Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1260

"Hahaha, Miss Ariel is really flattered."

After sending out a light smile, the male elf lowered his head and whispered in Ariel\'s ear——

"But even if we can charm all the women in the world, we can\'t help you, can we?"

Feeling the breath coming from her ears, Ariel blushed again, quickly shook off her head and said proudly, "well ~ ~ ~! I have a husband! My husband is the second prince of the blue bay empire. You can\'t cheat women away from your highness ~ ~! "

Hearing this, the silver haired elf laughed again, nodded again and again, and said, "yes ~ ~ ~! We all know that Miss Ariel is the mistress of the second prince. But it doesn\'t conflict with my admiration for you. "

After a pause, the silver haired elf continued——

"When I first got the job, I was really shocked. It turns out that my goal this time is you, Miss Ariel Garcia! Do you know how happy I was then? I\'m your big fan. "

Ariel was stunned: "do you know me? I already knew? "

The male elf nodded again and said with a smile, "of course. Your behavior style is totally different from that of ordinary women. In my opinion, you really use your own life to create your own epic. Moreover, you also want to pass on your epic and let more people live like you. In my opinion, as long as I can meet you, let alone work for money, I am willing to come even if I don\'t charge money, and then personally tell you my admiration for you. "

Ariel curled her lips, felt a little happy, and said with a smile, "it seems that you really know for this job ~ ~ ~"

The male elf smiled again: "hahaha, Miss Ariel doesn\'t believe me? That doesn\'t matter. Compared with others, in addition to admiring you, I really fell in love with you. Alas ~ ~ ~ if it weren\'t for my identity, I\'m afraid I would kneel down and propose to you immediately, and then take you to our elf territory, and even honor you as the elf queen. "

Although such flattery sounds very false, it is very useful just to listen to it.

Ariel smiled more happily, but then she snorted and said, "marry me? Propose to me? Oh, sir, how many years have you been in this business? In terms of age, I\'m afraid you are more than my grandfather\'s grandfather\'s grandfather? "

The male elf was a little stunned, as if he were thinking about this problem carefully. When there was a gap in the dance music, he nodded and said, "love can span age, I believe it can also span race. Please believe, Miss Ariel, I read that your love is definitely not a simple and narrow love. If you think my identity is not suitable for marrying you... What about the identity of the ELF KING? "

The joke really became more and more funny, and Ariel simply followed his words: "what? Don\'t tell me you\'re the ELF KING ~ ~ ~ the elegant ELF KING doesn\'t sit on his throne and runs to our human world to soak up girls? Do you meet every girl who tells others to be the fairy queen? "

The male elf also seemed to be touched by Ariel\'s jokes. He couldn\'t help laughing. Then he shook his head and said, "Miss Ariel, you are more joking than me. Of course I am not the ELF KING, but I may advise our ELF KING to marry you. As I said, my love for you is not so simple. As long as you are willing to marry into the elves, what does it matter if you marry me? "

Ariel shrugged. "You elves\' morality is really strange."

The male elf smiled and said, "it should be said that our elves live more at will. This may be our advantage, but it is also our disadvantage. I don\'t know, Miss Ariel. Do you know the demon clan war thousands of years ago? "

Unexpectedly, the topic suddenly shifted to this place. Ariel was a little stunned, but then she thought that these elves had a very long life! Maybe you can find out something about the demon war?

"Yes, of course! We humans remember the war 1304 years ago! "

The male elf nodded and continued, "yes, you humans are really good at calculating this kind of thing. The demon family war thousands of years ago was ashamed to say that it involved the whole world because of the problem of our elves. "

"The elves are involved in the whole world?! What\'s going on? "

There is not much explanation about the cause and course of the demon war in human historical records, so Ariel is not very clear. Now, it\'s the first time I\'ve heard that the elves have led to the demon war! If you can write it down and compile it into a book, you must be able to sell it for a lot of money?!

No, it\'s not just about money, it\'s also about reputation! If you have a lot of fame, you can certainly make more people believe what you say!

"What\'s going on? Well... There are many complicated reasons, but on the whole, we should start with an elf who is determined to become a brave man... "

The genie assumed a storytelling attitude.

But he had just started, and a dance stopped suddenly. Since the music stopped, the male elf couldn\'t continue to put on Ariel\'s waist. He had to loosen his hand and smile. The look in his eyes clearly said to dance another dance, so he could go on.

However, Ariel looked at the other two handsome men next to her, but she saw that their faces were obviously a little anxious.

In order to make money, these people are really anxious

Ariel opened her mouth and wanted to talk. But at this time, three people came over from there and called Ariel\'s name directly after seeing her.

Turning his head, he saw no one else. It was Viscount Norris, viscount Ritchie, and a handsome man who didn\'t know his name.

"Looks like I\'m done."

The male elf smiled helplessly, finally released Ariel\'s hand, turned his head and walked towards the other two men.

Looking at his leaving back, Ariel always felt a little lost. But now the master here came, and she had no way to keep people. She had to turn around and look at the three people with a smile and smile.

"The mayor of Pelican city! President of mermaid song! Ariel Garcia! Ha ha ha! I haven\'t seen you for a long time. I\'m really glad you can come today! "

The first to speak was the Viscount Norris.

When the Viscount spoke, the Mashu who had just been fascinated by the two men and couldn\'t speak immediately recovered, quickly stood next to Ariel, resumed his serious expression in the past, and silently looked at the three people in front of him.

Not to mention anything else, just seeing Mashu\'s slightly sharp ears, scarlet eyes and white skin, Norris immediately realized what kind of person he was, smiled and said, "Oh, unexpectedly, the bodyguard next to mayor Garcia changed another one? And it\'s still getting younger and more lovely? "

Ariel nodded at Norris and said with a smile, "Hello, viscount Norris. It is also a great honor for me to be invited by you to attend this banquet. Viscount Ritchie, I didn\'t expect you to be here, too? I haven\'t seen you recently. How\'s business? "

Now in other people\'s territory, Ariel will not foolishly let others dominate the topic. Who is in charge. After a simple greeting, she immediately took the initiative to grasp the topic.

In this regard, Ruichi certainly does not think too much. He stroked the beard on his chin, smiled and said, "business? Ha ha, the business is really good! I recently bought a new boat and have some new business to do! Ariel, are you interested in joining us? It\'s very profitable ~ ~! "

Ariel nodded and said with a smile, "of course, as long as there is a profitable business, how can I refuse? However, viscount Ruichi, although you are doing business very happily, please come back and look after Pelican city more often? Otherwise, others think that Pelican city has no lord to take care of. Others will bully us casually. If there is a lord at this time, we can also town the market. "

Now, Ariel\'s voice is soft. Women\'s unique crisp voice, coupled with a little coquettish tone, was very useful to hear Ruichi in front. At that moment, he nodded at Ariel, then turned his head, stared at Norris and the handsome man next to him, and said, "yes, some people think that the Lord of Pelican city is not often at home, so they think that no one is covered in the city and like to act recklessly. It\'s better to take more care of such things in the future! "

Looking at Ruichi\'s eyes, Ariel naturally understood what was going on inside. However, this was not the root of the problem, so she was happy to take it as it was just a small matter. She smiled and perfunctorily passed it: "anyway, viscount Ruichi, when will you come back next time? There are still a lot of things in the city that you need to look after. "

Hearing this, Ruichi immediately frowned, patted his thigh and said, "Oh... This is more troublesome. You know, I\'m busy with my business this year. I really don\'t have much time to manage Pelican city. Don\'t show me a lot of messy affairs. I\'m not the Lord to run the city. I just take an identity! A nobleman with territory has more face than those without territory! "