Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1210


Over there, Ariel coughed gently, and immediately brought back the roses who were thinking with a sad face and the two blood families who whispered to each other.

At the moment, the expression on the president\'s face was finally a little gentle. She raised her hands to hold each other, put them on her chin, and said after a moment of meditation——

"I see. Do you want to set the sales quota for me? If so, I also think we can change the rules a little. "

"Lord Ariel, our rules may indeed need to be changed, but they can be more gentle."

First, it\'s the rose over there. Next, as long as the three parties continue to exchange, and let the two contracts with flower goblins and blood clan write Ariel\'s name and seal, the contract will be established.

But at this time, cocoa, who kept checking the contract in his hand, suddenly had a flash of inspiration! She seems to understand something!

Turning her head, she saw that Ariel had taken the contract handed over by cream and was ready to write her name under the names of rose, one eye and chain sound!

Seeing this, she didn\'t even care that it was a critical moment. She rushed over and grabbed the pen in Ariel\'s hand!

"President sister!"

The hand that was about to sign was suddenly held. Ariel was a little stunned. She turned her head and saw the cocoa next to her.

At this time, cocoa\'s eyes showed kindness and compassion. She gently shook her head, as if to persuade Ariel.

Looking at the little sister\'s eyes, Ariel was suddenly stunned.

She lowered her head, looked at her hand holding the pen, raised her hand to cover her chest and felt her heartbeat. A moment later, the anger originally accumulated in his chest was finally slowly dissolved at this moment.

She took a long breath, simply closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair. Slowly, he put down his pen.

"President... Sister?"

Cocoa\'s voice had an inquiring attitude.

"You\'re right, coco."

In this regard, Ariel nodded silently and said slowly——

"I shouldn\'t let my anger get to my head, and I shouldn\'t do such extreme things. Thank you for stopping me from doing what I tried to stop everyone here a few hours ago. "

Hearing Ariel say this, cocoa finally breathed a sigh of relief. She slowly released Ariel\'s hand, turned her head and saw the confused flower goblins and blood clan next to her. After thinking about it, she said again: "then... Can I explain?"

Ariel still closed her eyes and nodded softly, but she didn\'t speak.

Seeing this, cocoa cleared her throat, got up, picked up the contract that Ariel had just planned to sign and raised it.

"Everyone, although you may think there is nothing wrong with this contract, you also want to sign this contract immediately and try to make money. But here, I still want to tell you that this contract is not a fair contract. Once we really sign this contract with our president sister, the result will be very bad. It\'s just... Believe me, the president\'s sister already knows this bad, so she will never do such a terrible thing. "

Cocoa\'s emphasis made everyone present feel a little strange. Not only the flower goblins and blood clan, but even the mayor of round cheese next to them now have doubts on their face.

"What the hell is going on?"

The smile on Rose\'s face converged, and she looked very puzzled in her eyes.

Cocoa\'s eyes swept over these people and finally fell on Ariel nearby. Seeing that the president sister was still leaning on the back of the chair with her eyes closed, she cleared her throat and began to speak——

"When this contract is really signed successfully, then next, you must make efforts to prepare raw materials and then make cigarettes?"

"Of course, our president sister will not doubt your actions or interfere with you. Then in the first month, of course, you can successfully make all the cigarettes worth 3000 gold coins and hand them over to our mermaid song. "

"Then this month, I don\'t know if our president sister really has any way to sell these cigarettes smoothly. If it can\'t be sold, it\'s also very simple. All the remaining cigarettes sold will be stored and sealed, and then the money owed to both of you will be taken out of the working capital of our mermaid song to make up for your labor achievements in the first month. There is no problem with all this. "

Speaking of this, the one eye on one side seemed to be unbearable and said, "in other words, your mermaid song won\'t do anything destructive? In that case, I think the so-called signing the contract will be very bad. This bad is only for your mermaid song. "

In this regard, cocoa slowly shook his head and continued——

"It\'s a pity that what I said just now is\' bad \'for your blood clan and the flower goblin clan. Please listen to me go on. "

After the two sides calmed down again, cocoa thought and continued——

"In the first month, you got your money smoothly. I think you should be happy to come? Then next, it will be the second month. "

"Although in some ways, the blood clan and the flower goblin clan can indeed rush out cigarettes worth 3000 gold coins in one month, have you ever thought that such a thing can succeed for one month and continue to succeed in the second month?"

"You guys, if you want to make so many raw materials and cigarettes in a month, you must be constantly catching up with the work, whether it\'s the sisters of the flower goblin or the brothers and sisters of the blood clan, even in the case of a serious lack of rest?"

"Of course, it\'s easy for us to sign such a contract now. I think you flower goblin sisters and blood clan brothers here don\'t really need to make raw materials and cigarettes? Even if it is participation, most of them are responsible for management. "

"That is to say, if you work overtime for only one month, other flower goblin sisters and blood families may be able to bear it and bite their teeth. But in the second month, when the pressure of shipping 3000 gold coins reappears, can other flower goblin sisters and other blood clans still maintain the strong working spirit as in the first month and continue to work tirelessly? "

"After all, a month can endure. But later I learned that this is not just a matter of one month, but the next two months, the third month, the fourth month... Maybe even when there is so much workload in the next forever. May I ask Sister Rosa and uncle one eyed that you can suppress your companions and let them still insist on helping you work without regret, No complaints? "

One eye and chain sound were stunned on the spot. They looked at me and I looked at you. They stopped talking for a while.

The rose over there also slowly turned her head and glanced at the faces of the sisters behind her. Obviously, their faces don\'t look very good now. Especially when I thought that once the contract was really signed, there would be no free time in the future. It would take more than 18 hours a day and 360 days a year to continue to do so without rest, these flower goblins began to shrink one by one.