Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 996


Pearson was quick at the eye and quick at the hand, and quickly reached out to hold her in the waist.

Luo Tianzheng and others were shocked and rushed to check, but they saw that the white beauty's eyes were closed and her breath was almost gone.


Luo Tianzheng quickly turned to look at Li Feng, a little anxious.

This person said dizzy, obviously is really sick, but Li Feng said she was not sick, Luo Tianzheng also dare not say anything, can only use anxious eyes to remind Li Feng.

Li Feng eyebrows slightly wrinkled, can be sure that before this woman's breath is very stable, the doctor's eye examination also did not find that she has any hidden disease.

But at the moment, he checked with the eye of the doctor, but he found that the woman's breath was abnormal and was obviously terminally ill. So what kind of strange disease did this woman have?

At this time, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, host, you have a new task, do you want to check it immediately?"

"Check it out!" Li Feng guessed that the task would be related to the beauty in white, and he did not hesitate at the moment.

"Mission: save the goddess Alice Coffey. If the goddess Alice Coffey is not treated in time, 2 million system points of the host will be deducted as punishment."

"Mission reward: 500000 experience, 1 million system points, 10 conquest points."

See here, Li Feng knew that he had to cure this white beauty called Alice.

"Take her in, Mr. Pearson." Li Feng stood up from behind the table, turned around and went inside.

"Well, just now you said that our young lady is not ill, and now you want to save our young lady? Sorry, no need! "

Pearson snorted and was about to leave with Alice Coffey in his arms.

Li Feng is so confused, OK!

My special The housekeeper is very good. In order to get angry with me, he even ignores the safety of his own young lady. He is very proud and admired.

What kind of evil did the Kofi family bring in such a 2-goods housekeeper?

Luo Tianzheng and others were also stunned, and then they were infuriated: "lying trough, when is it that we should be angry with our boss? Is it important for your young lady's life or anger?"

"You're a bad old man and a bad girl. You don't have a grudge against your young lady, so you want to take this opportunity to kill her?"

"Old boy, brother, I advise you, don't be angry, it's important to save people!"

It's true that Luo Tianzheng and others are angry, and it's true to give Pearson a step. They don't want to see such a delicate beauty die like this.

Pearson stopped at his feet, turned to sneer and said, "but your boss just said that my miss is not ill. Why don't you ask your boss to apologize to our young lady?"

Luo Tianzheng and others can't believe their ears!

Are you qualified to have someone dare to make the Lord of Shenzong apologize?

Just as Lao Luo and others were confused, Li Feng waved: "it's impossible to apologize. You won't apologize in this lifetime. You should take your lady away and choose a better graveyard. Lao Luo, see off the guests."

With that, Li Feng sat back to the table again, picked up the newspaper on the table and read it.

The atmosphere in the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum suddenly solidified

The expressions of Luo Tianzheng and others are a little strange, and Pearson's expression is a little embarrassed

So, Li Feng, is he determined to die?

Lao Luo and others feel that they are not worth it for the beauty in white. What a fresh life, because the servants are not sensible No.

Well, they had an urge to slap Pearson to death.

Pearson laughed angrily: "don't you all take treating and saving people as your own duty, why can you watch our young lady die?"

Li Feng shrugged: "she won't die for a while, unless you stay here with her, but I think you will take her to the hospital at the first time. Although it doesn't work, at least I won't watch her die."

"Of course, if you really have the heart to spend time with me, I can only watch her die."

Once this was said, there was a silence in the TCM Museum.

After a while, Pearson sneered, "do you mean that only you can cure our lady's illness?"

"Obviously, otherwise your young lady would not have come here to try my luck." Li Feng nodded.

Even Li Feng is not sure whether he can cure the other person's disease with the nine turn needle, let alone other doctors.

Of course, there is a system, Li Feng can force the white beauty to continue life.

"Is it? Then I'll see if you can cure our lady! " Pearson sneered and was about to go inside with Alice in his arms.

This time, Li Feng was stunned: "no What are you doing? "

Lao Luo and others stop in front of Pearson with a sneer. They hope that the patriarch can cure the beauty in white, but Pearson is also Tepi. It's unreasonable not to give him a lesson.Pearson's face changed slightly, and then said haughtily, "of course, it's for you to save our young lady. Don't worry. As long as you can cure the lady's strange disease, the price is open to you."

"I'm sorry, I'm not short of money. You can go." Li Feng waved his hand and winked at Luo Tianzheng. Luo Tianzheng knew what to do.

"All right, you go quickly. Our boss doesn't want your little money." Luo Tianzheng sighed and was about to push Pearson out of the door.

Pearson's face changed again. Then he looked at Li Feng, took Alice Coffey and bowed deeply to Li Feng. He said sincerely, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be angry with you. Please save our miss. As long as you cure the lady's strange disease, you can do anything you want me to do."

Don't talk about Luo Tianzheng and others, even Li Feng was stunned on the spot!

It's not What kind of divine turn is this? Just now I asked Li Feng to apologize, and I threw money. Suddenly, I apologized to Li Feng. Is it so untrue?

"Dr. Li, I was really bewildered just now. Please help our young lady. I kneel down for you!"

While speaking, Pearson would kneel down on Li Feng's knees.

Li Feng's face changed slightly, and he quickly winked at Lao Luo. Lao Luo reached out to help Pearson.

Pearson looked up in doubt and met Li Feng's complicated eyes.

"Take her in."

With that, Li Feng turned and entered the inner room.

Seeing that Pearson was still standing in a daze, Luo Tianzheng reminded him, "what are you doing here? Hurry in. Our boss is not a narrow-minded person."

"Oh, oh." Pearson nodded and walked into the room with Alice in his arms.

"Put her here." Li Feng pointed to the little bed.

"OK." Pearson extremely obedient will Alice on the bed, and before with Li Feng angry is completely different.

After finishing this, Pearson did not wait for Li Feng to speak, but turned and went out.

"So you can rest assured that she's here alone?" Li Feng was stunned.

Pearson stopped at his feet and turned to look at Li Feng: "I believe you!"

With that, he left here without looking back, and brought the door with him.

Li Feng looks confused!

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