Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 987

When the breath of the old man in black was released, a huge shadow appeared from behind him. At the same time, four black light balls appeared around him and slowly rotated around him.

This scene directly stunned Becky and his son!

"My God What is this? " Stephen Becky said, shocked.

"Is he a God? That's amazing!" Frank Becky took a deep breath and was equally shocked.

"See, this is the real top player." Hill Solomon, who thought he had the backing and the confidence to speak, looked very proud.

Frank Becky nodded excitedly, then turned to Stephen and said, "see, there are top-level strongmen above the demigods. This Chinese is dead this time!"

Hill Solomon:

Black robed old man:.... "

Li Feng:

It's not Emotional Frank Becky thinks that the top strong is more powerful than the demigods?

Some people always expose their own stupid side inadvertently

"Well, frank, my father was also a demigod, but in the middle." Hill Solomon didn't want to see him make a fool of himself, so he had to remind him.

"Er..." So that is what it is. So that is what it is. I wish you father early in the future, Frank Beche!

Hill Solomon:

Late shentemer? You are very late, your whole family is late!

I don't know if I can talk. Shut up!

"Hill, is that your friend?" The old man in black couldn't listen any more and asked with a frown.

As he spoke, his right hand pulled Hill Solomon out of the ground.

"It was a good time for me to know my father in the hunting event." Answered Hill Solomon, shaking off the soil.

"Is that the hunt you collected blood from chimpanzees?" The old man in black raised his eyebrows and asked again.

"Yes, father." Hill Solomon nodded and said with a smile, "Frank has provided me with a lot of financial support and is a good friend."

Frank Becky suddenly realized: "no wonder you only want chimpanzees. What you need is chimpanzee blood."

In his last hunt, Hill Solomon was less interested in lions, tigers and cheetahs than in chimpanzees.

At that time, Frank Becky thought that hill Solomon had a special hobby for chimpanzees, and he was very disgusted for a while

Hill Solomon took a puff from the corner of his mouth, nodded and didn't speak any more. He was scared by Frank. I'm afraid he said something and was hit by Frank again.

"I said Do you want to ignore me like this? I'm the protagonist, aren't you? " Li Feng couldn't see it any more.

When the old man in black appeared, he asked him a question, and then he left him on the side. How can I feel that I have no threat to you?

"Well, I'll be the first to deal with you without you reminding me." The black robed old man snorted coldly, but did not intend to start immediately. Instead, he asked, "who are you? Why do you attack my son?"

"Why do you always ask me who I am, and when you know who I am, can we sit down and have tea and have a chat? Isn't it the same thing to do? " Li Feng said impatiently.

"There is an old saying in China that you should not kill an unknown ghost. Knowing the name of the enemy is also a kind of respect for the enemy." Said the old man in black.

In fact, these are all conventional sayings. His fundamental purpose is to find out whether there is a greater power behind Li Feng. Although Li Feng has a Chinese face, the world is different from that of a hundred years ago, and there are not no Chinese in the Guangming Council.

If Li Feng is a member of the bright Council, the seriousness of the matter will have to be raised by several more levels.

If Li Feng was really just a strong man from the ancient oriental continent, it would be very simple to kill him directly.

"Killing the enemy is the greatest respect for the enemy." Li Feng shook his head with a smile and asked, "I'm very curious about who you are. As far as I know, even the semi gods can't master space skills. How do you do it?"

The black robed old man raised his eyebrows and sneered, "this is the secret of our family. I'm sorry I can't tell you."

"So there's no need to talk about it?" Li Feng spread his hands and looked disappointed.

"When you hurt my son, there's no way we can talk about it." The old man in black let out a long sigh.

Just then, a black arm suddenly appeared from behind ashaniya and grabbed at her ankles!

This wrist appeared and disappeared, and there was no energy fluctuation. Because aishaniya was standing a little bit backward, Li Feng didn't find it at the first time."Ah

Ashaniya only felt a chill on her wrist, and a burning sensation came from her, which made her cry out in pain!

And until then, Li Feng found out this situation, and was shocked to cut off the black arm.

But when he cut it off with his sword, ashaniya's body suddenly disappeared from the original place, and the black robed old man grabbed her in the next moment!

As if the black arm was the hand of the old man in black, it was extremely strange!

"Well done, Mr. Solomon!" Frank Becky couldn't help clapping!

"Amazing! That's amazing Stephen Becky also exclaimed.

This kind of scene they only saw in the fantasy movie, is really dazzled!

"What a beauty to see!" The old man in black looked at isaniah, who was close at hand, with a look of greed in his eyes.

"You let me go!" Isanya slapped the old man in black on the arm, but it didn't help. The hand of the old man in black was cast like steel, motionless!

"Jie Jie!" The old man in black gave out a strange smile and sneered, "Huaxia, now you should tell me who you are?"

Li Feng pupil shrinks: "you threaten me?"

"If you care about this woman, it's a threat." The old man in black gave a gloomy smile and said, "what a gorgeous beauty! If you become a human being, would it not be a natural disaster? I really don't want to do that. "

"Li Feng, don't worry about me, you run!" Aishaniya worried that Li Feng would do something impulsive for himself, so she yelled.

"Ashaniya, don't worry, no one can hurt you with me." Li Feng took a deep breath, and then murmured to himself, "time goes back!"

Voice landing, an invisible light wave around him as the center spread out, this side of the world is like a movie press the flip button in general!

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