Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1205

Take a deep breath... Yes, just take a deep breath and relax your spirit.

After all, it\'s easy to be mentally tired under this hot and dry weather. Relax well, and then drink a glass of cold water with ice to refresh yourself. The whole person will get better.

Ariel took a drink from the cup at hand, put it down and looked at the people in front of her again.

Now, she is not in her guild hall.

Now she is sitting in the conference room of the pelican city government hall, discussing the next things about the whole Pelican city. And these discussions will determine a lot of things... About money, and the distribution of benefits.

"First of all, I would like to thank you for your willingness to attend this meeting. For this Quartet meeting, under the leadership of Ariel, President of mermaid song, we can finally hold it smoothly. "

As the nominal mayor of the whole Pelican City, the spirit of round cheese still seems a little nervous.

However, he seems to be getting used to his role. With a smile on his face, he looks at the other representatives of the three parties sitting at the round table.

The mayor coughed a little, smiled and continued——

"Here, please allow me to officially welcome the blood clan to join our Pelican city. Although we had many misunderstandings before, I believe these misunderstandings can be eliminated from each other after all. "

"To this end, please also invite Mr. one eyed, who represents the blood family, Miss Rose, who represents the flower goblin family, the mayor of Pelican City, who represents the ordinary citizen class, and miss Ariel, President of mermaid song, which represents the textile industry and element car manufacturing industry in the city, to speak freely at this meeting and reach a good communication and exchange with each other."

Ariel nodded slightly as the round cheese mayor\'s voice fell. She glanced at the participants present and felt a little happy that the Quartet talks could be held.

Now, the flower goblins are represented by rose and accompanied by more than a dozen flower goblins. Rose sits directly above the armchair and can see everyone present.

The round cheese mayor, who represents the ordinary citizen class, also took several recorders and other members of the Council with him. Obviously, he also attached great importance to this meeting.

As for the blood clan, the one eye who is most proficient in human language is present at this meeting. But now there is not only one blood clan sitting there. The village head of Lianyin, who always looks very gloomy, is also there. The two people moved two chairs and sat in that position side by side. Behind them, they also attended the meeting with four followers of the blood clan.

As for myself

How can the president of mermaid song appear to be intimidating without a few powerful bodyguards behind him?

Then, with a faint smile on her face, she said slowly, "I\'m glad that all races living in Pelican city can sit down peacefully and discuss today\'s affairs together. Then we might as well first mention the "Oh, wait a minute" that needs to be discussed at this meeting

While the cheese was still reading, Ariel suddenly interrupted. After seeing the puzzled expression on the round cheese face, she smiled and said, "we\'ll talk about this big and broad thing later. Let\'s start with simplicity first. For example... Theft, robbery, murder, rape, deception and so on. This kind of thing should be the most important thing we should discuss now. "

Since the president of the mermaid song spoke, the round cheese didn\'t think much, nodded, skipped the first paragraph about being loyal to the royal family, moved his finger to the following content about property rights and said: "well, the theft of specific cases. Whoever steals the goods of the original owner in a way that is not found by the original owner shall be regarded as stealing. If the amount of theft is less than one silver coin, it shall not be regarded as theft. Whoever has more than one silver coin but less than three gold coins shall be sentenced to return the stolen money and exile. Those who steal less than ten gold coins and more than three gold coins will be engraved on their faces, break their wrists, return the stolen goods and exile. Those who steal more than ten gold coins shall engrave words on their faces, cut off their hands from their elbows and exile. "

Ariel nodded gently, turned to the flower goblin and blood clan over there, and said, "this is a law about our human beings. I wonder if you have any opinion? "

As the temporary leader of the flower goblins, rose discussed with the flower goblins around for a while and said, "we have no opinion on this."

On the other side, after looking at each other, the one eye and chain sound blood families also nodded slightly, and the one eye said, "no opinion."

Ariel smiled, then turned her head and looked at the cheese side. Obviously, as human beings, they naturally began to have an opinion on this law.

"Well, Miss Rose, Mr. chain sound. Although this is our human law, and we did use these laws too much until now. But for our Pelican City, we think... This law may not be very suitable for our current situation. "

Round cheese\'s face was piled with a smile, with a little caution, but with a little stubbornness, he continued——

"These amounts are really no problem for mankind. But for the flower goblins, I\'m afraid there are some problems. The reason is very simple. Your size is relatively small. If humans steal your things, engrave words on human faces, interrupt hands and exile, there is no problem. But for flower goblins, you look too much... But you are too human. I\'m afraid we don\'t have this technology to engrave characters on your face. "

"On the other hand, if you steal things, you can\'t come one by one in terms of body shape. It must be a team behavior. If it is a team behavior, the amount shared among each of your flower goblins may become very small and may not meet the standard of exile. "

With that, the round cheese turned to the two blood group leaders on the other side again and said, "what\'s more, cutting off the arm is a very painful and heavy punishment for us humans, but for the blood group... Maybe it\'s not so difficult to accept? I think if all our three races apply the same set of punishment, it may lead to unfair treatment for us humans. "

Ariel didn\'t talk about it. Because she had expected this problem for a long time, what to do now is to let the two races put forward their own requirements and ideas as much as possible, and then work together to solve the current problem.

In fact, the most important thing of this meeting is not only to rest the relationship or economic problems between the two heterogeneous races and mankind, but also to let the two races fully participate in human affairs, and then think of ways and solve them together. In this way, they can really integrate into Pelican city.

One eye thought and said, "if you think it\'s too easy to cut off our palms, we can let the bastards who steal cut off their feet together. This is the work style of our night people. "

Rose tilted her head and asked, "is this your vampire law?"

Don\'t turn your head with one eye. That eye stares at the rose.

Seeing the blood red eyes looking directly at herself, a moment later, rose finally realized her problem, gently lowered her head and said, "sorry, I take back what I just said. So... Is this the law of your blood clan? "

At this time, the eyes of one eye seemed to calm down slightly and said, "it\'s too much to talk about the law. This is the habit of our night people. After all, we have basically no wealth, accumulation or surplus in the past 400 years. If the only thing is stolen by others, I\'m afraid we have the heart to break each other\'s bodies. "

In this regard, rose, the temporary patriarch of the flower goblin, thought for a moment and said slowly: "although what you say is very reasonable, I think I still hope to adhere to human laws."

Seeing that all the people present focused their attention on themselves, rose continued: "just as Mr. one eyed said, there was nothing that could be called \'law\' in the past history of their blood family, and everything was custom. Similarly, we flower goblins didn\'t have any laws in the past. Like to write down the words spoken orally and then bind them, which may be a habit for you humans. "