Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1108

When she was caught, Ariel suddenly felt that she was dying!

So should I beg for mercy now?

No, if you beg for mercy, there is really only a dead end left!

"So you want to go back, don\'t you? The leader of the night clan who wants to counter attack our human world. Now he can\'t even accept such a small challenge. Do you still want to fight with us? You\'d better continue to live in this poor place for hundreds of years! "

Of course, cheese can\'t translate these words. In fact, he was so frightened by Ariel that he couldn\'t even say a word.

Of course, the giant ghost couldn\'t understand what the human was talking about, but after seeing her confident and smiling expression, the giant ghost finally snorted, released his hand and threw Ariel to the ground——

"(blood language) I\'ve never heard of any magic that can turn humans into our compatriots. But I can give you time if you like! "

With that, the giant ghost turned around, walked slowly past cheese and dak, and returned to the people in his blood tooth village——

"(blood language) but I will let you go once, and I will never let you human beings go the second time! Ten days. I\'ll give you ten days. Ten days later, if none of you can be stronger than me, I don\'t just need her hard work -- "

The giant ghost\'s finger pointed to the cassava over there, then slowly turned his head, but his fingertip was aimed at the stone leg over there——

"(blood language) stone leg, I want yours! Moreover, your ethnic group will be incorporated into my blood tooth village, and everything will be under the command of blood tooth village! Do you understand? "

For this request, stone leg is now suddenly stunned. He half opened his mouth and didn\'t know what to say.

At the same time, vampires from other villages around also looked at the blood families in Hunter village one after another. Some of their faces were filled with Schadenfreude, some were filled with worry, and some were irrelevant. But for the village heads of those villages, it seems not a good thing to see xueya village, which is already the first in number, swallow the hunter village, which is the second in number.

"(blood language) if there\'s no problem, ten days later, we\'ll decide the outcome at the festival. Stone leg, don\'t try to run away with your villagers. You should know that you have no place to go except in the residence of the moon god. What\'s more... Hum. Let\'s go. "

After leaving such a meaningless smile, the giant ghost finally led his village people, turned around and jumped down from the mountain.

All the people who saw the blood teeth left, and the people in the four villages, including the hunters, seemed to relax a little. They look at me and I look at you. Some blood families know each other and have a little chat. Others turn away silently without saying a word.

For these blood families in Hunter village, their faces are all worried and full of hesitation about the uncertainty of the future.


"I don\'t know any blood clan conversion spell. I\'ve never said that."

Back to the cliff occupied by the hunter village, stone leg immediately threw this sentence out.

The villagers are now scattered on the cliff, and some blood families hold each other and comfort each other. Others looked at Ariel and others with hate. Obviously, these humans have now become the disaster stars of Hunter village.

"Ma Shu!"

When the stone leg village head said these words decisively, a list of limping female vampires struggled to move over and open their arms. When the vampire saw his mother, he immediately rushed over and hugged his mother tightly.

Mashu\'s mother constantly rubbed her daughter and looked nervously at her chest. After making sure that her efforts had not been taken away, she was relieved and continued to hug Mashu. It seemed that she would never release it again.

Looking at all this, the stone leg looked more bored and said, "now, we only need to sacrifice one child! But now, the whole village is over! It\'s because you humans make trouble for us! "

At this time, Britta and cream finally woke up. After listening to dak explain what had just happened, they seemed to hesitate.

Su TA said softly, "shileg village head, if you say... Your efforts are going to be taken, it is really our trouble... But the whole village is over... What do you say? Isn\'t it just merging with the blood clan in xueya village? "

In this regard, Shi leg snorted and said, "the so-called merger means that we act as blood slaves in xueya village! Do you think after the merger of our two villages, we can really be on an equal footing with the people in xueya village? "

While talking, the stone leg rubbed his long petrified leg, bit his teeth and said, "after becoming a blood slave, we have to constantly look for fresh blood sources for our contractors, but due to the contract, we can\'t take the lead in eating before they agree to give us blood. When food is too scarce, they can easily devour our blood to get through the most difficult times. In other words, once we become blood slaves in xueya village, everything will be over! We\'ll be like cybernetics...! "

The cheese listening nearby was suddenly stunned and asked: "(blood language) cyber? He\'s still alive?! When he ran away with me, I thought he was dead! So he\'s still alive? "

With a slap, the stone leg slammed his hand, slapped the cheese in the face, and shouted angrily: "(blood language) he is still alive! But he suffered a heavy blow when he ran away and was finally saved by the people in the blood pressure village! After he was saved, they made him a blood slave! "

"(blood language) in addition to cyber, many people have become blood slaves in xueya village. Not only our village, but also ghost Tong Village, poison claw village and Hongxiang village. Some members of our four villages have become blood slaves of xueya village. Some of them were finally killed after they couldn\'t keep up with the food, and some are still serving in xueya village until they die. "

Ariel pushed the cheese and asked him to translate all the words. Then she bowed her head and began to think.

While Ariel was thinking, the cheese bit her teeth and said: "(blood language) village head, it\'s time for the survival of our Hunter village! It\'s time to invite the two elders out! "

When it comes to the elder, the vampires around who were still busy with their own affairs suddenly turned around and looked at the tramp who had left the village for more than ten years.

At that moment, cheese seemed to realize that he seemed to say something he shouldn\'t say, and his neck couldn\'t help shrinking.

After hearing Napa\'s translation, Ariel asked, "excuse me, the two elders... What\'s the problem?"

If Ariel remembers correctly, the two elders are the parents of the stone leg village head, and should also be the strongest combat effectiveness of the village. If it were them, they might be able to resist the giant ghost and protect the children in their village.

But... Seeing the expression of stone leg now, Ariel suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart.

Silently, the village head reached into his arms and took out a simple necklace hanging around his neck.

The necklace is actually a thread pulled out from the intestines of small animals dried in the sun, and the decoration hanging on the thread is only two things.

Two... Blood clan\'s iconic tusks.

Cheese swallowed a mouthful of water and said carefully, "elder... They...?"

Stone leg\'s eyes twinkled with tears. After a long silence, he said slowly——

"Last time, the head of ghost Tong village came to me. Because that time... It was his daughter\'s turn to sacrifice... "

"He begged me, hoping to combine the strength of our two villages to resist the blood tooth village... At least, we hope to leave the moon god\'s residence and go outside to catch a human woman to come back and sacrifice..."

"I... can\'t stand his request... Plus it\'s our village\'s turn to sacrifice in ten years. If we can directly break the terrible sacrifice ceremony, it\'s also a good thing for our village..."

"So I mobilized the whole village and summoned two elders together. After hearing our request, the two elders also decided to fight against the giant ghost and compete for the title of the first strong man of the night family. Then... "

The next words, in fact, do not have to go on.

The stone leg itself can\'t say any more. After gently stroking the two teeth, tears have filled his cheeks.

Ariel breathed out a little, turned her head and looked at the blood families beside her. Their faces were all sad and desperate. One by one, they turned their heads and couldn\'t bear to listen again.

After putting away the necklace, the village head of stone leg took a deep breath, shook his head and continued: "at least... At least I can be sure that after the village head of giant ghost gradually becomes stronger, one day in the future, he will lead our night people to leave this damn place! At the thought of this, the sacrifice of my parents... And the sacrifice of other children... Maybe it is also valuable... "

From a human perspective, Ariel felt that the old vampire should not say these words in front of her own face.

And since you say these words, there are only two possibilities.

1、 He did not regard himself as an outsider or a member of the hunter village. But no matter from the rational or emotional point of view, Ariel would not feel that her face was so big. In fact, she felt that she had not been eaten by these vampires until now. It was all because of all kinds of coincidence and luck.