Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1110

Then Ariel stretched out her finger and swept around the blood families who were all staring at this side. When the tip of her finger swept over Mashu and her mother, Ariel\'s finger paused a little. This pause made the vampire named Mashu show his teeth and look like he was going to bite.

"Or does anyone in your village have the confidence to challenge the giant ghost village head? Can you? "

When it comes to such a realistic problem, the face of village head shileg is still bleak again after all.

Seeing his helpless appearance, Ariel smiled and continued, "if I say, I can find a way to solve this problem... Can you guarantee that at least I can not eat our group?"

The stone leg snorted and said, "this problem was caused by you humans. If you can solve those problems, you will save yourself. Yes, I promise not to eat you, and I will let my villagers not touch you. "

Ariel smiled and nodded, but then she paused a little, then said with a slightly confused expression on her face, "I think... You may not understand what I mean. I mean, solve this problem completely. And the problem is that you need to sacrifice the female vampire named Mashu. "

At that moment, Ariel obviously felt that the village head\'s eyes had changed.

He half opened his mouth and even showed his fangs. His eyes stared at Ariel\'s sky blue eyes as if he were looking at something incomprehensible and speechless.

Perhaps the mood here changed, which made the mother vampire prick her ears and hurried over.

She should have heard that the human woman had just said her daughter\'s name, and then with the strange look of Shangshi leg, the mother couldn\'t bear it and hurried to ask.

Under a series of questions in the blood language, Shi leg still kept that surprised expression and didn\'t answer. It was the cheese nearby that quickly translated Ariel\'s words to the mother.

After understanding Ariel\'s meaning, the mother vampire immediately opened her arms and jumped at Ariel! Such a move makes the cream always vigilant next to start suddenly! The sleeve sword on the arm popped out, and the whole person turned over and pressed on the back of the mother vampire. The sleeve sword butted against her back heart!

"Wow, Kaka! Gukada! Ma Shu Lu GA! "

However, the mother vampire didn\'t mean to resist after being suppressed. She opened her blood red eyes, opened her mouth and kept saying some words to Ariel. However, from the expression on her face, the expression of eagerness and supplication was well transmitted to Ariel.

"She said that as long as she could save her daughter Mashu\'s life so that she would not be taken away, she was willing to become a sacrifice for this festival. Even, the sacrifice should have been her. She has practiced dancing for more than two years, waiting for the moment when she becomes a sacrifice. "

After listening to the cheese translation, Ariel smiled, nodded, reached out for the cream on her back, then reached out, grabbed the cold and dry hand of the mother vampire and slowly helped her up.

Although she doesn\'t know the language, Ariel always believes that the smile is always the same. Even if they can\'t understand each other\'s language, facial expressions and the mind that wants to put themselves in the shoes of others can definitely pass on the past.

Cream and crisp tower were on both sides, for fear that the mother vampire would suddenly be angry. But fortunately, she really didn\'t do anything unusual.

After being picked up, she kept nodding at Ariel. Her face was really full of expectation and tension. Then she reached over and looked at the cassava with wide eyes, put her daughter in her arms and looked at Ariel together.

"Well, the cow has blown out."

Ariel turned and continued to sit opposite the village head with stone legs——

"Should we say something more detailed? For example, what is the matter with your so-called sacrifice? To whom is the sacrifice? Please tell me all this information. Only when everything is known can I get along with the exact solution. "

Then, Ariel stretched out her finger, pointed to the Mashu mother and daughter next to her, smiled and said to the village head of shileg: "I believe that as the village head, you should not want to disappoint your villagers."

The stone leg was stunned for a moment. Then he turned his head and looked around.

I don\'t know when all the vampires who were busy around began to gather and squat next to this small platform, as if they wanted to listen to what strange and terrible methods the human had come up with.

Seeing so many people gathered around, the village head of shileg finally breathed out a sigh of helplessness and nodded——

"You ask. I\'ll tell you everything I know. "

Successful negotiation!

Ariel really wants to stick two big medals to herself!

But it\'s too early to be happy. After all, this is only the first step. There is still a long way to go until all the problems are solved.

"Well... Let\'s start with what is sacrifice. What kind of sacrifice is this? "

The village head of stone leg nodded his head again, sorted out his thoughts slightly, and began to speak slowly——

"Sacrifice comes from the respect of our night people for our creators."

"It is said that there was a red dragon named Chi Fei in the world thousands of years ago, before the war between mankind and the demon clan."

"The red dragon has red scales like blood and beautiful armor like emerald."

"Red Dragon Chi Fei stood in the front line of fighting against the demon clan in the war with the demon clan thousands of years ago. Finally, he successfully defeated the demon clan with other races on this continent and saved the world from destruction. "

"However, in this war, Chi Fei was also seriously injured, and his blood flowed out and infected the earth."

"In order to avoid the meaningless passage of his blood, Chi Fei used his magic to imitate the appearance of humans and elves who participated in the war and shape our night family. Then, with its blood flowing out, it shaped us. This is the origin story of our night family. "

"Since then, chifei has become the guardian dragon of our night family. It protects us from disaster. In order to thank the dragon who created us, we also decided to make the day when it created us the most important sacrifice. At this festival, we need to sing and dance, and celebrate that the (harmonious) red dragon has given us life. As for the red dragon, it gave its blood and created us, and our family of night can be said to have completely harvested, so we call this sacrifice "active sacrifice."

Ariel nodded gently, and her eyes swept around. When she saw the cheese translation, the blood families around were listening with interest now. So... Don\'t they know the origin of this sacrifice?

Ariel: "so what\'s the matter with sacrificing girls? Did your Creator ask of you? "

The stone leg exhaled and continued, "sacrifice is a tradition. After chifei created us, he was too tired and lost too much power. So it fell into a long sleep. "

"In order to repay our Creator, we decided to sacrifice to our Creator every ten years. Before the war with your human beings, the items we sacrifice can be the leftover pigs, cattle and sheep we eat on weekdays. Although we can\'t eat the meat of these things, chifei can. "

"But after that... War with you, we had to hide in this barren area. We have no power to hunt large prey. "

"So the giant ghost village head of xueya village proposed that our five villages take turns to choose a member to sacrifice. On the one hand, it is to maintain our unbroken tradition. On the other hand, it is also to pray to let Chi Fei know our current environment and ask it to wake up again and save us. "

"But pure sacrifice is really too wasteful. The village head of jugui also said that chifei is our Creator. It took a lot of blood to shape us. How can we pray that a few short sacrifices will awaken our Creator? So we still have to rely on ourselves to fight back to the human world and take back our territory. "

"Therefore, he asked us to take each other\'s efforts every time we sacrifice, and then let the strongest of the whole night family take it and strengthen our strength. In this way, even if chifei still doesn\'t wake up to help us one day in the future, we can use our own strength to kill out of the moon god\'s residence and recapture the territory belonging to our night family. "

Cream, dak and suuta on both sides all twitched on their faces. Without guessing, Ariel knew what was going on in their hearts.

But now this problem is not important. If these blood families really want to challenge humans again, just their natural state of being unable to move during the day and that can be called bad logistics supply, I believe these vampires can only lose again. And if you really lose again, I\'m afraid humans will not just drive them to such a place where birds don\'t shit, even if it is over.

"Now, I understand what your sacrifice is all about. But I have a little doubt. Excuse me... You just said that this festival is held every ten years. It started in the year after the end of the demon war. Every time, is there any mistake? "