers have to look at? "

A puzzled expression appeared on the round cheese\'s face and continued——

"They just work there. They work all day, and then they work all the time. I\'ve seen it several times. They do some repetitive work every day. There\'s nothing good at all. "

Ariel thought for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "maybe... It\'s true. But I always feel uncomfortable that I haven\'t seen them for so long. "

Round cheese was stunned again. He took the invitation letter in his hand and said, "however, we still have this afternoon tea of the chamber of Commerce to attend... The boss of the chamber of commerce is willing to pay a high price to invest in our Pelican city... Mayor Ariel, although I know that all the textile mills belong to you, But sometimes we still have to take more care of the city. "

Ariel was a little confused about the proposal of round cheese.

But she soon understood that the fat man thought he only cared about the income of his mermaid song all day, so he wanted to see his workshop.

In that case... Ariel pinched the bridge of her nose and said, "well... Can you move the time back a little? Just put it off for an hour. You see, before that, you can take those chamber of Commerce bosses around our Pelican city to see if there is anything interesting to recommend to them. There are still many good things in Pelican city. What do you think of this? "

A puzzled expression reappeared on the round cheese\'s face. But a moment later, he sighed, nodded helplessly and said, "if you want to do this, mayor... I\'ll just arrange dinner. It\'s good for you to attend the dinner together with the president of the other party\'s chamber of Commerce. "

Ariel smiled and nodded. Although this round cheese may not be a person who can make up his mind about the whole Pelican City, as long as he defines a framework for him, he can still make achievements under such a framework. "

After letting the cheese go, Ariel put her hands on her hips and looked at her guild hall again. Then she nodded and said to herself, "OK, I\'m going to meet my workers!"


But when Ariel wanted to go out, the cream beside her suddenly said.

Ariel stopped and looked back. She saw that the cream was looking at herself now and said, "what\'s the matter? What can I do for you? "

Cream scratched his cheek slightly, smiled and said, "president, are you going to wear this dress to see those workers?"

Ariel nodded, "what\'s the matter? Any questions? "

Cream thought about it, then sighed and said, "well, anyway, it\'s just a look at it from a distance, it doesn\'t matter. Then please wait for me. After I put my things away, I\'ll go with you. "

Ariel seemed impatient with the caution of cream. She waved her hand, smiled and said, "Why are you so nervous? I\'m just going to see our workers ~ ~ ~! And I\'ve been meeting these workers before. Where do I need bodyguards? You\'re busy. I\'ll just go myself. "

Seeing Ariel\'s firm refusal now, cream\'s eyebrows wrinkled. After thinking about it, he finally went to the counter, picked up the cat lying on the counter mat and stuffed it directly into Ariel\'s arms.

"Anyway, President, you\'d better be careful. I can also rest assured that the vice president is with you. "

Napa seemed to be awake now. She opened her eyes vaguely, looked at Ariel who was holding herself now, immediately stretched out her claw, patted her on the chest, and meowed, "where are we going?"

Ariel smiled and said nothing. She turned around with the kitten and left the guild.


"Hey, I said, I was sleeping soundly. As a result, you took me out in one breath and at least told me where we were going now?"

As she walked, Napa complained.

Ariel put the cat on her head and said with a smile, "go and see our factory. The guy with cream is really. I and the workers are old acquaintances. I don\'t know how many times I\'ve seen him alone. Instead, he\'s so nervous now? What a joke. "

"Are you going to see those workers?"

Now that Ariel didn\'t wear a hat on her head, Napa was a little uncomfortable lying on her stomach. A moment later, she still slipped down, just floated forward together, and asked.

Ariel nodded with a smile: "yes, what\'s the matter?"

Napa floated, and after a slight shake of her tail, she said, "nothing. Just... Well, I just think your hobbies are really unique. Why haven\'t you seen them before? "

Ariel: "hobbies? What are your hobbies? "

Napa raised her head and looked in the direction of the factory ahead. Now, there are bursts of black smoke from the chimney of the factory, which is the smoke emitted after the magic crystal is exhausted.

Looking at the smoke, Napa said slowly, "I\'m an aristocrat who likes to watch civilians suffer. Oh, no, it seems that your interest is really OK. You ordinary human nobles will have such interests more or less. "

"What? What and what? What is a hobby that likes to see others suffer? "

Ariel is not very cheerful. When she woke up early this morning, this unpleasant feeling always resides in the bottom of her heart. She always feels that something has changed now, but these things can\'t tell where it has changed. Ariel always has a feeling that she doesn\'t know.

Napa breathed out slowly and said, "isn\'t it? You\'re a noble now, and you\'re still the mayor. Look at the clothes you are wearing. The whole person looks much cleaner. What else would you do if you didn\'t watch the workers working hard next to the element machine? By the way, I advise you to see them when you go to see them, but don\'t get too close to them. "

The more she listened, Ariel felt that there was an unknown fire in her heart, but she didn\'t know where to send it. She couldn\'t help shaking her fist and shouting, "why?"

After hearing Ariel\'s roar, the people around them lowered their heads, dared not look at her, and quickly fled around. In a few seconds, the pedestrians in the street immediately walked clean.

Napa was not frightened by the roar of an "ordinary" girl like Ariel, but said very lightly, "why else? Be careful not to dirty your clothes. Your clothes are so beautiful, so clean and light. When the wind blows, your skirts will swing around. There are oil stains and stains everywhere in the factory. You don\'t hide far after you go in. Do you want to use your clothes to help them clean the machine? "

Seeing that Napa was so ruthless now, Ariel felt even more uncomfortable. With a heavy hum, she strode towards the factory and said, "I don\'t believe it! I just went to see the workers. The cream is like this, the round cheese is like this, and so are you. Each of you seems to think I shouldn\'t see them at all now! Look, I\'m going to see them now! I remember the names of each of them. Where did you say it was so dangerous? "

With a spirit in her heart, Ariel walked into the factory area regardless of anything. There is no need to go far. Most places in the new urban area have been designated as factory areas. The people walking on the roads here have gradually changed from the original citizens to the families of the workers, or some other element cars and carriages transporting materials.

Ariel didn\'t want to. When she saw an element car assembly plant next to her, she immediately stepped in.

The workers stationed at the door originally wanted to reach out to stop it, but when he saw that the person who appeared was the mayor of Pelican City, he immediately turned pale, hurried back and shrunk aside, even a mouthful of atmosphere dared not go out.

Ariel did not answer the porter, but went straight in.

As soon as I entered the assembly workshop of the element car, a heat wave immediately came to my face! Then, there was a series of tinkling sound. Looking at it, the assembly workers were making element cars step by step. Some people are responsible for assembling the body, some people are responsible for fixing the tires, and some people lie prone to thoroughly and carefully adjust the power unit of the element machine. Everyone\'s face looked very serious and busy.

However, Ariel is too conspicuous now. Before long, someone found a girl walking into the workshop. When they wanted to make a noise to drive the girl out, they suddenly realized that the girl in front of them was their own boss. They quickly left the man in their hands and stood where they were and didn\'t dare to move.

"What? This is not the time to rest! "

Someone stopped moving, and those who hadn\'t noticed immediately complained. But they soon saw the mayor who came in, one after another changed his face, stood up straight and shrunk his neck.

Before long, the whole workshop stopped immediately, and everyone looked at the mayor with a look of panic on their faces.

"Hello, mayor..."

The foreman hurried over. He hurriedly wanted to wipe his oily hands, but no matter how he wiped them, they were still black and dirty. After hesitating for a moment, he silently put his hands behind him, calmly smiled with a flattering face.

However, the foreman didn\'t seem to be used to such a smile. The feeling of his smile made Ariel suddenly feel... Disgusting.

... disgusting?

Why do you think these workers are "disgusting"?

In the past, I was also a person who would personally do some dirty things and make my hands, feet and even my face black

But now, my first reaction was that these workers... Disgusted?

Aware that something was wrong in her heart, Ariel quickly gathered up her spirit, changed a smile again, and said, "how\'s your work? Looks busy. "

The foreman quickly answered, smiled and said, "yes, yes, everyone\'s work is very good!"

Ariel nodded, took her hands on her back and stepped into the workshop.

But she had just taken steps, and the foreman next to her immediately stopped Ariel in front of her with an expression of hesitation.


For Ariel\'s question, the foreman could only smile shyly and said, "we\'re... Dirty, don\'t dirty... Mayor, your skirt..."

Now Ariel\'s mouth twitched again. But when she just wanted to attack and raised her hand, she suddenly found that her cuffs had been contaminated with a little oil stain here?!

Strange, she hasn\'t done anything yet! He just came in and stood here and said two words. He even stood at the gate of the workshop and didn\'t go in! Why... Why is it dirty?

This dress is precious!

Although it was given by Viscount Norris, Ariel knew how expensive the dress was! This is excellent silk, excellent workmanship! It is not the batch assembly line of our own textile factory that can be produced, but a very exquisite, very elegant and noble

Originally, Ariel was worried when she looked at her cuffs.

But just as she wanted to cherish her money and this dress as before, an idea suddenly flashed through her mind!