Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1209

At this moment, rose finally stopped talking.

Flower goblins belong to social creatures. They always rely on the strategy of holding together. Therefore, even if there are more than 1000 flower goblins in such an ethnic group, they feel a little less, let alone continue to separate the ethnic group, and then send it out in teams.

Of course, Buffy is an exception to this topic.

After a long period of silence and hesitation, rose finally made a determination and said, "we don\'t need to go to other cities to sell in person. We can entrust others... Yes, we can entrust others. "

Ariel said slowly, as if she had been waiting for such a moment——

"So, who are you going to entrust? Commission fee... How much are you going to give? "

Now, this topic has actually been talked to death, and there is no need to continue.

Rose frowned, stared at the president of the human guild, and looked at the sinister evil intention contained in her seemingly innocent smile. After another moment of silence, he finally sighed helplessly and said slowly——

"I agree with Lord Ariel to take 40% of the profit."

"Hello! Why did you suddenly agree? "

The one eye on the other side seemed a little unhappy. He didn\'t turn his head and said to Ariel——

"We didn\'t agree! Don\'t think about us all of a sudden! Isn\'t that how to sell to Hanhai city? What\'s so hard about that? First of all, where is the Hanhai city? How can I get there? We\'ll sell it to you every minute! "

Ariel was really surprised. How could this vampire have such a thick skin?

But after a while, she quickly regained her composure and said with a smile, "well... Let\'s minimize the difficulty and how to sell it to the next province. Next to the marginal province are Tianhong province and diliao province. Among these two provinces, the population gathering place closest to the marginal Province... If I remember correctly, it should be Feige town. Just talk about how you plan to sell it to Feige town. "

One eye lowered his head, and after communicating with the nearby chain sound, chain sound nodded slightly, and Zhang said, "let\'s send someone there. Then, smoke, show them. Like, you did, like that. "

Ariel looked at the two blood clans with a very relieved look, nodded gently and said, "well, it\'s good. You can think of learning from me. But the blood clan suddenly appeared in his own town. I\'m afraid the managers and villagers of Flying Pigeon town will not choose to forgive as easily as in Pelican city? Even for me, it took the boss\'s effort to achieve our current harmonious situation. I want to ask, what are you going to do with your initial indifference? "

"Hahaha, don\'t think too much. The so-called indifference is not aimed at your blood clan. But any new product will encounter indifference because it is not familiar. Do you know how to communicate with the townspeople and how to have a good relationship with the local lords? "

Now, the vampires finally stopped talking.

They look at me and I look at you. It seems that they finally understand why this human girl dares to ask for such a big price.

After a little meditation, one eye finally nodded and said, "I agree. But I, request, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three. One more point, three more. You can, take a little more, but you can\'t, take more, too much. "

To put it bluntly, I still want to be average.

Ariel felt that her lips were almost dry. She had a meeting here all day. Now the whole person was a little dizzy. If it weren\'t for the benefit of money, Ariel felt she could fall asleep here at once.

There was no way. She lifted her spirits, breathed out a sigh, and said slowly, "please remember, at no time should we set up an equal share of interests in a decision-making organ."

Seeing the feeling that these people are still not understood by other races, Ariel can only say a little more clearly: "we all make money together and then share money together. It seems very beautiful, and everyone is equal. There is no much gap between us."

"But problems often appear in hidden dangers."

"The three of us are divided equally according to three, although the equal distribution of interests also represents the equal distribution of power and responsibility."

"This time, I may be able to convince you both. But what about next time? If the next time, when the three of us have different opinions, because the interests of the three of us are the same, in other words, none of us has more responsibilities or obligations than anyone else. "

"At that time, I can\'t even say \'I make more money than you two in this matter, and naturally I lose more money than you two, so of course I should listen to me\'. If one day we encounter another problem, and the three of us cannot convince the other two, it will naturally lead to the division and failure of our cooperation. "

"If you don\'t want to fail, someone must take responsibility. Make the final decision when everyone is arguing, and then others follow suit. Such a person who must make major decisions is certainly impossible and should not be a guy who doesn\'t make so much money in this cooperation. Only when interests become more important, people who make decisions will try to think of all places. After careful consideration, they will make the final and most rigorous judgment. "

"In this regard, you may think I want to make more money. But since I have chosen so much money, I should naturally take greater responsibility. This means that if you plant eggplant leaves, just plant eggplant leaves, if you pack cigarettes, just pack cigarettes, and please give me everything else. If you have any problems in your work and planting, you can directly come and tell me, and then ask me to help you solve them. "

"I think this is a healthy cooperation mechanism. What do you think? "

It can be seen that both sides are still somewhat unconvinced.

The flower goblins are holding their breath and have to succumb to Ariel because of their own objective reasons. This feeling is oppressive and there is no way. Now we can only agree.

At present, the blood clan next to them is in a state of speechless. They always feel that they can do it, but in fact, they also feel that they may not be able to reach a compromise according to the current situation.

This kind of thing is very normal. Even Ariel feels that this kind of thing really needs a little supplement.

She won\'t expect you to take advantage of what others can see at a glance, and then people will be grateful to you, and then sincerely serve you as the master and willingly provide resources for you.

In fact, she even feels that the two races are slightly dissatisfied now, which may still be a relatively healthy state.

After all, if they are dissatisfied, it means that they will find a way to solve the profits embezzled by the mermaid song because of the strong dominance of the mermaid song at the sales end. In other words, the two races will strengthen their involvement in the human world and take more initiative to contact the human world.

In this way, they will know the human world faster and understand the human world better.

On the contrary, if the two races gradually produce a method that can suppress themselves and then take food from their mouths through continuous efforts

Ha ~! That\'s great!

Didn\'t the teacher say? If there is no external pressure, many things will gradually perish.

It\'s too comfortable. Then one day, I suddenly find that something is suddenly beyond my control, so the next thing to greet me is to wash like a mountain.

In order to avoid being too comfortable and keep a clear mind all the time, it is better to set the two races you are familiar with as "competitors" instead of setting people you are not familiar with as enemies, so that they can help you become stronger and more combat effective in terms of business model.

"All right! We can\'t tell you, and I don\'t seem to have any other way to solve it at present! "

Finally, one eye gave up. After a long discussion, he and the two vampires finally took back their claws on the table. The two blood families sat down quietly in their seats, sighed and said——

"At present, it seems that your mermaid song is really important. At present, our blood clan can\'t solve this kind of thing. If you really want to get 40%... We have no problem! However, our blood clan has a premise! "

Ariel nodded gently and said with a smile, "yes, what do you want?"

One eye snorted, turned his head and looked at the chain sound next to him. The former village head, who seemed to have become a blood clan in fact, raised his hands, slowly pressed them on the table and said slowly——

"Demand, that is, profit."

"We, hope, profit, every month, fixed."

"Otherwise, how much you say, how much we recognize, this is unfair."

After the chain sound finished, the one eye next to him seemed to feel that what his companion said was not very smooth. He simply continued to add: "in your human words, we agree that your mermaid song accounts for 40% of your income. But we attach a condition that your monthly sales must reach an index. Specifically... We haven\'t figured out how much it should be at present. So -- "

"How about a thousand gold coins?"

Just as the eyebrows of one eye frowned tightly, the rose over there suddenly said a word. After everyone else\'s attention focused on the flower goblin leader, the flower goblin\'s mouth again showed that cold smile and said slowly——

"If you sell cigarettes a month, you must be able to sell 1000 gold coins. After reaching 1000 gold coins, the mermaid song can take 400 gold coins from them, and we and the blood family over there take 300 gold coins respectively. The more you do, the more you get for Mermaid songs, and the more we distribute. How about this? But if it fails to meet the sales target... Since Lord Ariel has just said that you Mermaid songs are willing to assume greater obligations and responsibilities, if there are less than 1000 gold coins, but the amount reaches 600 gold coins, it is that we and the blood family over there take 300 gold coins respectively. "

"But if you can\'t even get 600 gold coins, please ask Lord Ariel to make up for our insufficient amount and make persistent efforts next month. How about this?"

If you can, Ariel now wants to smoke the chair behind her and swing it directly into the faces of the two vampires!

Then he took out the pocket fire from his pocket, grabbed the flower goblin rose with such a beautiful face, and burned her wings with the pocket fire!

Moreover, she hopes to immediately withdraw her so-called whimsical idea that these two races want to force her to progress!

What is called self binding? This is a cocoon!

Which ghost just thought out to occupy more profits and provide more help at the same time? Who just thought that these two races could force themselves to make progress when they put forward demands? Which bastard put this bastard thought into his head?!

Oh, it\'s the teacher... Then miss Connor will die! Die for all the teacher\'s theories! As a businessman, you should make money safely and comfortably! What is the difficulty of making money? It\'s nerd nonsense! My teacher must have been teaching in the school for too long. As a result, the whole person was stupid!!!

Set sales quota? Is there such a terrible thing? Oh, in this way, the two bastard races only need to continuously produce raw materials and then make and process them into cigarettes. At this stage, it\'s over. Next, no matter whether their sales are good or bad, they all keep their income in drought and flood, and can earn at least 300 gold coins a month? Where can such a good thing come from in this world?!

This is stealing money!

Okay, okay!

You two races are brought back by the president of the mermaid song, and then teach you human rules, work discipline, and then the importance of money. Why don\'t you turn around and rake it up? The human world doesn\'t learn about the good moral qualities of gratitude and gratitude, and the kindness of dripping water should be reported by Yongquan. Other evil and terrible things are learned very quickly!

It\'s like the world is going down and morality is corrupt!

Ariel doesn\'t look good now.

Although she felt that she should have been patient all the time, the smile on her face was obviously different from usual, and her fists were squeezed involuntarily.

For the president who is now clenched with his fists, with a trace of strange smile on his face, and who is silent, the members of the mermaid song behind him are afraid in their hearts one by one. Look at me, I look at you, and one by one, they can\'t help taking a step back.

Similarly, the rose, one eye, chain sound, and even the round cheese beside him also saw the unhappy mood behind the strange smile on the president\'s face.

Although they do not know what the president is thinking now, this long and strange silence also makes the hearts of all parties begin to drum up.

Round cheese silently shrunk its shoulders, so I won\'t say this.

When Rose saw Ariel\'s smile and silence, her cocked legs, which originally seemed arrogant, were put down silently. The cold smile on his face was slowly put away, and he was afraid in his heart.

(is the request really too high?)

(no, is it really too complacent? Lord Ariel is kind to our family anyway, and has helped us many times. I was too complacent just now. Won\'t I really make her angry?)

(well... Maybe it\'s a little bad... Lord Ariel has always been so kind to our family that I almost forgot how she looked when she was angry... Should I be soft now?)

Compared with Rose\'s thinking alone, the two blood families on the other side are a little more nervous.

Chain Yin lowered his head and said softly in a voice that only their blood clan could hear: "(blood clan language) did we say something bad? Miss Ariel, does she... Think we are all a bunch of dirty bastards? "

Chain tone rubbed her hair, which had grown all over, and said softly: "(blood language) I just mentioned some methods that I thought should be used... Before class, didn\'t miss Ariel always teach us economics? I wonder if I can apply what I have learned... "

The complexion of one eye changed slightly: "(blood language) you want to die! Miss Ariel is good to us because she really wants to be good to us! And the bad idea you just made is obviously trying to put all the responsibility on Miss Ariel! Haven\'t you seen her look when she\'s angry? "

Chain Yin shook his head in confusion: "(blood language) to tell the truth... I really haven\'t seen it..."

One eye: "(blood language) you\'re stupid! Although I haven\'t seen it... But you think, she easily killed the blood tooth village, defeated the giant ghost, and even killed the human Ariel of the red jadeite dragon! Although she doesn\'t have much power, can you guarantee that she won\'t have any way to deal with us? What if we really annoy her and she starts to secretly trap us in all kinds of economic affairs? "

Chain Yin turned her eyes and asked tentatively: "(blood language) for example... Let\'s sell for her unknowingly, and then count her money ourselves?"

One eye quickly shook his head: "(blood language) I don\'t care what terrible method you think of. In a word, we can\'t really go too far!"