Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 986

Becky and his son are so confused, OK!

After getting out of the car, Hill Solomon didn't say a word, but was slapped into the ground by Li Feng. This kind of feeling is like that after the boss in the online game appears, his younger brother has not been cleared, and he is shot to death by a player with an arrow.

It's so abrupt!

It's just unscientific. Mr. Hill Solomon is a strong SSS +. What kind of strong person should he be if he can slap him into the ground?

It's not poverty that limits Frank Becky's imagination, it's that he doesn't know what kind of strong people are above SSS +!

"Your dependence seems to be unreliable. It's too vulnerable to a single attack..."

Li Feng scattered the cloud exploring hand, and said with a playful look.

On the ground ahead, the head of hill Solomon was exposed. He was pale, with a trace of blood left on his mouth, and his hair was disorderly, as if he had been chopped by thunder.

"Who are you? How can you be so strong?"

Hill Solomon's expression was not enough to express his shock at the moment.

A man who can beat him so badly in front of him is definitely a strong man of demigod level. As for the level of demigod state Hill Solomon has no way to judge, because it is one move to deal with him in the early and middle and late period of demigod, and he will never use more!

There are only four demigods in his clan!

"I'm from China. Stephen should have told you." Li Feng shrugged and looked playful: "it's you Who are you? It seems that you don't have the power of Qi and blood. You are not a Western crazy soldier, nor a blood clan, let alone a werewolf Well, it's a strange strong man. "

At present, there are only three types of Western strongmen that Li Feng meets: Crazy soldiers, blood clans and werewolves. However, the bad old man in front of him is totally different from these three types of strong men. His breath is very strange, as if he is enveloped in a black fog, so that he can't see clearly.

"Jie Jie, I'm certainly not the fool you said." Hill Solomon let out a strange smile, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and said in a cold voice, "it seems that you have dealt with a lot of Western powers here?"

"I'm asking you. I'm not very patient. You'd better tell the truth." Li Feng is a little angry. You are all my prisoners. You dare to laugh at me and ask me why I don't dare to kill you?

On the other side, Becky and his son, seeing that Li Feng's attention was on hill Solomon, would quietly retreat and try to escape.

Just as soon as they made a move, a huge dragon claw rushed to them.


the moment they were caught by the dragon claw, they gave a scream.

"You two should be honest with me. I'll take care of you after my interrogation of this guy!"

After Li Feng snorted coldly, he scattered his cloud finder.

Becky and his son were paralyzed and could no longer afford to flee.

"Well, two idiots!" Hill Solomon couldn't help but curse the two men.

Even he couldn't escape in front of the semi gods. Becky and his son were just ordinary people. How could they escape secretly? Li Feng didn't slap them into a patty, which was a blessing to heaven.

Just as he was disgusting, Li Feng suddenly turned his head to him. Hill Solomon's face was stagnant. Then he snorted, "I'm a crazy soldier, but the skill of practicing is quite strange."

At the same time, he took his hand into the soil in front of him and began to slide in the soil like a swimming fish.

If the soil is hollowed out, it will be found that his fingertips are emitting wisps of black gas, which constitute a wonderful pattern under the fingertips of his fingers.

When the pattern is completely drawn out, its whole began to emit a black milli light, flickering, touching the heartstrings.

"What are you doing?" Li Feng noticed the energy fluctuation below, and took out the Shenwu sword and cut it in front at the same time.


the sword burst, and a deep pit was cut in front of hill Solomon's body, revealing his hands and the black patterns in front of him.

"This is Dharma array? " Li Feng had never seen such a pattern before, so he became more confused for a moment.

"It's not a phalanx, it's a rune." Hill Solomon grinned grimly, and suddenly opened his mouth and let out a breath of black air on the black Rune in front of him.

Suddenly, the black rune is full of black light!

A terrible wave of energy broke out!

"Why? I feel like I'm feeling spatial fluctuations? " Li Feng is aware of a familiar energy fluctuation, which occurs every time he uses teleportation.

So this rune is a form of teleportation?

All the cards in his hand have not been used, so Li Feng is not in a hurry to start now. He wants to see what kind of consequences this Rune will cause. If hill Solomon runs through this rune, he can turn back the timeHill Solomon was on the alert, but he found that Li Feng didn't mean to stop him at all. He was in a state of disbelief.

At this time, the black Rune again burst a black light, a slowly rotating vortex portal appeared above the black Rune!

"Space portal?" Li Feng was even more surprised.

This bad old man is just a SSS + level strong man. He can summon the space portal. This is something that can only be achieved by mastering space martial arts skills?

It's not scientific!

Just then, there was a wave on the vortex gate, and a figure came out of it.

This is an old white man in a black robe.

"I'll go. Is this really a space portal? Wait His clothes are OK? "

Li Feng is even more surprised!

Every time he uses teleport or swarm teleportation, his clothes are torn by space turbulence.

But in front of this man is clearly from the space transmission door out, his clothes are intact, which makes him very unconvinced!

With what system produced martial arts clothes will disappear, their space transmission will be OK, Li Feng felt deep malice from the system!

At present, Li Feng said this doubt to the system.

However, the genie of the system replied, "when the system developer develops the space teleportation technology, he considers how to create opportunities for seduction."

Li Feng:

It's not Feelings, this is the system developer in the trend of evil ideas, deliberately added bug?

Don't be so shameless!

"What's the matter with you, hill?"

Just then, the old white man coming out of the portal asked in a hoarse voice.

"Father, I met an extremely powerful enemy. He is a semi God level strong man. Please avenge me

Hill Solomon said excitedly, pointing to Li Feng.

"Well?" The old man in black turned to look at Li Feng and said in a cold voice, "did you shoot hill into the ground?"

At the same time, a terrible breath broke out on him!

Late demigod!

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