Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 997

It's not A group of people who had been dragging before suddenly cooperated in this way. I believe you? Even you use it!

The contrast is too big, right? He has water in his head?

Li Feng was really bewildered by Pearson's turning point.

"All of a sudden, I regret that I didn't read his mind." Li Feng shook his head and laughed and whispered to himself.

After the muddle, Li Feng turned to look at Alice Coffey on the bed and found that her eyes were still tightly closed, and she felt like she was going to die at any time.

After using the eye of the God of medicine again, Li Feng found that there was a wisp of cold in Alice's body. Under the influence of this cold air, her internal organs were suffering from different degrees of damage.

"What kind of disease is this?" Li Feng frowned slightly.

Through the eye of medical God, Li Feng can accurately know what disease the other party has and what methods can be used to cure the disease. It is precisely because of this that he can be in the Chinese Medicine Museum when sitting in the hospital.

But Alice Coffey had left him flat. He couldn't see what was wrong with Alice, let alone treat her.

"It's not a disease Is it poisoning? " Li Feng flashed a light in his mind and asked the system quickly: "system, can you check whether Alice Coffey is poisoned? What's the solution if you're poisoned? "

Two seconds later, the system gives the answer: "host, after checking, Alice Coffey has been poisoned by ice. There are two ways to detoxify this poison."

"First, the host can use genuine Qi to force the toxin of ice poison out of Alice Coffey's body, but the ice poison is more stubborn, and the host may temporarily damage her vitality because of the poison."

Hearing this, Li Feng couldn't help frowning. What kind of poison is so stubborn that even his strength in the middle of the demigod period will temporarily hurt his vitality?

At this time, the system spirit continued to say: "the second way, the host can spend 100000 system points from the system mall to buy a Lieyang pill, which can cure the disease."

Li Feng's eyebrows relaxed and said with a smile, "I'm sure I'll choose the second one. There are plenty of system integral masters!"

At the moment, he did not hesitate to let the system screen out the Lieyang pill and spent 100000 system points to buy it. Then a pigeon egg sized red pill appeared in the system backpack.

Li Feng took it in his hand and found that the pill was a little hot, just like sweet potato baked from the stove.

"Fortunately, the system released the task, otherwise I would lose 100000 points."

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles. He goes to Alice Coffey and bends over to take the pills into her mouth.

In her coma, Alice Coffey felt a burning heat in her throat, like a piece of red coal rolling into her throat. Then the coal exploded and turned into a warm current and swam all over her body.

Then, a cold air from her body spread out, but the indoor temperature is higher, the cold air quickly condenses into fog, making the small room become foggy, as if the room had a humidifier.

Soon, Alice Coffey's little bed was covered with dew, not to mention her white dress. It was like taking a shower in her clothes.

White clothes are a little transparent, this wet, transparent effect is more obvious.

Seeing this, Li Feng quickly turned his head

Fortunately, lieyangdan is also playing a role. Alice's body is very hot, and she soon dries her clothes

Yes, it's just dried

A few minutes later, ice poison is completely banished and Alice Coffey wakes up.

Seeing the strange ceiling, Alice Coffey couldn't help but let out a cry, and quickly got up to check on herself.

When she found that the ice poison in her body disappeared, a touch of surprise turned on her face.

"Feel better?"

At this time, Li Feng asked.

Alice Coffey shrugged off her surprise and turned to look at Li Feng: "it was Dr. Li who cured my strange disease, didn't he?"

Li Feng shrugged: "yes."

"My God, Dr. Li's medical skills are really amazing. I've found many world-famous doctors who can't help me with my strange disease." Alice Coffey covered her mouth, and the color of surprise reappeared on her face.

Li Feng kept smiling and did not speak.

There is no need to boast about his strength

"I have a question for you. How did you cure me?" Alice Coffey asked curiously, but if you look closely, her eyes are a little nervous.

Li Feng didn't care about it. He said casually, "take medicine."

Alice Coffey's face changed slightly: "just taking medicine?"

Li Feng frowned slightly: "otherwise?"

He always thought the girl's reaction was strange.

"Ah," Alice Coffey quickly explained, "I mean Aren't you good at acupuncture and massage Well, those famous doctors in the world have given me many kinds of medicine, which have not helped me at all. So I am very curious about what kind of medicine it is. It can cure my disease so miraculously. ""Ancestral pill." Li Feng smiles, without too much explanation.

"Ah, is it really just pills? How do I think Dr. Li is lying to me?" Alice Coffey's face was less cheerful and more suspicious.

Li Feng frowned slightly: "why do you have this idea?"

He thought it was just Pearson who was not normal. Now he found out Alice Coffey is not normal, so this is the tradition of the Coffey family?

For a while, Li Feng was not very cold to the Kofi family who had never heard of it.

"Dr. Li, it is said on the Internet that you are kind-hearted, and the fees charged for diagnosis and treatment are far lower than those of other hospitals."

"So Dr. Li said that intentionally just now, but he didn't want to charge me more money, did he?" Alice Coffey said with a smile.

"No Li Feng is helpless.

He was surprised. Who said that if she only took medicine, she would charge less. How could this woman have such a boring idea?

"Yes, there must be." Alice Coffey said definitely, "to be honest, our family is very rich. Dr. Li can tell the truth about the process of treating me, and we will definitely thank you with a lot of money."

Hearing this, Li Feng finally heard something wrong. This woman obviously has another purpose!

"Do you want to know if I have used genuine Qi to poison you?" With a sharp eyebrow, Li Feng used mind reading to Alice Coffey.

Alice Coffey's eyes flashed: "what is true Qi, a treatment of traditional Chinese medicine?"

"That's right." Li Feng mouth a hook, play flavor: "but I really useless this move, is to give you a pill, do not believe you can go out to ask your housekeeper, you are in a coma for how long."

"What do you mean?" Alice Coffey frowned.

"It will take a long time to force poison with genuine Qi." Li Feng said with deep meaning.

Alice Coffey's eyes flashed: "OK, I'll go out and ask Pearson."

She turned out of the room.

Looking at her back, Li Feng's eyes flashed with cold light.

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