Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 992

When Li Feng was thinking about calling Philip Gullit to ask about Blake Solomon, several figures flashed from the distant sky.

"Zong Boss, please forgive me for your late arrival

Wan Zi Dao was the first one to rush here. After falling on Li Feng's body, he knelt down on one knee and cried out.

Originally, Wan Zi Dao wanted to call the leader of Li Feng, but when he saw that there were two strangers nearby, he changed into the boss in time.

"Sleeping trough! Lao Wan is so mean. He robbed our lines

Feng Dehai and others in the back are in great hurry. What a chance to offer courteous service to the patriarch. It's very unpleasant to let Wanzi Dao take it!

"Boss! We are late, please forgive the boss

In Feng Dehai remorse, Wei bin seized the opportunity to overtake, the second came to Li Feng!

At this time, Feng Dehai and others don't have to worry about who is the first and who is the second. It's good to show a face.

When Feng Dehai and others also came to Li Feng, kneeling on one knee and shouting at the boss, Becky and his son had been completely stunned!

I'll go. What character is Li Feng? There are so many strong subordinates? You know, these people are flying from high altitude. They look more powerful than Hill Solomon!

It seems that Li Feng has a very high position in the bright Council!

"Why are you here?" Li Feng didn't expect that Wan Zi Dao and others would suddenly come here. He was a little surprised.

"Didn't we see that someone was robbing here, and then we found out it was the boss's virtual God under close inspection, so we ran over quickly."

Seizing the opportunity, Wei bin replied first.

Li Feng's mouth a smoke: "what thing crossing robbery?"

Wan Zi Dao and others have no intention to help Wei bin explain.

Although Wei bin preempted to answer, but this matter obviously has certain risk, let him come to a good beginning and end well.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's just that we saw a big cloud floating in front of the French window of the hotel. We thought it was a Taoist friend who was taking a robbery here. It was the boss who didn't want to chop it."

Wei bin touched his head, a face embarrassed to say.


when Li Feng raised his hand, he hit Wei bin with a chestnut on his head and said with a smile: "chop your sister! Do you think I've been struck by thunder? "

"No, it's not like, the boss's demeanor is still the same, and he doesn't seem to fight with people." Wei bin also found that he had said something wrong, so he tried to remedy it.

"Well, you're smart enough to come back with a 10 million pound bonus for each person." Li Feng shakes his head and smiles. He doesn't care about Wei bin. He waves his hand and scatters a lot of money.

Of course, Li Feng would not be angry because of Wei Bin's unintentional words, which would be too small for him to pretend to be angry, or to get closer to Wei bin and others.

One of the skills of Yuxia is to use both Enwei and Enwei. Li Feng can control the life and death of Wei bin and others. Usually, he doesn't need to show his dignity. What he has to do is Thank you!

To give money is to be kind, and to fight, laugh and scold is also to be kind, because it can make Wei bin and others feel that Li Feng does not regard them as subordinates, but as friends and brothers.

In this way, Wei bin and others will consider for him sincerely.

Li Feng didn't just start to do it, but started to do it after taking them in. Because of this, when Wei bin and others discovered that Li Feng was fighting with people here, he would come over at the first time.

Otherwise, Wei bin and other people's congresses could let Li Feng separate life and death from the enemy first. Once Li Feng died in the hands of the enemy, would they not be liberated?

"Sleeping trough! The boss is mighty

"The boss is magnificent! I'm going to love you, boss! "

"Boss, I'm going to give you birth Ah, bah, I, Qiu Biao, swear here that life is the boss's person, and death is the boss's ghost. I will never betray you all my life! "

Wan Zi Dao and others were so excited that Qiu Biao almost gave Li Fengsheng a monkey!

Becky and his son were so shocked!

What's the situation? It's only 10 million per person. Aren't these people not helpful? There's a mine at home No, even if there is a mine, it can't afford such a big deal. It should be a banknote printing factory.

At the thought that Li Feng was a poor man, Stephen felt his face as hot as a stove

Just then, a system tone suddenly sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host. The mission 'ashaniya (3)' has been completed, and the task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have gained 2 million experience points, 5 million system points and 100 conquest points."

Host: Li Feng

level: semi divine level (medium)

experience value: 45.525 million

system points: 56 million

conquest points: 1990

skills: Shenwei, Xushen, stepping on the sky seven steps, chopping sky sword, empty flash, square inch, green mountain guard, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, cloud exploration HandsTasks to be completed: none

after reading his personal attributes, Li Feng quits the system and turns to look at Becky and his son.

Becky and his son shivered and forced a smile that was even worse than crying and said, "Mr. Li, we are wrong. What do you think we should do to forgive us?"

"I don't want to forgive you." Li Feng sighed and said, "but I can't kill all those people who know you lost to my villa? Headache. "

Li Feng definitely has a way to make people can't find out that he killed Becky and his son, but it will inevitably arouse suspicion. Let's say Jack and Kelly. They will list him as the first suspect.

Of course, Li Feng does not have to kill two people, or even if it will cause suspicion, Li Feng will clean up the Becky and his son.

Gentlemen don't take revenge overnight!

Becky and his son were surprised and prayed, "Mr. Li, what do you need us to do? You can say that we will do it if we die. Only Mr. Li can let us live together."

"Well For the sake of your sincerity, I do want you to do something. " Li Feng mouth a hook, play flavor: "I listen to Stephen's tone, you seem to have energy in LD University, right?"

Frank Becky was stunned at first, then nodded repeatedly: "I am a member of the board of directors of the University. I still have some ability to deal with general affairs in LD University. What does Mr. Li want me to do?"

No matter what Li Feng asked him to do, he had to promise to come down first, so as to escape his death!

"It's easy. Isania wants to go to LD University. Can you handle it?" Li Feng said with a smile.

Life without college is not perfect. Li Feng also hopes that isanya can go to university and learn more knowledge.

It is not impossible for him to do this. He can donate millions or tens of millions of pounds, but it will be very troublesome and there are many processes to go.

Wouldn't it be better if Frank Becky could handle it?

"No problem. It's just a small thing. I can handle it in a week." Said Frank Becky, with a long breath, patting his fierce breast.

"Well, in that case, I can let you go back, but before that, you'll have to eat this." Li Feng nodded and took out two red pills from his arms.

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