Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 993

At the moment, there is a park more than ten kilometers away from villa 10, Constantine street.

In the early hours of the morning, there was no one in the park. The night wind blew, and the leaves swayed back and forth under the dim yellow street lamps, making bursts of rustling sound.

At this time, the probability of black smoke floating here from a distance, in the dim light of the street lamp condensed into a ball, and then the black smoke slowly condensed into a human shape.

If someone is here, they will be frightened by this scene. People with bad heart may be scared to death directly!

It's a horror movie. The environment is a little infiltrative, and then the black smoke comes out The atmosphere of terror is soaring!

In this group of black smoke condensed into adult form, it slowly became solidified, and finally even formed real flesh and blood!

In a few minutes, the black smoke became a living man!

"Damn it, that hateful Chinese even forced my soul to leave the body, and let me take my own son under compulsion! I will kill him to avenge my son who died miserably

If Li Feng were here, he would find that this man was Hill Solomon who had escaped from him!

Hill Solomon's voice did not change, but the message from his words was amazing!

"There is also the light Council. They have absorbed a semi divine strongman of Chinese nationality. They have broken the balance of hundreds of years. In the long run, the dark Council will be eaten away by them! I have to tell the other elders about this information! "

Blake Solomon puffed out a puff of foul air, and in a flash he flew into the air and into the distance.

At the same time, Li Feng asked Becky and his son to take June duanchang powder, and told them about the function of June duanchang powder.

Although Becky and his son were afraid of this, they could only accept it because they knew that they would die if they did not accept it, but they still had a chance to live after accepting it!

After letting Becky and his son take care of their mouths, Li Feng let them leave here.

"Lord, do you want to kill them secretly after they help Miss ashaniya enter the school?"

At this time, Feng came to Li Dehai and said in a low voice.

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles: "it's just two small minions. There's no need to make a fuss."

Feng Dehai nodded and did not speak again.

"I'll transfer the bonus to your account later. You can go back first."

After Li Feng finished, Wan Zi Dao and others did not stay any more. They bowed down and took a few steps back together. They turned and flew into the air and disappeared in the distant night.

"Well, the activity here is a little big. It must have attracted a lot of people's attention. It's better to erase the relevant memories with the system first." Li Feng touched his chin for a moment and then gave the order.

Even Wanzi Road, which is more than ten kilometers away, has seen the situation here. It is impossible for the rich people living nearby to say that they have not seen it at all.

Fortunately, the population density here is very low, Li Feng only spent 100000 system points to solve this problem.

Then he took out his cell phone and dialed Philip Gullit: "Hello, Philip, I have something I want to ask you Do you know Blake Solomon? "

"Yes, master, he is a demigod medium-term strongman of the black witches and one of the twelve elders of the dark Council." Philip gullet replied respectfully.

"The black witch clan?" Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, to interest: "give me a detailed introduction of this race."

"It's the master!" Philip Gullit sorted out his thoughts a little and said slowly: "the black wizard, blood clan and werewolf are called the three major dark races in the West. The ability of this group is more peculiar. It majored in soul and minor in kneading body. The soul is more powerful than kneading body."

"For this reason, the black witches have mastered a lot of powerful witchcraft. For example, they can condense a cloud of great energy and release thousands of lightning."

"Another example is that they can knead their bodies to death and their souls will not die. They can even take away their souls after they leave the body and usher in a new life."

"If you want to defeat the strongmen of the black witch clan, you should try every means to fight them closely, quickly kill their kneading bodies, and ensure that there are no other living people within a hundred meters nearby, so as to prevent their souls from taking over others."

Li Feng's eyebrow pointed out: "the soul snatches the house? Isn't this something that we Oriental practitioners can do? "

"True? What kind of cultivation? " Philip Gullett was a little confused.

"Well Nothing, so Blake Solomon kneaded and died, and his soul went out of his body and took away his son? " Li Feng gave a dry cough and quickly ignored the problem.

Because Philip Gullit mentioned the word "seize the house", Li Feng remembered the monks who could take over others in the Xiuzhen novels he had read, and then he said it out of his mouth.

However, the theory of Xiuzhen only exists in the legend, let alone Li Feng. Even Luo Tianzheng and others have never seen a real monk, so Philip Gullit's a normal reaction.

"Take away his son?" Philippe Gullit was stunned at first, and then said with fear: "this is really the work style of the black witch people, in order to survive by any means."From his tone, we can see that he should have fought with the black witch clan before. This memory must not be very happy.

"But there are other people around. Why does he leave a stranger to take away his son?" This is what Li Feng can't think of at the moment.

As the saying goes, tiger poison does not eat a son. The biggest difference between man and beast is that most people can control their animal surnames. For example, Blake Solomon's act of seizing his son's father's wife has become more animal than beast.

"Are those two ordinary people? Or They are much lower than Blake's son? " Asked Philip Gullett.

"Yes..." Li Feng's pupils shrank and said in astonishment, "you mean Blake Solomon is for his son's all-round skill?"

If that's true, then Blake Solomon's behavior would be too brutish. It's a hundred times more hateful than simply trying to survive!

"It should be." Philip guley nodded.

After that, Li Feng didn't ask any more questions. He told Philip Gullit to pay attention to the news about chunas, and then hung up the phone. Then he got up and walked to the parking lot. After getting on the Panamera, he drove all the way back to tangqiong's apartment.

After entering the door, Li Feng called for aishaniya in a low voice, and then saw ashaniya, dressed in professional clothes and black stockings, came out of the bedroom.

"Li Feng, you're back at last. I'm worried about you!"

She said worried words on her mouth, but she didn't have much worried expression on her face.

This is because she has enough confidence in Li Feng, otherwise she would not be in the mood to dress up

"Little fool, I have nothing to worry about, but you After this incident, I think your strength is still too low. I will seize the time to help you improve your strength. "

With a bad smile, Li Feng picked her up and strode to the bedroom

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