Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1109

isn\'t it? When I met these vampires the first night, I was intercepted by the vampires in xueya village. When the people in xueya village planned to eat themselves, they met that it was almost dawn and there was no way to eat well.

After that, they saved Ma Shu and ran away. At any rate, they saved a child in Hunter village. With cheese, they may not be able to eat directly, so they stopped.

The next is the five blood conference to discuss the sacrifice, until now.

If you think so, Ariel really thinks her life is really big! It\'s really lucky that I haven\'t been eaten yet!

Well, since it is not this reason, the second reason is very simple.

It is the village head of stone leg who doesn\'t believe that such a group of humans can go out alive. Therefore, it doesn\'t matter to say these words to yourself now.

To be honest, after understanding these problems, Ariel didn\'t feel that she was in a very bad situation.

At least for now, the vampires in Hunter village can\'t attack their own group, can they? Since they have no way to start with themselves, it means they can communicate.

Once communication can be carried out and the other party can be pulled to the negotiation table for negotiation, it is a good progress for Ariel.

"Then, village head, I\'d better come!"

However, just when Ariel wanted to say what she thought, cheese suddenly appeared.

He stood up, patted himself hard on the chest and hummed——

"In fact, my strength should be the strongest in the whole Hunter village, right? Because I have rich nutrition and good physical quality. So, village head, is there any way to make me strong in a short time? I can accept it, and I will endure it! "

Seeing the firm attitude of cheese now, stone leg was slightly stunned on the spot. He observed the young man silently. After a moment, he said slowly, "you are not a deserter here."

The cheese was a little anxious. He immediately went to the stone leg and said loudly, "village head! Let me do it. Please believe me, I have been wandering in the human world for more than ten years. In terms of combat experience, I will never come less than anyone in the village! Isn\'t there a forbidden area behind our village? What is behind those forbidden areas? Is there a way to instantly increase your combat effectiveness in a short time? If so, please let me try! "

"If cheese is going to try, I want to try it, too."

Just after the blood clan proudly publicized its idea of "savior", the nearby dak said it together.

Ariel was a little confused and hurriedly asked, "what does this have to do with you?"

But dak said seriously, "if there is a way to improve the strength of a single person in a very short time, I also want to try. I have the determination to resist any test. "

Cheese turned his head and looked at dak\'s eyes, which overflowed with a trace of admiration. He stretched out his fist, nodded and said, "good brother!"

Dak saw the fist stretched out by the cheese. After a moment of hesitation, he also stretched out his fist and touched it. He also said, "good brother."


"What nonsense are you talking about? Where did it come from? What is the way to improve strength in a short time? What are you talking about? "

Unfortunately, the village head of stone leg directly denied the two guys\' ideas with that confused expression again.

The cheese was stunned. His face was full of disbelief. He hurried forward and said, "village head, please believe me! I will be able to support it! Back mountain, right behind the mountain! You\'ve always forbidden us to go to the back mountain! Is there any secret in there? Is there any test that can instantly improve some power? "

The stone leg shook his head again and said with a very contemptuous look, "no, nothing. The reason why Houshan doesn\'t let you go in casually is that there is a path leading to the site of sacrifice. How can the place used for sacrifice let you run to the wild? Ten days later is the day of sacrifice. If you want to go in and have a look, I will never stop you. "

The crisp tower in the back is a little strange now. He came forward and respectfully saluted the village head of shileg and said, "excuse me... Village head of shileg, I heard Mr. cheese say that you have set many strange rules in the village. Some of them prohibit men and women from falling in love with each other. Excuse me... Why? "

The village head of shitui breathed out and said helplessly, "no, it\'s because our five villages have to offer sacrifices every 50 years. After the last sacrifice in ghost Tong Village, it\'s our Hunter village\'s turn. If these young people fall in love with each other in the past ten years, and then things go wrong because one of them wants to sacrifice, it may lead to many troubles. There was once such a problem in Hongxiang village. As a result, there was a lot of unhappiness between Hongxiang village and xueya village, resulting in the direct decline of their number by almost one third. "

Ariel listened to the information, thought about it, smiled and said, "so, do you want to let go of the rules and let the villagers fall in love freely after this festival?"

The stone leg nodded and said slowly, "compared with your short and intense human love, our feelings of the night family are more delicate and long-term. So if something happens to one of the husband and wife, the other may be sad for more than ten years, or even decades. I hope that this will not happen to torture their minds. Therefore, when they are still young, it is better to try to block them. "

Ariel nodded again, with the same smile on her face: "so... I would like to ask, did the sacrifice maker decide that it was Mashu early in the morning?"

Stone leg turned his head and looked at the side snuggling up to her mother. His mother\'s dry fingers slowly combed the cassava of her dry and half bald head. After a moment of silence, he slowly said, "No."

Ariel took a breath, and the smile on her face finally disappeared: "so, who should be the original sacrifice?"

Stone leg\'s eyes didn\'t turn around, but gradually shifted from Ma Shu to her mother. Looking at the gentle and loving smile on the mother\'s face, he sighed again and said slowly——

"Her husband... Died in the battle ten years ago. So... It could have been a relief for her. "

Here, Ariel has understood.

She retracted her neck, nodded her head gently and thought silently.

After listening to these words, the cream on one side thought about it, walked slowly to the mother and daughter, squatted down and smiled a comforting smile at Mashu\'s mother.

But for the smile of cream, the female vampire hugged her daughter, stared at cream like a great enemy, and stretched out her claws, looking ready to tear cream to pieces anytime and anywhere.

At the same time, Ariel thought about it and finally said again——

"Stone leg village head, I still say that. Have you really never thought about working with us humans? You can come to our human residence, and I can provide shelter for your blood family to protect you from harm. Then, I will let each of you have enough to eat, so that everyone will no longer look so skinny like now. "

For Ariel\'s proposal, stone leg still showed a very disapproval. He shook his head slowly and said, "human, the reason why you are still alive and able to speak is entirely because you have been regarded as a booty and will be dedicated to the giant ghost village head of xueya village. If not for so many messy reasons, you and your compatriots have become a big meal in our mouth now. After eating you, our family will not be hungry. "

Hearing the stone leg village head\'s threatening words, the cream over there, the crisp tower next to her, and dak and cheese squatting on both sides of Ariel changed their faces in an instant. At the same time, they gathered around their president and stared at the stone leg.

Naturally, such a tense atmosphere will not escape these blood families who will be extremely sensitive to their senses at night. The vampires around turned their heads and stared at the scene here.

However, Ariel still had a smile on her face. She stretched out her hand at leisure, separated dak and cheese in front of her, and said with a smile——

"Yes, after eating us, Hunter village can certainly have a big meal this time. Just, and then? How long can you stay healthy after eating us? How long can you guarantee not to be tortured by hunger? I can even put it more simply. There are only four humans here. Is the blood of the four of us enough to feed the 50 night people in your village? I\'m afraid we have to draw a question mark. "

The stone leg looked up and down at Ariel in front of her, hummed, didn\'t turn his head and stopped talking.

Seeing that the tension was eased by the village head\'s cold treatment, Ariel stretched out her hand, sat down again with dak and cheese on both sides, and continued, "Okay, okay! Village head shitui, I won\'t talk about the topic that you should leave now. Let\'s discuss something more practical. Um... Do you have any ideas about the duel at the festival in ten days? "