Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 990

Just now, the words of Solomon and his son made Li Feng very unhappy. Before the battle was over, he looked like he would win the battle. How many meanings do you mean? Pretending to be forced in front of me?!

It's not nice to say that. I'm not afraid of anyone!

It was driven by this idea that the scene just happened

Of course, black lightning can't be used to light a cigarette, let alone light a cigarette. Even if you take a stick here, it will have to be chopped into pieces.

Li Feng was lighting the cigarette with a lighter, pretending to be lit by black lightning.

Of course, as long as Li Feng does not point out, Becky and his son and even Solomon will not guess this. The key reason is that Li Feng's performance is too natural and unrestrained!

Under the infinite thunder and lightning, the clothes can be spotless and the hairstyle is not disordered Lighting a cigarette with lightning makes sense.

Now Blake Solomon had five words in his mind: "it's not lasting It's not lasting It's not lasting... "

These five words bring him 100000 critical hits!

It's not Li Feng's resistance to thunderstorms, but Hill's mother has said that many times

Li Feng said this sentence, let Blake Solomon have a feeling that he was known his biggest secret!

"Ah! I will tear you up Blake Solomon directly fell into a violent state, and his breath suddenly soared, from the first half of the demigod to the late demigod!

Although the use of secret skills will make him weak for a period of time, once encountered a strong enemy will be very dangerous, but Blake Solomon has not taken care of that much!

"Are you serious at last?" Li Feng's mouth aroused a smile of fun, which also opened two cards.

"Run away!"


"Boom" and "boom"

Li Feng's breath soared one after another, coming directly to the later period of demigod. At the same time, a towering virtual shadow appeared behind him.

At the moment, Wei bin and others, who are watching the "natural calamity" in the president's private room on the top floor of the hotel, have also seen this virtual image.

"Sleeping trough! It seems to be the virtual God of our Lord? " Wan Zi Dao pointed to the empty shadow and said in amazement.

"Be confident and get rid of" as if. " Wei bin sneered.

"Pa" Wan Zi Dao raised his hand to reward Wei bin with a record of chestnut, and angrily scolded, "when are you still shaking here? It's obvious that the patriarch has met a strong enemy. Why are you still standing here, shoulder to shoulder? "

The voice fell to the ground, Wan Zi Dao jumped out of the window in his pajamas.

Feng Dehai and others are not willing to lag behind, so they flash out of the window.

Wei bin touched his head and murmured in a low voice: "how can the patriarch say this kind of words is powerful and domineering, I say it is shaking and clever, a group of double label dogs!"

At the end of his speech, Wei bin yelled: "wait for me, I will also contribute to the Lord!"

The voice fell to the ground, and Wei bin flashed out of the window.

"Empty cut!"

After the state soared, Li Feng did not talk nonsense any more. Raising his hand was a sword.

A fierce sword spirit was born from the void, and suddenly came to Blake Solomon.

"Well, it's a small skill!"

Blake Solomon looked scornful and did not care about the sword that was about to be cut. He raised his staff and went to Li Feng.


a cloud of black clouds appeared on top of Li Feng's head again, and countless thunder and lightning were brewing in the dark cloud, which was even more powerful than the last time. It was really like the scene of monks crossing robbery in Xiuzhen novels.

At the same time, one of the four black light balls around Blake Solomon's body suddenly speeds up, and in an instant he meets the sword spirit of the void!


a big bang, the sword Qi broke! The black ball flickered and disappeared.

As before, the shock waves from the collision did not reach Blake Solomon, but fanned out in front of him.

But the disappearance of the black light ball made Blake Solomon's pupil shrink and murmured to himself, "what a powerful sword spirit can break through my ghost eyes!"

Eye of the ghost, the strongest defense skill of their clan, can conduct self-defense as long as it is released.

Unless the realm is higher than them, it is difficult to break through the defense of ghost eye!

Of course, these ghost eyes also need energy support. Once the energy in his body is exhausted, these ghost eyes will dissipate, or the attack strength beyond the ghost eye can bear will also dissipate.

But the ghost's eye just blocked Li Feng's two swords and dissipated. This shows that Li Feng's sword spirit is very powerful!

Just as Blake Solomon's mind turned, countless black lightning bolts fell from the dark cloud again!


countless lightning strikes, directly drowning Li Feng below!

Blake Solomon's nervous palms were sweating: "kill him, I'll kill him!"At this time, several fierce swords suddenly came from his back!

Three black light balls defend independently, and in a moment they meet these swords

The roar is constantly ringing, and the shock wave caused by the explosion is scattered!

When Blake Solomon looked back, he found that the remaining three black light balls had also dissipated, and Li Feng, who caused all this, was watching him coldly from a distance of 100 meters.

"How the hell did he get there?" Blake Solomon looks terrified!

Thunderstorm can automatically lock in the enemy's tracks, just like the first time he used this move. After Li Feng used the flash in the air, the dark cloud generated by the thunderstorm was like a blink.

But this kind of automatic locking can only be available when the thunderstorm is brewing. Once the lightning starts to fall, it will not be able to do so.

This is naturally a weakness of thunderstorms, but in other words, when most people are hit by black lightning, they are either seriously injured or fall, which is not a weakness.

But Blake Solomon never dreamed that he would meet someone who could ignore the thunder storm!

Just as Blake Solomon was terrified, the world he was in suddenly turned black and there was no light at all!

In the distant sky, Hill Solomon looked at the black column of light in front of them, and their eyes were about to pop out!

They can't understand why there is a huge black cylinder with a diameter of 200 meters and a height of more than 1000 meters between heaven and earth. This is something God can do?

"What the hell is this?" Blake Solomon's heart was shaking, a great sense of crisis floated in his mind, and now he was about to condense the ghost eyes.

But before the ghost's eyes were reunited, a black sword spirit drew a flickering curve and came to him!


a sharp knife cutting meat sounds!

At the same time, the thunderstorm disappears, and the next moment, the black cylinder of the sky dissipates, revealing the scene inside.

Blake Solomon stood in his place with a look of horror. Suddenly, a blood thread appeared on his neck and his head fell to the ground!

A generation of demigod mid strong Fall!

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