Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 965

As an old driver, Tang Qiong is like this. If he doesn't know what to do next, he might as well buy a piece of tofu to kill himself.

The next thing is that it's natural.

Although the environment is a little bit rough, but Li Feng system backpack everything ah, you can easily complete a set of furniture!

An hour later

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get all the love of Goddess Tang Qiong, and get 200 conquest points reward."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. Tang Qiong, the goddess of Zhengfu, has improved her progress. At present, the progress of Zhengfu is 100%

Li Feng felt a lot when the two tone system prompted the sound.

At the beginning, Tang Qiong's attitude towards him was indifferent, that is, in order to fight against the Tang family, Tang Qiong pretended to get along with him.

But now? The little bird is obedient and obedient, which is the goddess in front of people!

This feel is so cool!

"This What is this? "

At this time, Tang Qiong suddenly found that she had a "Qi" in her body, which was mysterious and mysterious.

What shocked her even more was that she felt that she had infinite energy and could not help but howl!

But Tang Qiong was used to it, and finally resisted the impulse.

Li Feng mouth a hook, play flavor: "remember I told you before the unconventional means of cultivation?"

Tang Qiong Huizhi Lanxin, immediately understood Li Feng's meaning, covered her mouth and exclaimed, "do you mean

"Yes, if you practice with me, you can quickly improve your realm." Li Feng said with a smile: "it's no exaggeration to say that the speed of practicing with me can surpass that of 99.99% of the world's martial arts masters."

Tang Qiong listened to the flow of her beautiful eyes and beamed: "really? How long does it take me to reach your present state?"

Li Feng:

It's not I said goddess Tang Qiong, you are too greedy. I'm a semi God strong man. How many semi gods are there in the world?

But in any case, Li Feng was beaten in the face by Tang Qiong this time, and it was a quick slap!

As soon as he said that he could not help Tang Qiong practice to the semi divine state, he said that he could not help Tang Qiong to practice in the semi divine state. What is this special feature?

"That Well Xiaoqiong, cultivation is just like eating. You have to step by step. You can't be impatient. You can't eat hot tofu, right? "

"In this way, today I will help you to upgrade to the master level, that is, A-level, and then we will step by step to a higher level. What do you think?"

Li Feng's strong desire for survival made Li Feng skip this topic for the time being, and tried his best to persuade him.

Tang Qiong blinked her big watery eyes, nodded and said, "well, I listen to you."

Their voice fell to the ground, and they began a new round of practice

At the same time, the shock wave of public opinion caused by the war near LD Trade Bureau began to ferment on the Internet.

After the outbreak of the battle, some good people took out their mobile phones to shoot. Because the distance was too far and there was no professional equipment, the good people only took pictures of the scene when the explosion occurred.

Like a miniature nuclear bomb washing the ground, the buildings within a radius of three kilometers have been razed to the ground, and the number of casualties is difficult to count!

Such a scene in the war-torn areas is acceptable, but this is the LD of state Y!

As an old empire in the world, state y has not had such an attack for many years?

As soon as the related video was released, it spread at a terrible speed and was known by countless people.

The network is full of discussion about this incident, all kinds of speculation is rampant!

It was not until the emergency press conference of state y was held to introduce the relevant situation that the world knew that this was a premeditated KB attack carried out by a famous KB organization.

The attack was intercepted by state Y's Security Bureau an hour ago, and local residents were evacuated in time, leaving behind security personnel.

Naturally, the casualties were heavy, but at least there were no civilian casualties. In addition, it was a good fortune to kill a leader of KB organization successfully.

This time, most netizens in country y and other countries have given high praise to the security act of state y. The biggest achievement is that there are no civilian casualties.

However, some netizens are not satisfied with the result. Since you have intercepted this information for a long time, why do you let the other party cause so much loss to LD? How good is it to nip the danger in its cradle?

Let's talk about the buildings within three kilometers. How many billion pounds is this?

How many companies have suffered losses?

According to the statistics, how many casualties have been caused by civilian casualties? They are also people with families. They are the son, daughter, husband, wife, father and mother of so and so.

So the dissatisfied citizens of state y began to take to the streets and formed groups to protest.

At the moment, LD security headquarters, in the center of the public opinion storm, Sergeant novas is in the office to meet a distinguished guest - Philip Gullit."I have done everything you asked me to do. I hope I can satisfy you."

Said novas with a smile.

It is natural that Philip Gullett arranged the news conference in such a short period of time and memorized the hot pot.

Novas is also a supporter of the Gullit foundation. He has a lot of control in the hands of the Gullit family.

If he doesn't come out and bear the black pot, he will not say that he will continue to be the chief of the Security Bureau, or even lose his reputation.

With this black pot on his back, he will not only be able to secure the position of chief executive, but also continue to receive the support of the Gullit family, as well as a capital income that ordinary people can't imagine.

"Well, you've done a good job. I'll have the compensation paid to your account later." Philip guley nodded his head and said with great relief.

"This is what I should do, and I will do whatever you are satisfied with." Novas is just like a man in love who makes a promise to his beloved woman, which makes people feel sick.

"Well, we must take care of this and live up to my expectations." Philippe Gullit nodded quietly, then rose and left the place under the flattering gaze of novas.

If it was not for the master's advice that he must minimize the impact of this matter, he would not personally come here for safety.

At the same time, runaway chunas has come to DM's first time in the sky of Goben city.

It is one of the birthplaces of Nordic mythology and the headquarters of the parliament of light.

After coming here, chunas finally breathed a sigh of relief and murmured to himself: "damn chinese people, it's really my life's shame to force me to run away from the battlefield! I must avenge this

After talking to himself, chunas came to the top of an old castle. After confirming that there was no one around, he lowered the height and landed in front of the gate of the castle.

This is the headquarters of the Guangming Council. He will come here to inform other elders of Peyton's fall and Riguez's serious injury, and then gather a group of elders to find Li Feng to avenge his revenge!

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