Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1174

Then, her mother lowered her head and said two words in her daughter\'s ear. Then she got up, smiled at Ariel and said: "(blood language) Ariel, you have been teaching us human language, and you are very tired. Let\'s take a break today. Ah, I mean... You, tired, rest, no, class. "

Ma Shu\'s mother tried to describe her meaning in short words. Ariel listened, smiled and nodded, then looked at Ma Shu next to her and said: "(blood language) in that case... Let\'s have a rest today. I\'ll go back and see my package first. "

Just then, Ariel suddenly saw a little disappointment and helplessness in the eyes of Mashu. Seeing this, she thought for a moment and immediately said: "(blood language) however, if Mashu is willing to sit in my guild hall, we can also talk easily, which is regarded as daily conversation."

Hearing this, the disappointment on Ma Shu\'s face immediately became energetic! She nodded and turned to her mother. The mother saw that her daughter was looking forward to it now. She had no choice but to nod and let her go.

Ariel looked at the young blood girl beside her, and now Mashu\'s blood red eyes were staring at her. In this regard, the president could only smile, shrugged his shoulders, walked out of the classroom with a package and walked in the direction of the guild.

Compared with when she got up, the journey back made Ariel feel a little relaxed.

Maybe it\'s because there\'s Hemp potato nearby?

She didn\'t talk much along the way, but followed Ariel closely like a loyal guard. However, after leaving the area where their blood clan often lived, the eyes of the small blood clan obviously became more vigilant and began to circle around constantly. It will take some time to digest this feeling of always being vigilant around.

"Well, we finally returned to the guild."

Ariel pushed open the guild gate, and the bright element light in the hall made the following Mashu immediately cover her eyes and instinctively shrink back.

Ariel looked back at the girl, smiled and said: "(blood language) uncomfortable?"

It took some time for Ma Shu to slowly put down his hand in front of him. She carefully looked at the bright guild hall in front of her. After a moment of silence, she gently nodded and opened her mouth: "I\'m used to it."

"Well, come in."

Holding the package, Ariel stretched out her hand and took Ma Shu to the rest area over there and sat down.

Obviously, Mashu is still a little sensitive to the light in the hall, especially the chandelier hanging from the ceiling that is emitting glittering light. The whole process is a feeling of shrinking his neck.

Ariel thought for a moment, then pulled the cassava to a slightly backlit place and let her sit down. Mashu looked at Ariel and nodded slightly after a moment of silence. At this point, her mood was a little stable.

"All right! Although I want to teach you something. But you belong to the more serious type in my class. Um... Can you roughly understand what I\'m saying? "

Ariel said it again. After seeing Mashu\'s face at a loss, she slowed down her tone again and said it word by word. The seal comes from the royal family of the blue bay empire.

But judging from the words on the two letters, Ariel immediately knew who the sender was.

With a smile, Ariel weighed the two letters again. Then, I opened one of the envelopes, which felt more elegant and even filled with a little fragrance, and looked at it.


Dear Ariel, my best sister.

My dear, why did you suddenly run away without saying a word? Do you know how sad I was when I knew you left without saying goodbye that day? I thought you finally came back this time and we could continue to be together forever, but I didn\'t expect you to leave me just one night later... Ariel, honey, you really make me sad.

Alas, after all, is it the crown prince who places high hopes on you?

I also know that you have done a good job recently. It seems that the element machine and other things can indeed develop many interesting things.

However, I don\'t quite understand what\'s inside. It sounds very complicated. But I also asked my father a little. Is this thing really as useful as magic? I still have some doubts.

So, Ariel, if you really can\'t do it, you\'d better come back quickly. I really, really, really, really miss you... Although you are my maid in name, I have never regarded you as my maid.

You\'re like my sister, my sister. No, you should be more like my sister. You have been taking care of me, caring for me and loving me since childhood. Whether in daily life or school, you are thinking of me. Therefore, I really don\'t want to see my dearest sister still in a remote place with those savage and impolite country ruffians.

Ariel, the blue bay empire is very powerful. Now there are crown prince menglang, our husband tide, and even my father Duke Jinguo helping to maintain the Empire. The blue bay Empire really doesn\'t need a girl like you to work.

I miss you so much... Ariel, when can you come back? At the thought that I should be separated from you for another three years, I can hardly contain my fear.