Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1175

My good sister, I\'m not saying anything on purpose, it\'s because I really can\'t live without you

After you left, the tide also arranged many maids for me, but anyway, I think they are not as good as you take care of me.

They are clumsy one by one. Some things are forgotten as soon as they are said. I even need to tell them many times before I can remember them.

Not to mention that they can\'t take the initiative to help me. They often need me to say a word before they move. It\'s not like Ariel. Many times I don\'t need to talk. You can understand what I\'m thinking and want to do. They all help me arrange it steadily.

Good sister, when will you be back?

It\'s only a few months. I can\'t stand these maids. They keep making mistakes there, constantly making mistakes, making mistakes, making mistakes, making mistakes.

I really don\'t want to punish them, but they seem to be getting clumsy.

Two days ago, a maid even broke a beautiful porcelain plate left by my father when she was cleaning my room.

Do you remember that plate?

It was my father who took me to the pottery factory. I was the first and only handmade dish!

I really like that dish very much, but the maid broke it so clumsily.

Alas... If it were Ariel, she would not do such a thing. Everything would be in order.

But one thing was lucky. I told tide that I didn\'t want to see the maid again. This is the same as when I was at home. Since then, the maid has never appeared in front of me again.

Our husband really loves us. Look at the tide. I just said such a word that I can never see that annoying thing again.

Sometimes I also reflect on myself all the time. In the past, my father often said that I was too kind to see others suffer. Now the tide makes them not appear in front of me, and I will feel much more comfortable.

No, we won\'t say these disappointing things anymore.

Ariel, should it be June when this letter arrives at you? I\'m really sorry that it took so long to write to you, because a lot of things have happened during this period.

Hee hee, let me tell you some good news ~ ~! That is

Sister Natalie, our royal highness, was finally born two months ago!

It\'s a boy. She gave birth to a very healthy male (harmonious) baby!

Hee hee, now the crown prince has his own little prince! Is sister Natalie good? When I went to bed to visit her, she couldn\'t leave the little prince. I could see that sister Natalie\'s eyes exuded maternal brilliance! In the past, I could only see it in the eyes of my mother, but now I can see it in the eyes of sister Natalie!

That\'s nice~~~

Sometimes I really envy sister Natalie. She and his highness menglang are a perfect couple.

They love each other so much and are so sweet. I don\'t think I\'ll see more loving couples than them in my life, right? When I think that the next emperor and queen of the blue bay empire are such a loving couple, I think our empire is so great!

I wonder if you got the news of the birth of the little prince? Really? haven\'t you?

If not, your place is too remote... You don\'t know such a big thing. A poor place is a poor place, Ariel. Really, I repeat, I\'d better come back early. Even the news in that place is blocked. Even if you can\'t finish the work assigned by brother menglang, it doesn\'t matter. I\'ll say something for you, and we can also let tide say something for you, so that any problems can be solved.

I continue to tell you about the birth of the little prince. On the first Sunday after the birth, all our royal members went to the Holy See to baptize the birth of the little prince.

That scene was really grand! Even when I was in the Duke\'s house, I didn\'t see such a big show!

Along the way, cavalry opened the way, and chariots followed. Seven colors of spices and hundreds of colors of petals paved the whole road!

The court musicians played together, and the people in the street cheered and recited softly, praying that the God of light would give our little prince a bright future.

It\'s the first time I\'ve seen those civilians so happy. Thousands of people... No, there may be tens of thousands of people. I looked at the crowd, which was almost unstoppable by the soldiers used to maintain order. The weather on that day was so good that I was about to get out of the carriage and dance with those dancers.

After entering the temple, it was much quieter. The soldiers stood on both sides wearing armor and spears. Then only our royal family members could enter the whole temple.

Generally speaking, I am not qualified to enter the temple to pay homage together. But... Hee hee, I\'ll sell you a pass first, and I\'ll tell you later~~~

It was still March and it was still a little cold. But the temple looked warm. Sure enough, the power of the God of light is very powerful.

I tell you, I saw the saint of our bright Vatican this time!

Well, it\'s really different from the saint I imagined! What\'s the difference... I\'ll tell you in detail when you come back.

However, the holy woman is really good. She is gentle and kind. Just looking at her from a distance, I can feel the strong and gentle light from her.

In the holy see where women are basically impossible to act as high priests, the existence of saints also greatly increases the face of our women, right? You see, even those high priests and Templars can only do things according to the face of our saints. The Holy See can do nothing without the permission of the saint!

But I\'m a little bored.

Because the blessing ceremony seemed a little long, I had to wait nearby, which was very boring.

I know this kind of thing is sacred and must be strictly observed, but my body really can\'t bear it. Finally, with the permission of his Majesty the emperor and the Queen - ah, I forgot to say just now, his Majesty the emperor and the queen also came to this blessing ceremony.

The noble Emperor allowed me to leave, and the tide immediately protected me.

Although it\'s a pity, I didn\'t read the blessing ceremony completely. But I think it doesn\'t matter.

Because... Hee hee, tell you oh, actually, I\'m pregnant too!

Are you surprised? Ariel, my good sister, you must be happy for me, right?

No mistake, it\'s the child of the tide. I\'m going to be a mother, too!

It was not until the doctor confirmed that I was pregnant that I finally understood what it was like to be a mother.

Is that what it\'s like to be a mother? I felt a little nervous, worried, scared and happy, but there was a little bit of thinking about how to get caught off guard so quickly.

At the end of this year, I\'m going to give birth to a baby, right?

It\'s me and the tide\'s child. Ariel, although this child came out of my stomach, I believe you must think he will be like your child, right? I\'m really happy that we can have children for the tide prince. Just think about it, I don\'t think it\'s too terrible.

So, Ariel, when on earth can you come back? Can you come back a little faster? Besides I miss you very much, I also miss you to get pregnant soon.

You think, what a wonderful picture it would be for us two sisters to conceive of tidal children together? We can raise the fetus together, sing poetry to the baby in the stomach together, and take our baby to enjoy the symphony together.

Also, after our children are born in the future, they can have a partner at once!

I would rather have my child with your child than with Natalie\'s sister\'s little prince. Later, our two children can bully Natalie\'s sister\'s little prince together! Hee hee, you\'re kidding~~~


I\'m really scared when you\'re not here

I\'m going to have a baby... I want you to be with me when I have a baby

After having a baby, I suddenly felt that I couldn\'t trust anyone but Ariel.

I want to hold your hand tightly during production. You can give me great courage, Ariel.

As long as you are here, I think I can have nothing to fear, and I can continue to spend this pain easily.

Alas... Although I\'m still very happy after I\'m pregnant with my baby, sometimes I still think, I\'m afraid I\'m really... Really not as strong as Ariel.

I\'m really afraid. I\'m afraid of pain and the whole process.

You said, if there was a way for you to conceive a baby instead of me, how good would it be? In this way, the child is the real child of the three of us. I don\'t mind asking the child to call your mother. I\'m the eldest mother and you\'re the second mother. Hee hee hee, I think we\'re getting old all at once~~~

But it\'s impossible, isn\'t it? I think too much. However, I really think you should come back quickly and get pregnant quickly.

Now I\'m pregnant and can\'t serve his highness Chaoxi. For the sake of my child\'s safety, I have slept separately from the tide.

Although this has protected my children, I am secretly worried

You said, without me, what should he... Do?

If you were here, you could take care of the tide instead of me. Alas... The tide foolishly put you so far away. It\'s too late even if you want to help me now

I\'m so worried

But I also know that it\'s no use just worrying.

So, Ariel... Alas, I know I\'m a little wordy, and I\'ve said so much.

Well, let\'s not talk about these worrying things, let\'s talk about happy things.

Ariel, you know what? You are famous!

Hee hee, I guess you can\'t imagine what\'s going on. I\'ll tell you! It\'s your adventure in that remote place three years ago. Our husband really compiled them into an opera!

You haven\'t seen it. From beginning to end, tide has devoted almost half a year to this opera. I only knew that he could use a sword before, but I didn\'t expect that he was a super first-class genius in compiling song and dance dramas!

Our husband is a genius! He is a genius of music and dance!

In the past six months, he tried his best to polish the script, and often rehearsed with the performers late at night, correcting his lines word by word. Even the walking position of each person on the stage and the expression and movement of each person, he should carefully ask them and adjust them one by one to the most satisfactory level.

According to him, this is the first time in his life that he wrote his own script to create a song and dance drama, so everything should be perfect. Seeing him so serious, Ariel, to tell you the truth, I\'m beginning to envy you~~~

You are really good ~ ~ ~ the adventure experience of the past three years was so carefully woven into art by our husband, and then it can be preserved forever. If you say that the tide has no love for you, I don\'t believe it! In fact, I was more or less worried that he would not like you, because you bumped into him several times to protect me when you were reading. But now I am relieved to see that he is so attentive to your song and dance drama. Our husband not only loves me, but also loves you ~ ~ ~! Don\'t you think it\'s really wonderful?

Ah, back to the musical.

I went to see the first performance, just yesterday! I was so excited after watching the song and dance drama that I couldn\'t help writing this letter to you.

Many people attended the premiere. I believe all the dignitaries in Hanhai city should come to support it?

Of course, I also know that I felt sorry for my husband because he was the second prince ~ ~ ~ so at the beginning, I was worried that if the performance was not good, how would those nobles privately say that our husband was flashy.

But yesterday\'s performance... That performance was really great!

The magicians\' light and the effects of all kinds of fire and frost are dizzying, and the acting skills of male and female stars are not to mention! The layout of the whole stage, from inside to outside, from top to bottom, is perfect! Sometimes I haven\'t even reacted. The stage has been switched. Everything seems so smooth and natural!

The most important thing is the script, your story!

Although I knew your story from the beginning, the tide has let me read the script many times. Let me talk about my ideas. But when I really finished watching the three hour song and dance drama from beginning to end, I was completely shocked!

Ah ~ ~ ~ the emotional drama between the runaway noble girl and the lonely prince who conceals his identity is really great! Many places clearly show a sweet feeling of dying, but there is always a piece of paper in the middle, which makes people itch!

Just as the tide said, this love comedy fully shows the temperament of women. The heroine with you as the protagonist is strong, kind and brave. But sometimes they will make some small confusion, lovely and charming.

The prince performed by the hero makes people feel the charming and powerful atmosphere of hidden chivalry in terms of spirit, temperament and image.

Right, right, right! One of my favorite is the last play! When the men and women mistakenly thought they wanted to separate from each other, and then went back to accept the marriage of their parents and elders, the two stood on both sides of the stage and began to sing in pairs relying on the focus of the lights!

You and I, along with the gradually stirring melody, sing the pain and suffocation of two people in love with each other but trapped in an unbreakable cage!

Ah ~ ~ ~ that duet, I cried directly ~ ~ ~ their feelings are too beautiful and moving~~~

I\'m not praising you or the tide on purpose. It\'s really moving! I also heard that the nobles and their women who should have just come to support in the audience cried one by one. Some tough guys who are usually self righteous even start to cry secretly. I really want to cry and laugh.

All in all, the performance was a great success. Ariel, my good sister, you really should come back and see the show! At present, they only set about 15 shows, but now the performance effect is so good that it is estimated that more shows will be arranged?

But even if you schedule more performances, you shouldn\'t go to the backcountry where you are now, right?

So, I really recommend you to see this song and dance drama. This is a song and dance drama based on you. Now the nobles of Hanhai city know that you are the prototype of this song and dance drama!

Hee hee, many people say that the heroine of this song and dance drama integrates the characteristics of me and you, and the role of the prince is based on the tide. At this time, I\'ll be secretly happy for you. You\'re quite famous now!

Listen to me, sister. This is your song and dance drama. You really should go and see it. Just one!

You will know how good the tide is to you. I\'m afraid he loves you as much as he loves me. I\'m really more and more moved. The relationship between us is so good!

Remember what our teacher taught us in class?

Triangle is the most stable form in the world. Once it is established, it will always be established in a fixed shape unless one of its edges is destroyed.

I think the relationship between the three of us should also be like this triangle? We support each other, rely on each other and care for each other. Just like this most stable triangle, it will live happily forever.

Oh, I wrote so many things unconsciously.

Ariel, promise me as your lovely sister here. Please, please, my favorite sister~~~

When I produce this year, you must come to see me, okay? I can\'t live without you. Please stay by my side. I hope my child can see you as soon as he is born. This is really what I expect most and most this year.

So come back quickly, okay?

Waiting for your sister, Alice blue.