Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1259

At that moment, Mashu\'s head was blank.

She was held and rubbed, but she didn\'t know what expression she should face.

Only after a moment, the little girl whose head had been completely empty showed an expression of "I don\'t understand, but I give up" and nodded gently.

"Well... I... just join."

Ariel smiled, pulled open the cassava, got up from her seat, took her hand, walked to the dining car over there again, smiled and said, "OK! Now let\'s go and see what\'s good to drink! Go! "

The banquet continued, and laughter outlined a harmonious and beautiful world.

The members of mermaid song chatted with each other, ate and watched the performance. Shuttling among these aristocratic groups, they also felt that they were integrated into the life of such an aristocratic upper class society for a time. Praise the beauty of life, life should be so happy and enjoy it~~~

"Beautiful lady, may I ask you to dance?"

When Ariel forked a small snack into her mouth, a voice came from the side.

Mashu turned his head for the first time, but he was slightly stunned.

What appeared in front of me was a very handsome man... No, it should be said that it was a male elf.

The slender body, elongated ears, a long silver hair, a warm jade like face and the pure green that reflects the light like a gem in the eyes, even a blood family such as Mashu, are instantly attracted.

Ariel was also slightly stunned. She looked at such an elf standing in front of her and said, "do you... Invite me?"

The male elf smiled, smiling sweetly and seductively: "I don\'t think there is a more beautiful lady here than you? Oh, don\'t be angry with this little sister. When you grow up, you must be a great beauty. "

Mashu stood where he was, and didn\'t seem to know what to say for a while.

After finishing the Mashu, the male wizard once again faced Ariel, held out his hand to her in a very elegant and standard posture, and sincerely invited her.

But while Ariel was still hesitating, another voice came out: "Hey, this lady has been my favorite for a long time. Don\'t you cross in like this?"

The voice came from the side and rear. As a member of the new mermaid song, Mashu must be vigilant and turn around quickly. But what appeared in front of her was another handsome human male.

Different from the slender appearance of the male elf, the human male is tall and strong. But his face is very clean, and the whole person gives a very refreshing feeling. In particular, the short hair, coupled with the handsome face, really feels like a person walking down in the painting.

The human handsome man also came to Ariel, held out his hand, smiled a little uninhibited at the corners of his mouth, and said, "dear lady, please dance with me. I\'ve been watching you for a long time. I\'ve also inquired about your deeds. I really admire Miss Ariel Garcia, the Dragon butcher. "

Seeing the human handsome man\'s provocation, the male elf said reluctantly: "do you think only you know about mayor Garcia? Beautiful lady, I wonder if I can invite you to dance and talk about some literary things? Since you graduated from laotengshu college, do you know the conservative teacher? I admire him very much. "

To be honest, Ariel has never been invited by two such handsome men at the same time since she was born.

You know, in the past, these men invited Miss Alice, and she was the one in charge of blocking!

Now, seeing these two people being so attentive, Ariel didn\'t know how to deal with it for a while. If it is according to the previous situation in the Duke\'s house, should the potato next to him help him block these people?

Thinking of this, Ariel immediately turned her head and looked at the potato next to her.

Well, very good. The little girl doesn\'t feel like she wants to help her block the frame at all. Alas... Don\'t think too much. The little girl is 18 years old. She will be stunned to see her handsome little brother

"Miss Ariel? Oh, oh, it\'s Miss Ariel! "

The two men haven\'t solved it yet. Another nice voice came from the other side.

Ariel rolled her eyes and turned her head. But this time in front of her was a handsome man in tights who seemed to have just performed a dance on the stage. He has long hair and a face that looks neither as gentle and slender as an elf, nor as full of rough and crazy beauty as a male human. But there is some softness in the handsome, and the figure belongs to the middle of these two people. It is neither too thin nor too strong.

The dancer walked up to Ariel with a smile, held out his hand and said, "I\'ve heard Miss Ariel\'s name for a long time. When I see her today, it really deserves its reputation! I\'m a little dancer who plans to settle down in Pelican city recently. Can I invite you to dance? See if you can ask about the registration of Pelican city registered residence? "

Three handsome men and beautiful men hold out their hands to Ariel at the same time and invite a dance!

Rao is Ariel, who thinks she\'s used to seeing the world. Now she\'s a little confused.

Yes, these men are not here to deal with themselves, and there is no disrespect for their words! Moreover, they invited themselves to dance so earnestly. It was really relaxing and happy that they were humble with respect and proud with a gentle tone and attitude!

Ariel felt that her face should be a little hot. She bowed her head and didn\'t know how to deal with the current situation.

Look at the Mashu next to him. The child is even more at a loss... Alas, if cocoa or Margo is not with her now, I believe it should be much easier.

"Then... Then... Dance?"

I really can\'t refuse, and Ariel can only accept it. She looked at the three hands stretched out in front of her. After thinking about it, she put her hand on the hand of the male elf and said with some embarrassment and shyness——

"You come first, come first, come first, then... Dance with you first."

With a smile on his face, the male elf, like a winner, bent down, gently kissed Ariel\'s finger and took her slowly into the dance floor.

At the same time, the last music of the symphony orchestra had just finished. After a little rest, a beautiful but soft music color came out of the hands of those artists and spread all over the dance floor.

The male elf lowered his head, looked at Ariel silently with his precious green eyes, and said softly, "excuse me, can you jump?"

Facing the silver haired elf so directly, Ariel suddenly felt as if she felt the burning feeling in each other\'s eyes!

She was stunned and blushed. But this blush lasted only for a moment. The next moment, the mayor of Pelican City summoned up his courage, smiled and said, "are you afraid I\'ll step on your foot?"

A funny smile flashed around the mouth of the male elf. At the same time, the music had passed the prelude, and he gently put his hands on Ariel\'s waist and moved the dance steps.

With the melody, Ariel and the male elf kept spinning on the dance floor.

His dance steps are very regular, even very decent. At first glance, we know that we have had a lot of training.

However, when dancing, the man\'s hands and feet are very respected. The hand on Ariel\'s waist just touched it gently and didn\'t go downstairs at all.

When the melody reached a climax, the male elf stood still and loosened her hand. Ariel turned around him and the skirt flew. The male elf immediately gently extended his hand and pressed down her flying skirt. The smile on her face looked gentleman and gentle.

"Miss Ariel, perhaps many people have praised your beauty. But has anyone praised your dance steps? "

While dancing, the male elf lowered his head and whispered.

Ariel smiled and said, "is it courteous? Although I was a little excited just now, now think about it, I may have some understanding of who you are. "

The male ELF\'s face twinkled with a puzzled expression and said with a smile: "Oh? You know who I am? I\'m a man whose heart you took away. Is that the answer? "

Although a little old-fashioned, Ariel puffed out a smile and said, "what are these flirting words of the age? It\'s disgusting. Who are you? Please come here and please me, right? Let me guess... You are the person arranged by the viscount. "

Hearing the Viscount, the male ELF\'s face flashed a helpless smile, shook his head and said, "no wonder others praised Miss Ariel for your ice and snow intelligence. I just danced with you for less than two minutes. You even know who I am? "

Seeing that she guessed right, Ariel finally let go of her heart, smiled and said, "not only you, but also those two just now? The Viscount sent you to please me? But to tell you the truth, you three are really handsome. If you were an ordinary girl, you should have been fascinated by you. "

After a pause, Ariel didn\'t turn her head and glanced at the Mashu standing next to her. Now she was caught in the middle by the two handsome boys just now. This may be a little exciting for the little girl. She sat in her seat obediently, just lowered her head and drank water with a straw. She blushed and didn\'t even dare to lift her head——

"Like the child of our guild, she can\'t even speak now."