Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 985

Stephen didn't expect ashania to be so fierce!

Four experienced bodyguards with weapons in their hands, one of them was given weapons by her when she came face-to-face. They didn't react at all. I dare not shoot such a special movie?!

Frank Becky, too, was shocked, then looked at Stephen Becky with a complicated look.

My special This is the woman you like. Aren't you afraid to be slapped to death when you are with her?

"Gee, S + girl? It's fun. It's really fun. "

All of a sudden, Hill Solomon opened his eyes, and there was a flow of light in his eyes.

“S…… +Class? " Frank Becky's pupils shrank and exclaimed, "Mr. Solomon, is she really so powerful?"

After knowing Hill Solomon, he had some superficial understanding of the strong martial arts and Taoism. At least he knew the classification of the strong martial arts and Taoism.

For example, Hill Solomon is one of the top players in the world - SSS +.

Of course, it was all introduced by Hill Solomon himself. Frank Becky could not tell whether it was true or not.

In the front passenger's seat, Stephen Becky was confused.

What's the S + level? Why can't he understand it?

"No mistake, though her breath fluctuates for a moment, it can't escape my perception."

Hill Solomon chuckled, in a haughty manner.

Frank Becky nodded and said happily, "I'm glad you've been invited to help, or I'm sure I'll have a big fall on these two people this time."

"Now, Stephen, do you know how stupid the question was?"

Stephen Becky is still in a muddle: "what?"

"High level martial arts can completely ignore the threat of thermal weapons. Even before you shoot, they can take your weapons away. Even if you shoot them in time, ordinary bullets can't hurt them at all." Frank Becky said with a lingering fear.

In the past, he felt that he was far away from the martial arts strong man, so he didn't deliberately introduce this to Stephen. He didn't think that Stephen, who was still in school, got into an S + martial arts strong man.

If he had not been careful, he would have brought in hill Solomon, and the consequences would have been unthinkable!

"Hiss!" Stephen couldn't help but take a breath of cold air: "is the martial arts strong so powerful?"

Just then, isaniah threw the captured weapon aside and hooked her fingers at four bodyguards in black.

Suspiciously, the four hams quickly pulled out the dagger at their back and prepared to fight with ashaniya. However, before they could make any action, ashaniya had already flashed and threw them all out.

"Wow, it's so high. It's a meteor."

Ashaniya's right hand is in line with her eyebrows, and she makes a long-distance look. Her expression is exaggerated.

She threw the four hams a hundred meters away, but when she threw them, she added a layer of protective Qi on them, so although the momentum was fierce, they would not be killed.

In the phantom car, Stephen's mouth was drawn, and his face was startled!

At this moment, he suddenly thought, if he really got hold of ashaniya, and then got tired of it and dumped her, would he be thrown out like a doll?

In case he happens to live on the high floor The consequences are unimaginable!

Frank Becky saw the same scene. His pupils shrank, then he looked at Hill Solomon and respectfully asked, "can you tell what grade that Chinese boy is?"

For hill Solomon, a strong man of S + level will not pose any threat to him. The key is Li Feng!

Hill Solomon frowned slightly: "I can't see. Maybe the skills he practiced can hide his breath. There are many magical skills in the ancient East. There is no need to be surprised."

"Besides He looks too young, and his realm must be too high. "

Frank Becky breathed a sigh of relief: "then please come on!"

"Well." Hill Solomon gave him a proud smile and then gave him a look.

Frank Becky responded. He got out of the car and went to the rear right door. He opened the door and respectfully asked Hill Solomon to get out of the car.

Stephen, who had just regained consciousness, also pushed the door and got out of the car. He respectfully walked to hill Solomon and stood behind him.

After seeing the power of isaniah, Stephen fully understood why his father was so awed by the powerful man of martial arts, and he was also in awe of hill Solomon from the bottom of his heart.

In this process, Li Feng and aishaniya looked at them calmly without any reaction.

"Young man, you have occupied the villa of our Becky family and wounded Well, no, it's my bodyguard who threw me away. Should I give us an explanation? "

Frank Becky, standing behind Hill Solomon, yelled.Li Feng's mouth a hook, play flavor: "villa is your son lost to me, those bodyguards point at me, just throw them out is also cheap, you let me tell you? Funny

Frank Becky's face was dull, and he was going to refute it. However, Stephen was more irascible than him, pointing to Li Feng's nose and swearing: "fake! You think both of you are strong in martial arts and can ignore our Becky family, right? I tell you, dream

"Eh?" Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, ridiculed: "you even know martial arts strong?"

"Well, it's not a secret that the martial arts are strong. Why can't I know?" Stephen's face was a little complacent, and then he said, "to tell you the truth, we have invited Mr. Solomon here. He is a stronger martial arts man than you are!"

"The wise men will kneel down and kowtow to us for mercy, and then return all the houses and cars to me. Then they will hand over ashaniya and let her keep Mr. Solomon happy. Maybe Mr. Solomon will spare your life if he is happy."

At first, Hill Solomon thought Stephen was too talkative and a little unhappy, but at the end of it, he suddenly became satisfied.

Among other things, Stephen's ability to flatter is something he likes very much.

"So Is this bad old man your friend? " Li Feng looked at Hill Solomon with a strong sense of mockery on his face.

Hill Solomon:

You are such a bad old man. Your whole family is a bad old man. I look like I'm in my 40s. How can I be a bad old man? Do you mean that?!

"Shepard! Do you want to die? Mr. Solomon is a strong SSS +! Don't you kneel down and kowtow for mercy? " Frank Becky was furious, as if his father had been humiliated.

Stephen also roared: "Li Feng, you are so guilty that you dare to insult Mr. Solomon. What do you think you will do later..."

Just then, a huge dragon claw suddenly appeared, and in a flash it came up above Hill Solomon's head, and then shot down!


there was a big bang, and hill Solomon was photographed into the ground by this huge dragon claw before he could make any response!

“…… Dead? " Stephen's straight ahead!

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