Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1173

Dak at the door came back with some sundries bought from the night market. He glanced back at the cheese he left, then looked at Ariel here, thought about it, came to the rest area with those sundries and sat down in front of Ariel.

"President, are you still worried?"

Ariel raised her head. When she saw that it was dak, a smile appeared on her face and said, "a little. But it can\'t be forced. How\'s your shopping going? Have you finished adding furniture? "

Seeing Ariel change the subject, dak has nothing to say. He smiled, happily picked up a carton in his hand and said, "I thought there should be nothing to buy in this kind of market in border province. But you see, I still found a lot of interesting things! You see, I\'ve read these books before. I didn\'t expect to buy second-hand books in such border cities. And this frame, and this storage box. I also bought two chairs and a cushion. In this way, my room is finished. "

Ariel smiled, nodded slightly and said, "it looks really good. But I have one thing to tell you. "

Dak looked at the goods he purchased and said happily, "president, I\'m listening."

Ariel\'s smile disappeared and turned into a serious look: "anyway, I\'m also a guild here, and mermaid song is also an adventurer organization. But you\'ve relaxed a lot lately? I don\'t see how you exercise at ordinary times. You read books, tidy up your room, stroll in the street and chat with people all day. I don\'t object to you planting flowers and plants in your room, but as one of the strongest members of our guild, shouldn\'t you keep your fighting power all the time? "

For Ariel\'s lesson, dak was stunned and put away his smile for a moment.

Ariel breathed out and said in a more serious but caring tone, "I know you feel relaxed after coming to my mermaid song. Unlike your guild, my guild has many, many high requirements for you. But I don\'t want my members to relax. Dak, you can\'t expect to rely on your frenzy every time you encounter a battle in the future? Even if your combat effectiveness can remain unchanged, I still hope you can teach other guild members with your rich combat experience. "

By Ariel\'s preaching, dak\'s face turned red and lowered his head slightly.

Seeing his shame, Ariel stretched out her hand, patted him gently on the shoulder and said with a smile, "well, I know you have your own difficulties. Now you are closer to cheese in our guild. So, by guiding other members to fight, can\'t you not only train yourself not to retreat, but also have a good relationship with other members? "

Dak\'s face was still flushed with shame. After a while, he said, "president, that... I know I should try. The words of cream and Brad are easy to say... I can teach them how to fight... But the words of those three ladies are... Inconvenient for me? I find it difficult to talk to them... "

With a slap, Ariel slapped her palm on the table, which frightened Tesla who had just come out of the bathroom in the back.

"Why? Those three are ladies. You won\'t find it inconvenient for me to talk to you? You don\'t think I\'m a woman. You don\'t need respect to talk to me, do you? "

For Ariel\'s sudden "Rage", dak quickly waved his hand and shook his head: "no, no, no! That\'s not what I mean, that\'s not what I mean! "

"President, don\'t scare him." Tesla smiled and said, "tomorrow, I\'ll help you talk to the three of them. Ms. suuta is very nice. If you say you want to fight her and guide her, she will never think you have a problem with her. Cocoa may feel a little unconvinced, but I believe as long as you can completely crush her in strength, she won\'t have any ideas. "

"As for Miss Margo..."

Tesla also frowned and laughed——

"In a word, you see, the problem is well solved, right?"

"Where has the problem been solved? What happened to miss Margo? How would she react if I said I would guide her to fight? What does that mean? Hello! "

With three points of embarrassment and seven points of prevarication, Tesla went back to his room. And now dak hurried upstairs with his sundries to discuss with Tesla how to talk to those women tomorrow.

Ariel could only smile bitterly and shook her head.

Get up, pack up your belongings, and put today\'s lecture notes of human language into a small satchel. Ariel walked out of the guild gate with the satchel, facing the moonlight and towards the area where the blood clan lived.

Pelican city in early summer is as lively and comfortable as ever.

A gust of wind blows, giving people a very comfortable feeling, like sweeping away all the fatigue in one breath.

Ariel took a deep breath, stepped forward and moved on.

However, such a comfortable feeling just came to her after walking out of the two streets.

There are no people in the streets of the new city

In the last three months, the population of Pelican city is still in net inflow, so everything will be very lively.

However, all the lively places belong to the old urban area. Even if the new urban area has more good houses, more spacious streets and more perfect element lighting, there are still no residents here.

The reason... Is simple.

Across several streets, I looked at the row of dark houses in front of me. There was no lamp. Around those dark houses, there were pairs of eyes flashing scarlet light from time to time. It is estimated that few humans dare to live here alone.

"Hoo... Come on, Ariel!"

Ariel patted herself on the cheek, kept a smile on her face and walked forward.

Before arriving at the blood clan\'s residential area, she raised her head and looked at the blood clan standing on the roof, streets, walls and even element lamps. After looking at Ariel, these blood families also do their own things, chat with each other, and don\'t seem to care much about Ariel.

Seeing this situation, Ariel could only smile bitterly and open the door of the room that had been used as the blood family classroom for the past three months.

(blood language) today, we continue to learn human language

Ariel cried out with a smile.

However, in response to her, it was an empty classroom.

No, it can\'t be said to be completely empty. Because in the front row of this classroom, there are still two blood families.

Mashu, and her mother, who now looks almost in her sixties.

"Teacher... Good!"

Mashu stood up and responded in less standard human language.

Looking at such an empty classroom, Ariel could only smile bitterly.

That is at this time

"I thought it might be over. I didn\'t expect you to come anyway."

Ariel looked back and saw one eye standing at the door of the classroom and looking at Ariel.

The village head nodded at Ariel and continued, "President Ariel, I know you want to abide by the agreement with us. But... I think I may have misjudged. Therefore, I hope to terminate our agreement. You don\'t have to study our language any more. And I am responsible for teaching the human language of our night people. "

He took a deep breath——

"Therefore, this meaningless teaching is over. If you have anything in the future, just tell me directly, and I will convey it to my people. "

With that, one eye didn\'t stop at all, turned around and left.

In this way, the air in the whole classroom solidified in an instant.

Ariel looked at the handout in her hand, and then at the Mashu and her mother in front of her. For a moment, she seemed a little embarrassed.

At this time, Mashu\'s mother came and gently pushed her daughter. Mashu looked at her mother and nodded gently. She came over, took out a small package from her arms and handed it to Ariel.

"(blood language) what is this?"

Ariel was slightly stunned and lowered her head. But maybe it\'s because these blood families didn\'t plan to have class at all today, so only one element light in the classroom was on, which looked very dark, and Ariel couldn\'t see what the seal on the package was.

"People, bad, I, get, walk... Um... Um... Take it!"

"(blood language) you can speak in blood language."

"(blood language) Hoo... Ariel, when I was playing outside the city last night, I saw a carriage coming. I know Ariel, you said you wanted me to talk more to humans, so I summoned up the courage to speak up. But the man was frightened and ran away desperately. This thing was thrown out of the man\'s arms. I think your name should be written on it? "

Ariel was stunned, then raised the package again and looked carefully... Sure enough, the words "Ariel Garcia received" were written on it.

It seems that this is a postal package.

"(blood language) thank you, Ma Shu. However, in the future, try not to suddenly run in front of humans in the middle of the night. We humans are still afraid of darkness after all. "

Ariel smiled and thanked the blood clan, while Mashu nodded hard and looked serious.