Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 991


Hill Solomon screamed directly!

He can't believe his eyes. In his mind, his almost invincible father was beheaded by Li Feng? He must be dazzled!

Becky and his son are also confused. A moment ago, Blake Solomon was a god like figure in their hearts. After a few seconds, he was killed by Li Feng. The impact on them can be imagined!

Now the question is, even Blake Solomon is not Li Feng's opponent. Who can save them from the fire?

"Some are vulnerable."

Li Feng took up his sword, shook his head and sighed.

This time, he didn't mean to pretend to be forced. It was Blake Solomon who forced him to use too many cards at the beginning. Li Feng almost regarded him as an opponent as powerful as Philip Gullett.

I didn't think Blake Solomon didn't even catch a virtual night chop Li Feng was a little surprised, which was not a bit worse than Philip Gullett.

Now think about it, he was just not familiar with Blake Solomon's way of fighting, so he was a bit passive at the beginning. In terms of pure combat power, Blake Solomon was not very powerful.

Just as Li Feng murmured to himself, a wisp of black smoke suddenly came out of Blake Solomon's body. The black smoke was very light, just like the smoke produced when a cigarette was burning. It was difficult to attract other people's attention in the dark.

In particular, Blake Solomon's head has been lost, Li Feng's attention has long been removed from him, and he has not been able to see this wisp of black smoke.

Becky and his son, not to mention, were so far away from each other that they were thinking about how to run for their lives next. Naturally, they did not see the appearance of this wisp of black smoke.

Only hill Solomon, who was keenly aware of the appearance of the black smoke, passed his face with a smile, and then he cried out, "how dare you kill my father? Our Solomon family will not let you go, nor will the dark Council let you go!"

"Oh?" Li Feng Mei pointed out: "you are indeed members of the dark Council. Hum, in this case, I should kill you all the more. I believe that old master chunas will be very happy when he knows that I will kill you."

He learned from Philip Gullit that chunus, Riggs and others were members of the light parliament, but he did not know that there was a dark parliament in the western world.

However, from the name, it can be seen that the two organizations should be in a state of hostility. In this case, he did not mind to let the bright Council where chunas was in bear a black pot.

"What?" Hill Solomon's pupils shrank and he said in horror, "are you a member of the Council of light?"

"Is there anything strange?" Li Feng shrugged and mocked: "the bright Council is the most powerful organization in the western world."

"As the saying goes, water flows down and people go up. Although I am a Chinese, what's wrong with joining the bright Council with my strength?"

"What a man to go high! What a bright Council! Our dark Council is at odds with the light Council! " Hill Solomon was itchy with hate.

"How old is the dark Council? If the whole army of the light Council attacks, you will be wiped out in three days!" With a big wave of his hand, Li Feng really felt that he was a member of the bright Council.

That, of course, made Hill Solomon almost explode!

The light Council is stronger than the dark Council, but it is just a dream to kill the dark Council in three days!

Darkness and light have coexisted for more than 500 years. Due to different races, the two parliaments have been in a hostile state, attacking each other and winning or losing.

However, on the whole, the light Council is in an advantageous position, especially in the past 100 years, the light Council has been oppressed by the dark parliament, and can only hide in the dark, and dare not walk in the world openly.

But if the two sides are really desperate to fight to death, although the dark Council is unlikely to win, it will also greatly damage the vitality of the light Council!

Therefore, the fighting between the two parliaments has been relatively restrained. Most of the fighting is between the peripheral members, and there has been no fighting between the top powerful in the past decade.

"Well, everyone will say that if you don't want to be removed from the world, you can try to kill our dark Council!"

Speaking of this, Hill Solomon suddenly changed his words and said with a smile: "but I really admire your strength. How about if you let me go and I will be your internal agent after I go back to the dark Council and help you find the information you are interested in?"

Li Feng was stunned: "you mean Infernal Affairs? "

Hill Solomon's words reminded Li Feng that after chunas escaped, he would definitely return to the light Council and tell other elders of the light Council about the death of Riggs and Peyton.

This kind of thing will not be reconciled to any organization, so Li Feng can guess with his toes that the Guangming Council will soon avenge the two.

Although Li Feng's strength is not weak, why be tough if he can outwit him?Since the dark Council and the light Council are hostile to each other, he can take advantage of the situation to turn Hill Solomon into his own servant, and then let Hill Solomon return to the dark Council to provoke a fight with the light Council.

Then he will make a profit

"What?" Hill Solomon, who had seen Infernal Affairs, was a little confused.

Li Feng laughed: "even the Infernal Affairs have not seen, but dare to say to be my spy? Don't you think I'm stupid

Hill Solomon:

It's not Is there any inevitable relationship between being an insider and seeing Infernal Affairs? I am so confused!

"But I am very excited about your proposal. Next, you will become my slave..."

Li Feng was about to use the seal of slavery on hill Solomon when he saw a wisp of black smoke coming behind him. Then the black smoke went into hill Solomon's head like a snake!

"Ah Hill Solomon uttered a cry of anguish: "father! Why are you doing this to... "

Before he finished speaking, his eyes became dull and his breath was gone.

Li Feng was stunned!

What's the matter with this thing? What's the black smoke, Blake Solomon? Isn't he dead?

When Li Feng was confused, Hill Solomon's body suddenly turned into a cloud of black smoke!

Li Feng's face changed slightly. He quickly grabbed the black smoke with his cloud detecting hand. However, the smoke was invisible. Under this grasp, he immediately scattered the black smoke!

Then, the scattered black smoke turned into small snakes like life, swimming to the distance, and suddenly disappeared in Li Feng's sight.

Li Feng looked at the disappearing black smoke and said sadly, "what kind of person is this? Why are so many weird means? I think I'm going to ask Philip Gullett

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