Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 989

At the moment, wanzidao and other people in the far away Chinatown are gathering to play cards and fight against landlords.


Wei bin, whose face was covered with tortoises, let out a roar and then threw down four J's with great momentum.

This night, he lost n in a row, or could he stick so many turtles on his face? He's going to be ridiculed to death by Lao Wan, OK?

This one finally got a good card. He wants to return all the humiliation of tonight to Lao Wan and these people!

So you have to have momentum to dump!


almost at the moment when he dropped four J's, the sound of rolling thunder came from the distance.

Wei bin was so scared that he almost threw all the remaining cards out!

"I wipe, you can use this bomb, but also lead to thunder?" Wanzi road and others are also very surprised, this is too coincidental, throw a bomb to ring thunder.

Wei bin came back to his senses and said with a smile: "this is what you say and what you say. You'd better be honest, or I'll call thunder to chop you to death."

"Pa" Wan Zi Dao raised his hand was a record of chestnut knocking on Wei Bin's head: "is it special? What's more, you are not afraid to lead to natural calamity?"

The patriarch is not with Luo Tianzheng. He is the most beautiful cub in this room. How can he tolerate Wei Bin's arrogance in front of him?

At this time, standing by the window, Qiu Biao, who was bored to see the scenery, pointed to the distance and said, "lying trough, it's really a disaster if you don't do well. Look over there!"

As for why Qiu Biao didn't get involved The reason is simple and crude. He hasn't learned how to fight the landlord yet

Wan Zi Dao and Feng Dehai threw the cards on the table and ran over.

It's not that they are so curious, they just don't want to lose to Wei bin, throw the card and it's done!

"Sleeping trough! You two can't leave until you finish this one Wei bin is not happy.

But Wanzi road two people simply did not pay attention to him: "lying trough? Is it really a natural disaster? "

"I've never seen such a big dark cloud with such a low height!"

Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang, who were watching the game at the card table, were interested and ran over.

At a glance, they were also shocked: "lying trough, look at the extent of the lightning and thunder. Maybe it's really a disaster!"

"Who is the Taoist friend here? Shall we go and have a look

Wei Bin's hands shaking with anger!

God special disaster? Where are you from! You have read too many Xiuzhen novels!

In order to pay off the debt, you play the trick to this extent, do you have any justice?!

Under the indignation, Wei bin threw down the card in his hand and walked quickly to the window: "I want to see what you said about the Tianjie Is sleeping trough really special? Is it a natural disaster? "

More than ten kilometers away from this place, floating a large group of dark clouds, the dark clouds in the electric light flashing, roaring sound dense like rain!

Wei bin and others were able to see this scene. On the one hand, they benefited from the fact that the five-star hotel they stayed in was the tallest building in this area.

On the other hand, it is because Wei bin and other people have stepped into the semi divine state, and their eyesight is far beyond ordinary people's eyes. Otherwise, even if the front is open, ordinary people will not be able to see the scene more than ten kilometers away.

Just when Wei bin and others were shocked by the dark cloud, Li Feng, who was shrouded in this dark cloud, was so nervous that his hair was on his head!

Sleeping trough, a lot of black lightning!

Black is black, and it can also emit light that is going to blind other people's eyes. What's the scientific principle?!

More importantly!

Li Feng is aware of the huge crisis from these black lightning. If he resists like this, he must be injured!

Now he has two choices, one is to use the void flash, the other is to open invincible.

The void flash can only be avoided for 0.1 second. If the lightning continues to split, it will be troublesome.

And open invincible

Shit, we've already handed in the two cards of time reversal and group space teleportation before we start. Let's open another invincible Too fast, right?

It's very unpleasant!

"You are all open your eyes, this is my father's unique move, thunderstorm, strong people of the same level encounter this move only seriously injured or even fall down!"

Said Hill Solomon excitedly.

"Thunderstorm What an overbearing name Stephen took a deep breath of admiration.

"What a thunderstorm, Mr. Solomon. Your father is a god like man Frank Becky said with envy.

At this moment, he left behind all the splendor and wealth. He was willing to exchange all his wealth for the same ability as Blake Solomon!

Or Can you make him a godfather?

I don't know that Frank Becky wants to rob his father. Hill Solomon says triumphantly, "that's necessary. My father is a strong man in the world.""Ha ha, hill, have you seen that this Chinese has been hit by my thunder storm. I have avenged you, ha ha ha."

Before the clouds cleared and the thunder continued, Blake Solomon could not help laughing.

At first, the Chinese gave him a lot of pressure, which forced him to use the strongest tactics directly.

Now it seems that the Chinese can't even take a move from him. He's looked up to him!

"My father is mighty!" Hill Solomon congratulated.

"Mr. Solomon is mighty!" Becky and his son can't wait to flatter.

Blake Solomon is absolutely big legs. They have to hold them tight!

Blake Solomon waved his hands again and again, but the pride on his face could not be concealed.

Just then, the thunder stopped and the dark clouds dispersed.

Blake Solomon easily turned to look at the ground and wanted to see the results of the battle. But when he saw Li Feng's situation clearly, his face suddenly changed: "Damn, what's going on?"

In his sight, Li Feng holds a sword in his right hand and a cigarette in his left hand. The front color is relaxed and puffs out a smoke ring.

So Under the thunderstorm, Li Feng still has a leisurely mood to light a cigarette? I must be hallucinating!

"Well, you're a good thunder. It's very suitable to light a cigarette."

Li Feng played the ash and said with satisfaction.

Solomon and his son:

Becky and his son:

It's not The thunder storm with huge emotional momentum let you light a cigarette, right? Can you stop acting like that?!

At this moment, Blake Solomon really felt an old blood in his throat.

He is proud of the thunder cloud storm, the most powerful trick, not only failed to hurt Li Feng, even Li Feng's hairstyle has not been destroyed, but also Li Feng used to light a cigarette?

Who is not angry about this?!

Becky and his son now want to slap themselves in the face.

Mr. Solomon is very powerful. There are many powerful people in the world! Blake Solomon is here for fun, isn't it?!

"I wanted to finish smoking this cigarette, but I didn't expect that this cloud of thunder would not last so long."

Li Feng sighed with disappointment, threw away the cigarette in his hand and said seriously: "so Then it's time for me to do it. "

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