Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 994

Over the next few days, Frank Becky helped isaniah get through the admissions process.

Only then did isania know that she was "in school"!

A bolt from the blue!

Isanya is not tired of learning. She yearns for further study in the University, especially when she was still a blood race. Almost every day, she imagined walking around the university campus, having classes in the classroom and participating in community activities with three or five friends.

Just know Li Feng, this yearning for a lot of light, because she has more fun things to do!

It's the most fun to be with Li Feng, especially when they can practice together and improve their realm

For aishaniya's "weariness of learning", Li Feng didn't persuade her too much. He introduced Wei Bingqing, Liu Shihan and Su Tong's educational background.

Then ashaniya was enlightened and almost cried out to go to school.

This confirms the truth that it is often other women who can make a woman struggle hard

However, Chinatown is not too far away from LD University, and it's only an hour's drive away. So she didn't choose to live on campus. Instead, she drove to school every morning in the BMW Mini that Li Feng bought for her. After class, she drove back to her apartment.

On the other hand, after signing a contract with Su Tong in Huaxia, Tang Qiong also returned to country y. however, her work became more busy after her return.

The first is the laying of offline channels. After all, lt company is a newly founded enterprise. In addition to having its own office space and a small number of personnel, the others are still in preparation.

In particular, offline sales channels, which need a shopping mall to talk about to gnaw.

Fortunately, oswelli has long been famous all over the world. The person in charge of the shopping mall also knows that once he opens the oswelli counter in his shopping mall to sell Hongyan and Runyan, the two famous brand products, will surely attract a lot of people.

So the negotiation process was quite smooth, and the store rent was also able to get the maximum discount.

The second is personnel recruitment. Although Tang Qiong also recruited some employees in the early stage, the gap is still very large.

Tang Qiong is a woman who pursues perfection. Although she is not personally responsible for the recruitment of front-line sales personnel, she will ask HR to send the resume of those who have passed the first round of interview every day. After she has a look at it, she will screen out the unsuitable person.

LT company's middle and high-level, she is required to personally check.

In this regard, Li Feng said that he was very distressed, but Tang Qiong refused to help, because professional things should be done by professional people.

Obviously, Tang Qiong thinks that Li Feng is not professional enough in HR. If she knew Li Feng's mind reading skills, she would not know how she would feel

Isania goes to school during the day, and Tang Qiong is busy with her work. Tiffany Elsie, the world's first supermodel, goes to the United States to participate in activities. Li Feng becomes a loner and has to go to the Chinese Medicine Museum.

Fortunately, with Luo Tianzheng and others around, Li Feng's life is not boring.

"Why, my reputation has declined. Why has no one come to see a doctor?"

On this day, Li Feng continued to see the doctor in the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, but for some reason, the usual situation of patients queuing up today did not appear. From the morning to now, a total of one hour, Li Feng saw five patients, and then there was no more.

You should know that he has always been very hot on the Internet. Although he has not received any more difficult and complicated diseases, the patients he has treated have recovered rapidly, which has also won him the name of a little Chinese miracle doctor on the Internet.

If the West had not always been biased against the Chinese people, otherwise his Chinese Medicine Museum would have been stepped down.

Even so, there is an endless stream of patients who come to visit Li Feng every day. It often happens that they queue up outside the door. Sometimes, Li Feng puts up the sign of "business suspension today" at the door, which will cause dissatisfaction of some people who come here to see a doctor.

However, from this morning, Li Feng found that his hospital was quite deserted. In the morning, only five patients came to see the little miracle doctor of Huaxia Can you believe that?

At this time, Wei bin saw Li Feng's depression. His eyes brightened and said: "the master's medical skills are superb. He brings his own miracle doctor's aura, so that the whole country y has no patients. The patriarch is really awesome!"

Qiu Biao was stunned at first, and then echoed: "yes, yes, I feel refreshed when I stand by the Lord. My waist doesn't hurt, my legs don't ache, and I'm strong enough to go upstairs."

Wang Yuanliang "cut" a, cattle force coax said: "more than ah, I can now one breath on the fifth floor!"

"I can not only go up to the fifth floor in one breath, but also carry two barrels of mineral water on my shoulders!"

"Time Oh, carrying two barrels of mineral water on one's shoulders? I can carry five barrels

"Six barrels of me

"I have seven barrels!"

"I I'm burnt

Li Feng:

It's not How can you play mahjong?

Well, although Lao Luo's acting skills are a little poor, at least they make a good atmosphere, which is helpful to him.While Lao Luo and others are focusing on the atmosphere, a pink Rolls Royce phantom comes to the gate of the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

After stopping, an old white man in a tuxedo stepped out of the driver's seat, went to the rear right door and opened the door.

Then a foot in white high heels landed on the ground.

Just seeing this foot, Luo Tianzheng and others widened their eyes and stopped breathing for a moment.

This high-heeled shoe is a classic round head stiletto. You can see that this foot is not wearing silk stockings, and its skin is crystal clear and white to light.

Li Feng also saw this scene. At the moment, he couldn't help but use the perspective eye, and then his pupil shrank and his face showed amazing color.

There is a saying that hand is the second face of a person, but Li Feng thinks that feet are the second face of a woman. Some people can keep their faces and hands white and tender, but few women can maintain their feet like crystal jade.

Among the women Li Feng knew, Wei Bingqing, Liu Shihan and song Wanjun really achieved this. Other women were more or less flawed.

For example, Jiang Mengyao and Jiang Yunzhu are rough hands and feet because of their professional relationship.

Like Su Tong, her family background is general, it is difficult to have the conditions to do ten fingers do not touch the spring water, let alone feet.

Of course, these problems were solved after they took Tongyan water, and at Li Feng's request, they all paid attention to the maintenance of their hands and feet.

But the owner of this white high-heeled shoe did it, and it was better than Wei Bingqing and Liu Shihan.

Who is she? Where does she come from? She What's wrong?

Soon, the other foot fell to the ground, and a woman in a white round hat, a white pink silk scarf at the neckline, and a white dress came out of the car.

See the woman's appearance of the moment, Luo Tianzheng and others can not help but take a breath of cold air, eyes put amazing awn!

Even Li Feng couldn't help but be shocked!

This woman beautiful!

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