Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1258

"I want this! This! And this! "

Since you can\'t help it, you don\'t have to!

The necromancer seemed crazy and kept ordering all kinds of meals. Unable to hold it in her hand, she simply summoned a dead soldier to help her hold the dinner plate, took a knife and ate happily.

Ariel smiled and said, "this girl has not changed."

Margo put her hands on her chest and said with a happy smile, "if this greedy ghost can become a ghost, there will be a ghost. Hey, cocoa! If you eat like this again, be careful to become a fat pig! Also, don\'t get your dead soldiers out. The eyes of others have changed. Put them away and I\'ll help you with your plate. "

With that, Margo came forward, took out a paper to wipe the oil stains on the corners of cocoa\'s mouth, and took the plate from the hands of the dead soldiers.

Looking at what they look like now, they really look like a pair of sisters.

"President, that..."

Su TA went to Ariel and muttered softly.

Ariel smiled and said, "go and do what you want without asking my permission."

Su TA immediately showed a relaxed expression, immediately walked over to some guests who looked like magicians and greeted them: "excuse me, do you know how to relieve the sleeping magic?"

After the women left, Ariel turned around, looked at the people behind her, and said, "well, well, let\'s play separately. Since people invited us in, they wouldn\'t want to use any crooked ideas. Today we should have a good rest and go to play. "

Tesla smiled, looked around for a while, and decided to follow Margo and coco over there. Cheese, Brad and dak looked at each other and left together.

Soon, there was only cream left beside Ariel and looking nervously at the hemp potatoes around.


Cream wanted to say something, but Ariel first said, "don\'t worry, I\'ll be fine. You\'ve been working hard these days, so take advantage of today to relax. As for my safety... I\'m protected by the night people ~ ~ "

As she spoke, Ariel stretched out her hand and took the cassava\'s hand and shook it with a smile.

Seeing the flustered face of Mashu, cream thought about it, then nodded and said with a smile: "you have thought of the president for a long time. All right! If anything, please take this. "

Cream took out a bamboo tube from the prop bag under his evening dress and handed it over: "this is thunder. If there is any danger, please throw it on the ground. I\'ll hear it. "

Ariel smiled, nodded and took it. Seeing this, cream went out for a stroll with confidence.

So far, the mermaid song that had just entered the door had scattered, leaving only Ariel and Mashu standing here.

Obviously, Mashu has never had the experience of leaving his mother, leaving his ethnic group and going to the human world alone.

I want to know that with this little girl\'s character, she won\'t wander around, will she? Looking at her eyes that are alert to everything around her, and her eyes that look scary on the surface but contain tension and fear like kittens inside, Ariel couldn\'t help laughing and said, "what\'s the matter? Aren\'t you happy to accompany me? "

Mashu was slightly stunned and turned to look at Ariel. After thinking about it, the little girl forced herself up and said, "I... I only have today. It\'s the song of the mermaid, member!"

"All right, all right ~ ~ ~! I know you are our member today. Since you are our member, shall we have a good time? Although you can\'t eat normal human food, you can drink some drinks to see if there is any liver food. Come on, I\'ll walk with you and see? "

Then Ariel stretched out her hand and put it in front of Ma Shu.

Mashu looked at the human girl\'s hand, and then looked at the strange people around. After hesitating for a moment, he finally stretched out his hand and held it.

Holding her hand again, Ariel smiled. This feeling is a little different from that when she brought cocoa. At that time, cocoa gave Ariel a feeling of some sinister and ferocious, but slowly she can understand the good side of the Necromancer\'s heart.

But the feeling of this little blood clan to her is completely a little cat who is afraid of strangers and wants to be strong. It\'s a little cute~~~

"Speaking of it, you\'re still complaining that I used you to act for that blood bastard?"

When she came to the table, Ariel took down two drinks from the champagne tower, asked the waiter next to her to put an olive and a cherry in it respectively, and handed the cup with cherry to Mashu.

Mashu held the amber drink up and down for a moment, stretched out his tongue, gently licked the liquid inside, confirmed the taste, took two gulps of the cup, and said, "that guy hit me, hit my mother. But that guy, now it seems that nothing has happened. He can continue to live just by apologizing to us. "

Ariel smiled and said, "so that\'s why she\'s angry with me?"

To Ariel\'s surprise, Mashu shook her head quickly.

"I know they were punished. I also know that there is a reason to teach them a lesson. "

"I don\'t want to join the mermaid song because of them. It\'s because you\'re lying to me. "

Ariel smiled again. She held the goblet in her hand, swayed slightly, looked at the liquid inside, gently touched the wall, then slipped down, smiled and said, "because of this?"

Mashu nodded very seriously and said, "in the past, the village head told me that human beings are liars and are good at deception, cunning and conspiracy. Therefore, I think, once you humans cheat, you are bad people. "

She lowered her head, drank the champagne, put it aside and licked her tongue. Then she raised her head again and looked at the glasses with many juice next to her.

Ariel took down a cup and gave it to her. Cassava took a piece of blood sugar from her pocket and put it into the cup. After the blood melted, she looked up and drank again. The sweet taste immediately made a little pink blush appear on the little girl\'s face.

"I believed you. I\'m sure you won\'t lie to me. But you lied to me. "

Put down the cup, Mashu raised his head and looked at Ariel. There was a color of doubt in his blood red eyes——

"So, how can I trust you? Which words are true and which are false? Will you lie to me again? Ariel, can you tell me? "

Finally, the blood girl confessed to herself.

Ariel sipped the champagne in her hand, thought about it, breathed out slowly, and said with a little helpless emotion——

"If I insist that I won\'t lie to you again, it\'s obviously another lie. I can only say that the number of your night people is small, so it doesn\'t need to be so complicated many times. However, for our human species, it is normal to cheat, hide and play tricks on each other. Therefore, I can\'t guarantee that everything I say to you in the future will be true. It only means that I will never make a malicious lie to you. "

Mashu lowered his head for a moment, raised his head again and said, "but even if your lie is not malicious, in my opinion, it may hurt me, right?"

Ariel was glad that the little girl could understand human feelings to this extent, smiled and said, "yes, sometimes white lies may hurt others. It is more likely that self righteous white lies may make things worse. This is something we absolutely don\'t want to happen. "

Ariel sat down next to a table, continued to shake the wine glass in her hand, thought about it and said, "in fact, you are not just a family of night. Although we humans like to lie, we don\'t like others to lie to ourselves in essence. Yes, we humans are such a strange and double standard creature ~ ~! "

"However, we humans call this kind of white or harmless lie not a lie, but a joke. Even though we humans don\'t like others to lie to ourselves, we can actually distinguish the nature of lies. "

"Generally speaking, we humans do not think that lies must be prohibited, but that we have low tolerance for lies that may lead to serious consequences. It\'s like two humans get together to chat. One asks the other what they ate at noon? Another man clearly ate leek with durian, but didn\'t want to say, so he said he ate green onion with canned herring. Although this is also a lie, we humans do not feel that this lie needs to be on the outline. "

The Mashu seemed to be confused. She stared at her eyes, full of doubts: "I... still don\'t understand. Can you humans... Decide what lies to accept and what lies not to accept? "

Ariel nodded, smiled and said, "yes, of course we can decide for ourselves. Because many times, we humans do not simply accept what others tell us to do and what we can do. It\'s about deciding what to do. If we think a lie is acceptable, we accept that lie. If you think it is unacceptable, then such people will naturally separate from the previous acceptable people. "

"The world is so big, there are so many things that we can accept or reject each other without forcing each other, but never go to any extreme. You can think about anything a little and see if you can accept such a judgment from your own point of view. "

"It\'s a little more complicated. For example, if the same lie is told by someone I like, I think it doesn\'t matter, but if someone I hate tells it, I think the other party is guilty."

"There is no unified standard for such things. It can only be said that it depends on personal likes and dislikes. If I say so, can you understand? "

For a little vampire like Mashu, the human world may be too complicated.

From a remote and closed mountain, from a small village with only less than 100 people to the human world where almost thousands of people gather, such a change is too huge, which completely breaks the little girl\'s previous interpersonal knowledge in this small mountain village.

She looked down at her hands kneading her skirt and said, "I\'m a little... Afraid... Your human world is too complex..."

Ariel smiled, stretched out her hand, gently rubbed the little vampire\'s head and said, "it\'s okay, even if the human world is so complex, you night people also have enough time to understand. Like cheese, he already knows a lot about the human world. Since he can, I\'m sure you can. Moreover, I don\'t need you to know much about us now. As long as you can understand and contact us a little, I believe that one day, you will suddenly find that you will know so much about human beings. "

At this point, Mashu finally breathed a sigh of relief. She nodded, looked up, her blood red eyes were full of determination, and said——

"I see, Ariel. I don\'t hate you. I like you. But I don\'t like you. Lie to me. But I feel that if it is no longer the lie of the last time, I should, can accept and forgive you. "

"Ariel, can you promise me that if you don\'t lie to me anymore, I can officially join the mermaid song."

Seeing the little girl\'s serious appearance, Ariel suddenly wanted to tease her. She simply said with a very serious expression: "well, it\'s really hard to guarantee."

In an instant, Mashu was stunned, and his face was full of incredible expressions.

Ariel continued with a serious expression: "you think, even if I promise you now, what will I do if I go back on my promise in the future? The most you can do is leave the mermaid song, but you can\'t punish me, can you? Therefore, I can\'t promise you that I will never tell you such a lie again, because I can\'t judge what kind of lie you can\'t accept. I can only say that I will not deceive you with malice. How about this? "

Well, the little girl\'s expression became tossed again. She couldn\'t believe it and even couldn\'t understand it.

"That... That... I... that..."

While Mashu was still trying to find out, Ariel suddenly stretched out her hand, put her in her arms, touched her hair, smiled softly in her ear and said——

"In a word, welcome to the mermaid song, our Archer, Mashu."