Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 995

Visually, the white beauty is 1.75 meters tall. Of course, this is the height of wearing high-heeled shoes. If the shoes are removed, her height will be more than 1.65 meters, standing tall and graceful.

The white dress she was wearing was very fairy. The long dress was more than ten centimeters away from her bare feet. Let alone the short skirt, it was very conservative even compared with the one-step skirt worn by office workers.

But conservative does not mean no sense of anonymity. On the contrary, because of her excellent figure, this long dress has some self-cultivation, but outlines her good figure.

Among the women Li Feng knows, Tiffany Elsie, who is known as the world's first supermodel, is she the best? The golden ratio, the thin place is thin, the fat place is fat.

But the woman who came out of the pink phantom was better than Tiffany!

Li Feng can't say what's good. After all, people are wearing clothes, and he doesn't mean to use perspective eyes on beautiful women. But this woman's figure is good, because she can stimulate the most original jade forgetting in men's heart!

What's more, Li Feng can't stand it. This beautiful woman's face is very pure and beautiful. It's the most beautiful one!

So the face of an angel and the figure of a devil can't be more suitable for this woman. It can even be said that this sentence is specially created for this woman!

She just stands there quietly, can send out the endless charm, let the human soul all want to fall into it.

This is not really Li Feng exaggeration, did not see Luo Tianzheng and others are open mouth, the saliva almost flow to the ground?

When Li Feng looked at the white beauty, the white beauty was also looking at him. When she saw the light in Li Feng's eyes, a look of contempt flashed through her eyes.

However, she was very good at controlling her expression. The color of scorn just flashed by, replaced by a pure and polite smile. Then she quickly walked into the hospital: "are you Dr. Li Feng Li?"

Li Feng just put off his amazing color and nodded his head with a smile: "yes, what's wrong with you?"

Woman in white:

It's not What do you mean I'm sick? Shouldn't I ask my name when I meet for the first time?

Luo Tianzheng and others were also shocked by Li Feng's horse fork insect.

The patriarch's seduction skill is not very strong, how did this sudden drop N levels?

Where do they know that Li Feng has already seen the scorn in the eyes of a woman in white. It is not how sensitive Li Feng is, but that he always adheres to a principle of being a man. He treats others as he is treated.

Can't other people look down on him, and he's going to try to please him?

"It's not convenient for the white woman to hear me. It's not convenient for other people to laugh

She glanced at Luo Tianzheng and others intentionally or unintentionally.

Luo Tianzheng and others just took back their chin and twisted their heads to one side. However, they still couldn't help looking at the white beauty secretly with the corner of their eyes.

See this Li Feng can't help but some angry, how, have not seen the beauty, can give the young master a long face one by one?!

At the moment, Li Feng glared at Lao Luo and others.

Feeling Li Feng's murderous spirit, Luo Tianzheng and others finally stop peeping at white beauties and start to look at their noses, noses and hearts.

Li Feng this just cold hum a, turn a head to ask a way: "how special?"

"Well It's about my privacy. " The white beauty blushed and whispered.

"Gynecology?" At the same time, Li Feng used the eye of medical God.

White beauty did not expect Li Feng to speak so direct, for a moment nervous to some helpless.

At this time, the old man in Tuxedo was dissatisfied and said: "Dr. Li, our Miss saw the post about the little miracle doctor of Huaxia on the Internet and came here with a try attitude. I hope you can fulfill your responsibilities as a doctor."

Li Feng laughed: "I am not performing the responsibility of a doctor now?"

The old man in Tuxedo frowned slightly: "our Miss has said that this involves her privacy. You can't talk about Miss's condition while outsiders are still on the field."

"Oh." Li Feng nodded and waved: "then you go. I can't see your young lady's illness."

Tuxedo old man:

White beauty:

It's not I can't see it before I start to see it. Why, after a few words, I'm angry. As a patient, I haven't the right to ask for it?

"Dr. Li, Pearson is the housekeeper of our family. He always talks from my point of view. If he has something that makes Dr. Li unhappy, please forgive him!"

The white beauty put off her surprise and said politely.

She believes that with her charm, as long as a few soft words, Li Feng will make concessions, which is for sure.

"Miss..." Pearson stopped talking.

The white beauty shook her head at him and said with a smile, "Pearson, it's up to us to ask for Mr. Li now. You'd better say less."Pearson nodded and said, "yes, miss."

At this time, Li Feng laughed again: "you don't have to do this. I really can't see your illness because I didn't see you were sick

As soon as he said this, Pearson and the beauty in white were stunned.

After a while, the beauty in White said with complicated complexion: "Dr. Li, you haven't diagnosed me, how can you know that I'm not ill?"

Although her tone is very calm, but Luo Tianzheng and others have heard from her words a bit of bitterness.

What a pitiful little woman! If they are Li Feng, regardless of whether she is ill or not, take them into the room first!

"Our traditional Chinese medicine has a saying that you are in good health just by using the word" Wang. " Li Feng shrugged.

White beauty face slightly changed: "I think or give me pulse to more accurate."

"No more." Li Feng shook his head with a smile and said to Luo Tianzheng, "Lao Luo, send off the guest."

"Ah?" Luo Tianzheng is a Leng first, then just nod a way: "good le."

Speaking, he went to the white beauty, squeezed out a warm smile and said: "beauty, our boss is very accurate in seeing a doctor. If he says you are not ill, then you are certainly not, so you should go."

The beauty in white looked at him and said pitifully, "but I'm really sick. I've been to a lot of hospitals and can't be cured before I come here."

Luo Tianzheng only felt that his heart was hit by what, and now he should go back to persuade Li Feng, who knew that Li Feng's fierce stare met him.

Immediately Luo Tianzheng counselled him and forced himself to behave coldly: "beauty, you'd better go. Our boss will not change his mind by spitting on a nail."

"This..." The beauty in white opened her mouth, turned into a sigh of disappointment, and then turned around and left.

At this moment, Luo Tianzheng and others also heard their disappointment sigh from the bottom of their heart. How beautiful a beauty, how can't they look at it for a while?

Pearson looked at Li Feng without expression, then turned to follow up.

Just as they were about to walk out of the door, the beauty in white suddenly put her hand on her forehead and said, "I I feel dizzy. "

Then she fell back!

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