Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1208

This time, rose, who was still smiling, the cold smile on her face disappeared in an instant.

Chain sound constantly searched his stomach and wanted to squeeze out a few words of human language to express his ideas, but after trying several times, he finally gave up and began to talk to the one eye next to him.

After nodding with one eye, he immediately said with doubled confidence: "there\'s nothing wrong. If we don\'t buy your nicktina, your efforts in the past month will be in vain. In fact, no one in the whole Pelican city is willing to buy your carefully cultivated niktina, except our night family? "

The panic on the faces of the flower demon spirits lasted only for a moment, and soon they recovered their peace again. The leading rose changed her posture and continued to sit down and said, "I won\'t sell it to you Naturally, others will be willing to buy it. "

One eye discussed with chain Yin again. After listening to a few words, the vampire nodded and continued: "no, no one else is willing to buy it. Because niktina itself is highly toxic. At the beginning, only a few of the leaves contained less poison, which allowed humans to experience this rich aroma by smoking. In other words, we are the only ones who can tell the amount of nitina toxin. If it weren\'t for niktina, who has passed the certification of our blood family, I believe there should be no courage on the human side to buy such things directly from you? "

At this point, rose immediately turned her head and stared at the round cheese mayor next to her.

The mayor is also interesting. Now he can only laugh with theout getting angry and making any judgment.

But not making a judgment at this time is a judgment in itself.

Since he did not immediately help the flower goblin speak, it means that human beings are indeed afraid. After all, no one dares to bet his life on the so-called weakened toxicity, right?

"Lord Ariel, do you think so?"

Facing Rose\'s inquiry, Ariel held her chin and thought for a moment, then said——

"Although I really want to help you, if I have to choose, I am really willing to believe that my natural nose is sensitive enough. They can guarantee our human security with the greatest. "

With Ariel\'s support, the one eyed smile became even happier. He immediately said, "there\'s nothing wrong, there\'s nothing wrong! We don\'t buy nitina anymore. The big deal is that our whole family began to be bodyguards in the whole Pelican city! Now human beings have gradually begun to be willing to contact with our night people. If you are a bodyguard, you can work harder, but you can finally earn some money! Ha ha ha! "

Rose\'s face is now completely pulled down, and even her voice seems a little gloomy: "(goblin language) in that case, you can toss it yourself."

One eye didn\'t understand, but wanted to know it wasn\'t a good word. Naturally, he stared at Rose and said: "(blood language) won\'t play with you!"

Words, of course, are cruel words.

Especially in such negotiations, if one side is a little soft, it will lead to an immediate disadvantage on its own side.

Ariel believed that neither the flower demon elite nor the blood clan should have been trained in human negotiation. Since I haven\'t experienced it, it must have been gradually explored during this period of contact with human beings. It has to be said that the learning ability of these two races is really strong enough. If it were not for the limitations of nature and living habits, human beings would not necessarily be the opponents of the two races.

But then again, if there were no restrictions on nature and living habits, could these two races still be forced to this extent by humans? Ha ha, sure enough, if there is a God in the world, then the God is fair.

Look at these two sides. Now it seems that both sides are in a posture of leaving the table at once.

Of course, this is just a gesture.

Both sides have already talked, so it is obvious to transfer the words to a third party, that is, the mayor of Pelican City, round cheese, or the president of mermaid song.

Look at the round cheese. The mayor is now just trying to wipe the sweat off his forehead. It seems that there is no need to think about who will be the breaker.

"Well, well, everybody calm down and sit down first. Don\'t break up unhappily."

Now, both the flower goblin and the blood clan have stood up from their seats and put on a look of leaving soon. But after Ariel had only said such a word, they stared at each other, and then sat down in their position again.

There\'s no need to poke it at this time, Ariel continued with a smile on her face——

"Let\'s sort out our situation first. First, it\'s Miss Rose. The flower goblin should have prepared a large number of eggplant leaves for sale? I think it\'s really hard work. Over the past month or so, I have been deeply aware of your efforts to plant eggplant leaves widely and try to reduce their toxicity. I also believe that the blood clan must know the difficulty. "

Rose and her flower goblin partner turned their heads and smiled at Ariel.

Ariel then turned to the one eye and chain sound on the other side and said with a smile: "similarly, I also know Mr. one eye and chain sound. I also believe that the blood clan must have spent a lot of energy in order to select the eggplant leaves that are as toxic as possible to us humans and roll them into cigarettes. I believe that the flower goblin can understand this. "

With Ariel\'s voice falling, neither side said anything, but remained silent.

In fact, this is also true. After all, there is not really any hatred between the two sides. Now the only problem is the distribution of interests.

Fortunately, Ariel felt that she could speak between the two races. Their performance of asking themselves to be lobbyists has added a little trouble to Ariel, but it is also a respect for themselves.

"Therefore, we all want to do this better, sell more cigarettes and earn more money. If more cigarettes are sold, the income source of flower goblins will add a very unique item. Ms. rose, if I remember correctly, the goods you sold in the past year were mainly various handicrafts, flower goblin special drinks, and many service-oriented projects, right? For example, go shopping with me, talk with me, eat with me and so on. "

Seeing that rose didn\'t speak, Ariel smiled and continued——

"You see, although these things can increase your income, they are still items that can only be produced on a small scale. You can produce handicrafts, but the quantity will not be too much. Although the quantity of goblin tears of magic medicine has changed from unavailable to available, it is far from meeting the demand and supply. However, service projects have a very large regional nature. You can\'t sell your services to other regions. The most is to carry out activities around Pelican city. "

"However, if cigarettes can be exported, I mean that cigarettes can be sold to other provinces and even other countries. In this way, your income will be far from the current figure. If you can charge even two iron coins for a cigarette, you can get two silver coins if you sell 100 cigarettes. If you sell a thousand, you can get two gold coins! "

"Please imagine that in the current Pelican City, a blood race mother and daughter can sell hundreds of handmade cigarettes a day, which is only a day. If such quantity and price can be developed to other cities, or even to Hanhai City, the capital of the blue bay empire with a population of millions, how much profit will it bring? Can you imagine? "

As Ariel\'s words gradually began to become high, the face of the rose over there gradually changed from the cold smile at the beginning. Although her smile is still so light, the flower goblins behind her have been counted one by one. After the calculation, the face of each flower goblin was filled with surprise and ecstasy.

Ariel didn\'t wait for rose to speak back, but directly turned to the blood group on the other side. She said to one eye, especially to chain sound, who obviously occupies the dominant position in the negotiation: "Mr. chain sound, Mr. one eye, I respect the interests of the blood group and your mood of wanting to make money. Similarly, I believe you must have understood what I just said. "

"I didn\'t want to sell cigarettes alone in Pelican city. I want to sell to other provinces, to the capital, and even to foreign countries. This can be regarded as a specialty of our Pelican City, and it can only be produced by our Pelican city and the cooperation between US citizens who belong to Pelican City alone. It can be said that we are the only one in the whole golden continent, and it is impossible for other people to fake it. "

"We are facing a market without any competition. It is a huge treasury where everyone can taste the delicious food! This vault is completely comparable to the treasure gold in the cave of your patron saint, red dragon and red jade. I can even say, "it\'s better than that."

"In the face of such a huge market, there are so many economic interests. Now, we are still arguing and threatening each other for so little interests. Is it meaningful?"

At this point, Ariel paused a little to let the two vampires look at each other, especially so that one eye can try to translate her words to chain sound.

When the eyes of the two blood families showed some approval, Ariel continued——

"Win win cooperation and common development. This is the first thing we should do at present. If we do not cooperate, we will lose such a big market and such a big golden mountain. If we don\'t seek common relations with each other and think about your race and my race all day long, we will become weak because of fierce internal friction before we earn a lot of money. "

"Now, if there is no opinion between you two, I think it\'s better."

Ariel thought for a moment and said——

"Flower goblins, blood clan, and my mermaid song, we created a brand called \'Cigarette\'. Then, the flower goblin family is responsible for producing raw materials, the blood family is responsible for selecting qualified materials and making cigarettes, and our mermaid song is responsible for promoting cigarettes to other regions to attract more people to buy our cigarettes. Then, the problem of profit distribution between us... The song of the mermaid accounts for 40%, and the blood clan and the flower goblin each account for 30%. I think this proposal is very good. "

Just after Ariel set the plan with satisfaction on her face, the two major races that seemed to obey immediately exploded.

The original convincing smile on Rose\'s face disappeared, and the expectation of one eye and chain sound for Ariel also disappeared in an instant.

The mermaid song members standing behind Ariel opened their mouths one after another, thinking that their president\'s brain had not recovered from his previous experience? Even the cheese mayor is now stunned. He doesn\'t seem to understand how the president put forward such an unacceptable distribution plan.

"Miss Ariel, this, isn\'t it? Are you mistaken? "

One eye pressed his hands on the table, and the scarlet color in his eyes became more obvious at night——

"As we should have said just now, even if it\'s 30%, we think it\'s a little too much. It\'s good for you. After a turn, you have to raise the price to 40%?"

The flower goblin on the other side shook his head and said, "there\'s nothing wrong. It doesn\'t sound reasonable at all. The raw materials are produced by us, and the finished products are made by those blood families. As a human, Ariel, you just need to sell those things. Why do you take the big head instead? "

Obviously, Ariel should apologize for her previous judgment.

Obviously, these two races still haven\'t learned the essence of human beings ~ ~ ~ unexpectedly, they naively think that in the process of commodity trading, the suppliers of raw materials and producers of commodities are the most important and should take the bulk of profits?

Alas ~ ~ ~ take back that sentence. Don\'t admit that the learning ability of these two races is better than human beings.

"Oh, it seems that you don\'t think my sales is important?"

Ariel said with a smile, her hands on her hips, looking very calm.

Rose nodded gently and said slowly, "adult Ariel, although I know you have helped us a lot, I really don\'t think how much credit you can make for helping us sell. If it\'s just sales, our sisters can do it. Even, we don\'t need to do anything, just stand next to our products, and naturally there will be people willing to buy them. "

The one eye on the other side also opened his mouth and said, "that is, our relationship with human beings has improved during this period of time. Cigarettes are very novel, and human beings are willing to buy them for a taste! Miss Ariel, your request is a little too much. If I say, I can\'t help but let you earn hard money. Your guild has only a few people and can achieve almost two achievements. Then the rest of us and the flower goblins will be half and four. "

In this regard, rose did not speak.

It seems that as long as they are at gunpoint, they can still reach a consensus ~ ~ ~!

Unfortunately... This consensus is not what Ariel wants to achieve.

"Miss Rose, Mr. one eyed, I can understand your mood. Well, I don\'t need to give an example, just ask you a question. "

In the face of this situation, Ariel seemed very calm. She held her hands in front of her chest, leaned against the back of the chair, raised her feet and said with a smile——

"How do you sell cigarettes abroad? Our neighbor... Let\'s say the hunter empire. How are you going to sell it? "

Rose\'s face sank slightly. The leader of the flower goblin lowered his head, thought about it and said, "the hunter Empire and the blue bay empire are at war, and it\'s impossible to sell them."

One eye and chain sound looked at each other: "where is the hunter Empire?"

Ariel smiled and then asked, "then lower the difficulty. How are you going to sell cigarettes to our capital Hanhai city?"

Now, the rose\'s face eased and said, "just pull things over."

Ariel nodded and continued, "good, so how do you pull things over? Do you flower goblins fly over with a hundred on their back? "

The cold smile on Rose\'s face disappeared again and frowned: "then... Ask you... Rent an element car..."

Ariel still smiled: "yes, the rent is calculated separately first. Just say I promised to rent the element car to you. Who of you drives? "

Rose\'s expression is really getting more and more ugly: "call someone... Drive again"

Ariel: "good. So are you flower goblins going to go with you? Otherwise, what should I do if the goods are lost on the road, right? "

Rose\'s expression relaxed a little again: "of course, follow."

Ariel: "so who follows? Miss Rose, are you? Now the speed of our element car has been improved. It used to be a month\'s journey. Now it only takes about ten days to reach Hanhai city. If the sale takes ten days, it will take another ten days to return. In this way, a month is basically equivalent to running outside all the time. The time left in the shining forest is at most a gap of one or two days. So, are there any flower goblins among the flower Goblins who are willing to leave the group and go to Hanhai City independently for a long time? Even if the problem of Hanhai city is solved, there are hundreds of cities in the blue bay empire. Do you intend to continue to send other flower goblins? "