Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 964

"Well Well Probably not? " Li Feng thought for a long time, and finally gave a seemingly safe answer.

The reason for saying "seemingly safe" is that Li Feng feels safe, but whether it is really safe depends on Tang Qiong's reaction. Although Li Feng can read mind skills, he does not have the ability to predict the future.

"Bah! You lie Tang Qiong spat ruddy and whispered: "you deliberately brought me such a dishonest thing. How could you not have hinted at me intentionally?"

Li Feng:

It's not I now tell Tang Qiong that this set of clothes is actually bought for Wei Bingqing. Will she be angry?

As an old driver, Li Feng is very clear about what to say at this time, so as not to arouse Tang Qiong's antipathy, and even increase Tang Qiong's favor for him.

"Er Well, because I was in a hurry to see you, I went into a clothing store on the way. As a result, I found The clothes inside are OK, but the underwear is not very serious. "


Speaking of this, Li Feng accentuated the tone, also pause for a moment to brew emotions, and then he said: "I'm afraid you are in danger, so I took a set and rushed back."

Anyway, the labels on the clothes were torn off by him. There was only brand information on the paper bag containing the clothes. This brand was also sold in country y. Tang Qiong would not know that these clothes were from China.

After all, many clothing brands are produced in China, and it is normal to have made in Huaxia on the label.

"Really?" Tang qiongxiu frowned slightly and looked at Li Feng with his head askew.

She always thinks that Li Feng is lying to her, but she has no evidence More importantly Li Feng's words were very helpful to her. She felt warm in her heart:

"it's really more true than it is!" Li Feng's face is not red, and his heart does not jump. He swears with his fingers.

Li Feng did lie, but what he said was a white lie. In Tang Qiong's preconceived belief that Li Feng bought the clothes for her, if Li Feng told the truth, he would hurt Tang Qiong.

"If you don't do a good job, Tang Qiong may be going to be single depending on her strength..." Li Feng thought from (no) faith (shame).

Tang Qiong believed Li Feng's evil, and his pretty face blushed and bowed his head: "then you said you didn't mean to imply me..."

Originally, this black dress shows her figure very well, and Tang Qiong's figure is excellent, coupled with this pair of shy appearance Li Feng is a big move!

Obviously, Li Feng's words made Tang Qiong very useful. Now Li Feng only needs to take advantage of the victory to pursue Tang Qiong, and it's only a matter of time before he takes the goddess of Tang Qiong!

So There is a certain truth in the saying that men are not bad and women do not love.

"Eh..." Li Feng is a little confused, he patronizes the routine Tang Qiong, but did not want to say, said and returned to the original topic, this is a hole in his own!

"But I'm not one of those casual women." Tang Qiong two hands knead skirt horn, sound if the mosquito said.

"What?" Li Feng some did not understand, wear all put on, now said that he is not a casual woman, Tang Qiong in the end is a few meaning?

Tang Qiong stamped her foot, turned around and said, "it is That is We haven't established a relationship yet. Although I put it on, you can't see it. "

At the end of the day, Tang Qiong's voice could hardly be heard. If Li Feng went to Tang Qiong, he would find that Tang Qiong's face was red and turned into a big apple.

Li Feng takes a breath of cold air!

No relationship is established, so you can't see it. If you establish a relationship, you can see it. Is that what you mean?

At the thought of this, Li Feng's mind became hot: "that I think we've known each other for a long time. Why don't we take this opportunity to establish a relationship? "

"Ah?" Tang Qiong turned around, a face of muddle.

It's not Big brother, Miss Ben wants to fall in love with you. Can you stop talking so casually! Take this opportunity to establish a relationship. Do you want to kneel on one knee and pull out the diamond ring, or take Miss ben to the Civil Affairs Bureau directly

"Tang Qiong, be my girlfriend. I am willing to protect and love you for the rest of my life."

just make complaints about Tang Qiong, when Li Feng suddenly kneels down to her knees. He also takes out a red diamond ring from her arms and hands it to her.

"Ah Tang Qiong covered her mouth with her hand. She was so surprised!

just now she was still talking too much in Li Feng's Tucao, and didn't make complaints about diamond ring. So Li Feng would kneel down and dig a diamond ring next time. Is that a real heart?

Tang Qiong didn't know that Li Feng had just used mind reading on her. It happened that the Red Queen, which was used to pretend to be forced at the auction, had been put in the system backpack, and Li Feng took it out.

On one knee and the Red Queen, don Qiong can't say he's casual, can't he?

"My God! You I No, I mean God, you let me be quiet Tang Qiong was excited and incoherent.

If the residents of Chinatown saw this, they would be shocked.As a famous flower in Chinatown, Tang Qiong, who is called the first beauty of LD in private, is not it normal to be confessed by a man? How can she be so excited?

Even Tang Qiong felt that she was too excited and didn't look like her own style at all.

In fact, this is normal, Tang Qiong in front of people Lengyan, because no one can let her heart, since all can not let her heart, let alone let her excited.

But Li Feng is a man who makes her heart flutter, and is a man with many women. When she comes back to Huaxia to see Wei Bingqing, song Wanjun and other women, Tang Qiong is desperate.

Li Feng has so many beautiful girlfriends. How many chances can she have with Li Feng?

So the last time isanya proposed to buy Tiffany, don Qiong would listen to her heart and put it into action.

So Li Feng directly knelt down on one knee and took out a diamond ring to express his confession, which made Tang Qiong feel like he was lost and recovered. He was so excited that he burst his watch!

After a long time, Tang Qiong finally regained her calm. She took a deep breath and put her hand in front of Li Feng.

"Ah?" Li Feng, after all, was the first time to do such a thing, so he didn't quite understand Tang Qiong's intention at the moment.

"Put them on me! Fool Tang Qiong said coyly.

"Ouch." Li Feng quickly grabbed Tang Qiong's small hand and carefully put the diamond ring on Tang Qiong's ring finger.

Don't mention that this diamond ring is just right for Tang Qiong to wear. Is it a matter of destiny?

After wearing the diamond ring, Tang Qiong took her hand to her eyes and enjoyed it. She exclaimed, "this diamond ring is really beautiful. Anyway Are you willing to give me such a valuable diamond ring? Are you not afraid of sister Bingqing? They will be jealous when they know about it? "

“……” It's better to ignore the diamond ring in my eyes

Tang Qiong's body trembled and her eyes blurred and said, "Li Feng, I love you."

Then she closed her eyes

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