Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1207

Although the flower goblin and blood clan strongly demanded that they try their own members and avoid the interference of other members in the specific trial, Ariel finally determined the trial system of the case in the name of "citizens of Pelican city", which can cover everyone.

It is required that next, whether it is a case related to human race, a case related to flower goblins, a case related to blood race, or whether there are other ethnic groups in the parties, the judges to be tried should be a judge Council composed of three judges: one celebrity race, one flower goblins and one blood race, Finally, the confirmation of guilt or innocence is reached by all three votes or two votes to one vote.

At least on this point, Ariel still thinks it\'s good to reach an agreement.

Of course, there will be problems in this way. The most important question is, who will be the judge?

The problem of judges on the human side is easy to solve, and even Ariel herself has worked out a predetermined candidate early.

The key is the flower goblin and blood clan. It\'s really a headache for these two ethnic groups, which were almost equal to tribal life, to choose a judge who can read these legal provisions and conduct trial.

Fortunately, however, both races have expressed their understanding of Ariel\'s concerns, and are willing to select a qualified candidate to the mermaid song as soon as possible, follow the judges on the human side, and strive to build this small Pelican City Court as soon as possible.

As for who the human judge is

"Choose a paladin. A paladin who represents justice, kindness, kindness, courage, humility and justice is of course the best choice. At present, there are two groups of Paladins in Pelican city. "

Ariel broke off her fingers, pretending to be deep, and said as she counted——

"There are quite a few paladins from the Holy See stationed in our Pelican city. What\'s the name of the leading Paladin? That guy? There are others... "

"Paladin? President, isn\'t there a paladin in our guild? "

At this time, cream immediately tactfully raised this sentence.

At that moment, Ariel immediately said with a sad face, "you mean Su TA? Well... Suuta is indeed a paladin, and she does agree with the character and ability required by a judge. It\'s just that the judges of mankind are elected by me. It\'s a little... "

Of course, the round cheese immediately understood. He quickly waved his hand and said, "Oh, President Ariel, you are modest! Su TA, I think you can! As long as she is recommended by President Ariel, it will be absolutely no problem! "

At this moment, Ariel could only smile and no longer refuse.

"So the next topic, shall we discuss it directly today? Or wait until tomorrow? "

Ariel looked at the paper in her hand and said.

At this time, some staff have begun to deliver dinner. In front of human beings is a bowl of soup, a piece of toast, some vegetables, fried eggs and some bacon. In front of the flower goblin is honey. Blood clan is very simple. The two vampires took bleeding candy from their pockets, stuffed it into their mouth, chewed it twice and swallowed it.

While eating, the mayor of round cheese said, "do you want to continue the discussion today? Well... It\'s so late now... "

Ariel smiled, picked up the bread, took a bite and said, "so I just want to ask you, if it\'s appropriate, let\'s go first. By the way, it\'s an excessive work for tomorrow\'s topic. It would be better if it could be agreed directly, so as to avoid too much trouble. "

The flower demon spirits looked at each other, and rose nodded and said, "I have no opinion. What about blood clan? "

After talking to each other, one eye and chain Yin raised their heads and said, "we have no problem. Let\'s talk first."

In that case, don\'t waste the time of the dinner party. Ariel asked the cream who was eating bread to take a document, open it and said——

"In fact, this topic is what I want to discuss most. It\'s about the distribution of benefits in Pelican city. Recently, the blood clan has a cigarette production line, so I want to take this opportunity to confirm all aspects of this production line. "

The president glanced at the document in his hand and continued——

"Mr. one eyed, I want to charge 30% of the agency fee. What do you think of it?"

Obviously, the price surprised one eye. He quickly said something to the next chain sound. After chain sound lowered his head and thought for a while, he also opened his mouth and said, "this, the price, expensive, No."

Ariel smiled and said, "don\'t hurry to say that the price is high. I charge this agency fee for a reason. You see, let\'s not say that I help the blood clan settle down in human society, even if our mermaid song needs to be responsible for mediating the problems between your blood clan and other races. Especially when the news of your settlement in Pelican city spread, I believe more humans will know you and know you. At this time, our mermaid song can act as your middleman. "

After listening to the translation of one eye, Lianyin turned her eyes a little, and then muttered two words with one eye.

One eye nodded and said, "even so, it\'s still too high. The output of our cigarettes is not very stable, and the goods sold are not many. Miss Ariel, if you ask for such a high intermediary fee, we can\'t do business at all. And I think, since you can give Mashu 10% intermediary fee, why can\'t you give us such intermediary fee? "

Ariel smiled, shook her head and said, "well, Mashu is my friend. So I charge this fee as a friendship price. If you think 30% is really unacceptable... How much are you willing to pay? "

The topic turned back to the blood clan, but one eye was not in a hurry to bargain. After discussing with the nearby chain tone for a moment, his eyes moved away from Ariel and turned to the nearby rose.

"Ms. rose, the leader of the noble flower goblin."

One eye shouted at the rose in a very polite tone——

"On the issue of cigarettes, we night people also have something to discuss with you flower goblins. This is also the main reason for us to attend this meeting. After negotiating with you, I can reply to the question of human agency fees. "

Rose sat down, nodded gently and said, "please, Mr. one eyed."

After a little meditation, one eye said, "we need a lot of raw materials to make cigarettes, that is, a plant we call nitina. However, the number of such plants does not seem to be a lot in your forest at present. Among these few yields, a large number of nitina are highly toxic. "

"So, I want to ask, can you flower goblins control these niktina toxins? In other words, can the yield of this plant be higher? "

The flower goblin leader thought a little and said, "do you mean that we want to increase the yield of this kind of eggplant leaves and reduce the toxicity in eggplant leaves?"

One eye nodded again, "yes. I don\'t know if you can do this. "

Rose slowly breathed out a breath, with a cold smile on her face, and slowly said, "this requires the improvement of this eggplant... But the improvement you require is not to directly change to another plant, but to carefully adjust its toxicity and maintain a large number of planting."

"We flower goblins can really make plants change in the way we want, but this change is not so much a fine adjustment as an extensive action like the mother of nature. To put it more simply, it\'s easy for us to make an open space full of flowers or grow all kinds of plants. But you asked us to grow a single type of plants with specific properties and specific qualities in an open space, which is beyond our magic habits. "

The one eyed face showed a little disappointed expression.

"But if your blood clan wants, I can give you some seeds of eggplant leaves and let you plant them yourself. What do you think? "


For these blood families, the word "planting" is a strange word for the first time.

After all, from birth to now, almost all blood clans regard themselves as hunters. It\'s ridiculous for them to experience what they work in the farmland and then grow.

"Well... I\'m not sure if we can grow niktina well. Our people have no training in farming... "

Seeing the hesitation of the blood clan, rose still said slowly with a cold smile: "it doesn\'t matter. You won\'t. We flower goblins can teach you. As long as you are willing to pay a little tuition, you will understand that farming is not so difficult. "

Suddenly, one eye was stunned: "want money? It also costs money? "

Compared with the surprise of one eye, the flower goblins on the opposite side were very calm and calm, as if they were used to it. They nodded gently: "of course, you want money, knowledge is also a resource. If you want to get it, you also need money to buy it. But please rest assured, for the sake of Pelican city people, I will give you a preferential price. "

Another discount?

Why are they all preferential prices?

And how does this preferential price sound so familiar?

Don\'t turn your head with one eye and the chain sound next to you. Look at me and I\'ll look at you. Then their eyes turned silently to Ariel who was eating over there.

Seeing that the eyes of the two blood clans were all on themselves, Ariel thought for a moment that they wanted to help them bargain. At that moment, she put down her knife and fork, wiped her mouth with a napkin and said, "Ms. rose, what is the output of your eggplant leaves now?"

Rose was very calm and continued to say in a calm voice, "I don\'t know the specific number. Those eggplant leaves are just plants we plant at will, just like other plants, just stay there. Before that, I didn\'t know that you humans and blood families would like this kind of thing so much. "

Ariel curled her mouth and said with a smile, "so since you planted it casually and you can\'t control the toxin and quality of these eggplant leaves yourself, how can you teach the two friends of the blood family to plant eggplant leaves?"

Seeing the suspicious smile on Ariel\'s face, rose exhaled slightly, and the smile on her face was still hanging. Obviously, she was not angry. She just felt troublesome that she had to explain more now.

"The planting of eggplant leaves itself does not have much trouble. As long as there is enough sunshine and enough water, they will grow naturally. But you also said that you have requirements for the quality of eggplant leaves. "

"If so, you must have a deep and detailed understanding of these eggplant leaves. My people need to talk to these plants, and then apply a little different magic to their roots, stems, leaves and other parts one by one to fine tune them again and again. In this way, you may be able to produce a large number of eggplant leaves that meet your requirements. "

"But in this way, our people will spend a lot of time on this. Until these eggplant leaves produce seeds, and then plant these flower seeds to confirm that the quality of the new generation of eggplant leaves is still so good or higher. In this way, the third batch of flower seeds can be used as formal eggplant leaf seeds and handed over to these blood families. "

"In this process, we flower demon essence spent a lot of effort. I think from this point of view, it\'s not too much for us to ask for a little fee. "

Ariel thought with her mouth closed and continued, "how long will it take?"

Rose\'s eyebrows are finally wrinkled. She gently bit her lower lip and said, "it will take at least a month."

Ariel breathed out: "a month... But we have run out of production now. Can\'t we sell cigarettes in the next month?"

Hearing that the raw materials are out of stock, the one eye and chain sound of the manufacturer also look ugly.

If these manufacturers can\'t ship, Ariel, the guild that controls the sales end, may have no money to make

"Of course, it will take at least a month. Therefore, my group began to develop improved eggplant leaves as early as when Lord Ariel asked these blood families to sell cigarettes. Fortunately, yesterday, we finally cultivated stable and qualified flower seeds, which can be fixed for shipment. "

Dong, one eye almost turned directly under the table!

Then, the vampire pressed the table with a sad face and said loudly, "rose, you\'re not fun. Just now you said there was no goods, but now there are goods again? What on earth do you mean? "

Facing the roar of the blood clan, Rose\'s expression was still so indifferent and pure, and said slowly: "I just want to express the difficulty of our work. If you have an opinion, you can not buy from me. "


Just when one eye wanted to get angry, the chain sound nearby quickly pulled him and comforted him constantly.

Rose continued, "now, we have goods here. According to the requirements of the blood group, we can also more carefully adjust the concentration of toxins in eggplant leaves, and even produce several different flavors of eggplant leaves. There are light fragrance, strong fragrance, and even rose fragrance or cool mint flavor. However, it is still very difficult to cultivate these varieties with unique properties. If you want to buy goods, you have to pay more. "

Looking at the flower goblin who is so philistine now, let alone others, even the round cheese mayor has stopped eating now, and can only stare at her calm and calm way of asking for money.

A moment later, he turned to look at Ariel next to him, but Ariel shrugged, showed a sense of helplessness, and continued to eat.

"You mean... You don\'t agree to sow for us? Will not teach us to plant? "

A little embarrassed color appeared on the one eyed face, and the tone began to appear a little impatient.

Seeing one eyed impatience, rose, they are even less worried. The leader of the flower goblin even raised his legs slightly on the back of the chair, put his hand around him, and said in a very relaxed attitude: "no, we will teach you if you want to learn to plant. It\'s just that we provide the seeds every time. In order to avoid that we didn\'t remind you, if we provide seeds, we will give you a variety with strong aroma but no way to seed. But on the whole, it\'s still a little cheaper than what you asked us to buy. "

Now, all the roads are blocked. If you want to make money, make it clear that you need to import eggplant leaves from flower goblins. If you don\'t want to import eggplant leaves and plant seeds by yourself, it\'s actually no different from doing long-term work, isn\'t it?

Seeing that one eye was a little impatient now, Ariel thought for a moment and planned to intervene with a voice in the spirit of mutual cooperation among the citizens of the city.

But just as she was about to speak, she heard another voice nearby.

"What if we don\'t buy it?"

It was no one else who spoke, but the chain sound that looked gloomy.

The vampire now looks like a long middle-aged man in his forties with strange hands and feet. His hair covered a small part of his face, making him look more gloomy and scary.

The former blood clan village head now raised his head slightly, looked at the rose over there, and continued to say in the half familiar human language: "if we don\'t do your business. Your efforts in the past month have all been abandoned, haven\'t you? "