Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1206

Ariel clapped her hand, smiled and said, "that\'s true. Compared with the two ethnic groups, our human territory is too broad. If we only rely on oral admonition, many things can\'t be conveyed in time."

Rose nodded and continued, "moreover, there is no theft in our family. The sisters help and cooperate with each other. You can ask me for anything you want, and I can ask you for anything I have. Generally speaking, our whole flower goblins actually come from the same mother. We are all the daughters of the same mother, regardless of each other. Therefore, we don\'t have what you call law. So relatively speaking, if we are required to abide by the laws of your human beings, we think it doesn\'t matter. "

"However, if you human beings think that this law is too simple for our flower goblins and want to increase our responsibilities, on behalf of my ethnic group, I can\'t agree."

So far, the innate faint smile on Rose\'s face has disappeared. It can be seen that the flower goblin is now very serious.

Round cheese seemed a little nervous. He scratched his Mediterranean head and said, "well... If you don\'t want to accept... This... What can you do?"

"What\'s so strange about this? Isn\'t it for these things that we gather and discuss with each other?"

At this time, Ariel smiled and began to round the scene to ease the atmosphere here. She turned her head and said to the two blood families over there——

"Mr. one eyed, Mr. Lianyin, if you think it\'s not enough to cut off your hands, you can cut off your feet. It seems that your punishment has been increased, but I still want to say that what we need to formulate now is a set of rules that will appear equal to all our ethnic groups. It can\'t be that members of our three races will lead to different results after doing the same thing. This in itself is a division, and it will create a sense of separation between our three races. "

At this point, Ariel reached out her hand and greeted the back. The cream behind her immediately took out a book and put it in her hand. She opened it, looked at one of the pages and said with a smile——

"Just like a few days ago, when I visited Pelican City, I saw a very interesting combination. A blood group woman and a celebrity group woman went shopping together. I thought it was just the two of them at that time, but later I found that there was a flower goblin on the shoulder of the blood woman. So it\'s a matter for the three races to travel together. "

"Well, since we can travel together among the three races, think about it. What if three members of our three races gather together and plan to steal together?"

Ariel flicked the document in her hand and said with a smile, "as a result, human thieves were cut off their hands, tattooed on their faces and exiled. Human hands can\'t heal for life. From then on, their viability is worrying, and they may die soon. Flower goblins are lighter. Because their face is too small, they don\'t need to stab and cut off their hands. But because of the natural magic affinity of the flower goblin, even if he lost his hands, the flower goblin thief can live well, which may be a little inconvenient. In the end, even if the blood thieves cut off their hands and feet, even if their faces were destroyed, they scratched them fiercely with a knife, but as long as it takes a period of time, they can completely heal and return to their previous life unharmed. "

"At first glance, it seems that the punishment for blood clan is more serious, but in fact, the punishment for blood clan thieves is the lightest. Over time, I\'m afraid this kind of thing is not just that we humans can\'t bear it. When we see the same thief on the flower goblin side, it seems that one of them has not been punished at all, which will also produce uncomfortable psychology. "

After hearing Ariel\'s analysis, the rose over there couldn\'t help but tilt her head, frown and think about this problem a little.

Compared with before, she only benchmarked flower goblins with humans, now she seems to be more concerned about how to deal with the blood clan.

The one eyed eyebrow was frowned now, and he stopped talking. Not only did he not speak, he also began to turn his head and look at the chain sound next to him.

After a moment of silence, the gloomy looking vampire turned his head and said something to one eye. One eye nodded gently and said again, "so, what do you humans think is a good way to deal with it?"

Cheese exhaled and said, "so, I just want to ask everyone here, do you have any good ideas? Well... We can\'t just make suggestions, can we? I just want to ask, do you have any methods that you think can treat equally... "

Seeing that everyone\'s eyes were focused on themselves, the one eyed hand gently knocked on the table and said, "we have an idea. Since you humans think that imposing physical punishment on us can not achieve the purpose of punishing us... How about not imposing such punishment at all? If you do anything wrong in the future, you\'ll lock it up. "

Ariel was slightly stunned and said, "you mean... Not cutting hands and feet? All just locked up? "

One eye nodded again and continued, "there\'s nothing wrong. It happens that our night clan has a magic array that can hold our compatriots. I believe your Terrans and the flower goblins over there should have something similar? "

Rose also gently nodded her head and answered: "we also have flower goblins. If we just trap our flower goblins and don\'t let her leave and move freely, there are at least ten kinds of magic of this kind."

One eye exhaled again, turned to look at Ariel nearby and said, "so how about this? In the future, if you steal anything, how about 30 years for those with more than one silver coin and less than three gold coins, 50 years for those with more than three gold coins and less than ten gold coins, and 50 years for those with more than ten gold coins? "

Originally, Ariel was very interested in the penalty of Exempting the punishment of breaking hands and feet and stabbing words on her face. However, after hearing this number of years, she immediately felt that the whole person was not good. She quickly waved her hand and said, "wait, wait, wait, Mr. one eyed, I appreciate your idea, I also think it may sound good to stop cutting people\'s hands and feet... Looking back carefully, when I was a child, I often saw people being broken or even killed just because they made some small mistakes. I agree with both hands that corporal punishment will no longer be imposed, but only the restriction of life freedom. Just... "

She raised her head, smiled awkwardly and said, "just, is there something wrong with this age?"

The rose on the other side immediately said, "why, is it too short? That\'s true. Maybe we can lengthen the time... Otherwise, the punishment of a flower grave will pass, which is equal to no punishment... "

Now, the round cheese on the other side twitched.

Ariel continued to wave her hand and said, "shrink a little! How about one year, three years, five years and more? I Know! I know that in this way, for the blood clan and the flower goblin clan, it\'s almost the same as not doing anything in the past one or two years. It\'s no punishment at all. But this is already a strong punishment for us humans! "

When Ariel said this, the cheese over there disagreed. After a little discussion with the participants nearby, he said: "President Ariel, I also agree to abolish the corporal punishment, just to limit the freedom of life. But in this way, don\'t you think it\'s too harsh for us humans? They spend such a long life on goblins and blood families... "

Ariel shook her head and said with a smile, "they do live a long life, but our economy is also developing very fast ~ ~!"

The president turned his head, looked at the blood clan and flower demon Spirit present and said, "these short years may be just a moment for you two, but our Pelican city is developing. I believe this year\'s Pelican city and the pelican town of the previous two years are two completely different worlds. I don\'t think if a blood clan or flower goblin clan can easily appear in Pelican City three years later after being imprisoned for three years, and then continue to live as if nothing had happened. "

Ariel said very seriously, "what determines the value of time is not the so-called life, but experience. Even if you live forever, even if you live a little longer than the two people here, you can live thousands of years, thousands of years, but these thousands of years are all confined to a narrow space, and there is no way to keep up with our development speed, then I think there is no difference between these thousands of years and not living at all. "

Round cheese said, but Ariel, after discussing with the Council members next to him, he finally nodded and said, "in that case, we don\'t have any opinions. After all, we all believe in President Ariel. "

Seeing this, Ariel finally breathed out, nodded, smiled and said, "then we decided to replace corporal punishment with punishment restricting freedom. And this set of punishment will be our three races... No, it should be said that it is the common punishment in Pelican City, without distinguishing any race. According to this idea, let\'s continue to draft the next law. "

On this day, from the early morning to the evening, there were two breaks on the way, so that the two blood families hid in an airtight room in the afternoon when the sun was strongest, and slept a little. In addition, such legal disputes were carried out at other times, so as to delimit the power between each other and formulate a law that can be accepted by all people.