Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 966

The parliament of light is an alliance of the top European powers. The top organization is the Senate composed of 13 demigods. The office of the Senate is located in the headquarters of the parliament of light.

As the headquarters of the bright Council, goton manor is full of strong people. Usually, there are two SSS level strong people stationed, and there are more than 100 S-level and SS level strong people.

When chunas fell to the door of the villa, two SS class strong men met him and said respectfully: "welcome to senior qiunas!"

As the only four demigods at the top of the light Council, and the third elder, chunas naturally has a very high status in the eyes of the members of the light Council.

Although chunas's state at the moment does not look as elegant as before, he took out spare clothes from the space storage equipment and put them on after he came to DM, so others could not see that he was injured.

After nodding indifferently, chunus adjusted his collar, stepped into the gate of the castle, and went straight to the stairs.

Along the way, the powerful members of the light Council that chunas met bowed to him one after another, and everyone's face showed his worship and awe.

This is the status that strength brings!

After a long spiral staircase, chunus came to an attic on the top of the castle.

Vincent Wilhelm, one of the two SSS level strongmen stationed in the headquarters, stood at the door, guarding here like a guard.

"How do you do, Mr. chunus, what can I do for you?" Vincent hastened to meet him and asked respectfully.

Chunas nodded and said with a smile, "open the door."

From his attitude towards Vincent William, we can see that the relationship between them should be good. We should know that chunus did not laugh at others like this all the way.

"Yes, Mr. chunus!" Vincent William took a simple key from his arms and slowly opened the door to reveal the furnishings of the attic.

There was no furniture, no luxury decorations, just a floor with complicated lines and a wall with 13 mirrors.

The intricate lines on the ground spread all the way to the walls, connected with 13 mirrors, all the way to the ceiling, and finally converged on a huge red gem inlaid in the middle of the ceiling.

Chunas nodded to Vincent William, stepped into the attic, closed the door behind his backhand, and walked quickly to the ground in the middle of the attic.

There is a huge six pointed star pattern surrounded by complex lines, and above is the huge red gem.

When chunas stood on the six pointed star pattern, he made a red Dharma seal condensed by the power of Qi and blood in the void with one hand.

The Dharma seal appeared in the void and lasted about three seconds. It turned into a red mist and was absorbed by the red gem.

Then, the ruby twinkled, glowing red, and at the same time, a powerful wave of energy came from it.

At the next moment, the energy in the red gem will light up the surrounding lines, just like a spark in a prairie fire. It will spread quickly from the roof to the wall, and finally transmit the energy to 13 mirrors through the lines.

"Hum" "hum" "hum" "hum"

There was a buzz, and 13 mirrors were lit one by one.

A few seconds later, one of the mirrors flashed and a white old man in a white robe appeared.

Next, there are nine mirrors flashing one by one, and nine figures appear in the mirrors.

"What's the matter, elder chunas, that makes you use the mirror?"

In the mirror from the left, the old white man, whose body was covered with white robes, asked in a deep voice.

His name is Aaron Russell. He is the number one veteran of the light Council and the most powerful.

The God mirror, which is the thirteen mirrors, is a communication artifact developed by the light Council 200 years ago. As long as you carry the matching objects of the divine mirror, you can hold a "video conference" like this.

Of course, the premise of holding a "video conference" is that a demigod level strong man comes to this attic and plays the trigger Rune of the seal of Dharma

At the beginning, all the members of the Guangming Council spoke highly of the mirror, otherwise they would not use the word "God".

As a result, ordinary people can hold a "video conference" at any time as long as they have a smart phone and a network, which makes members of the bright Council feel painful when they think about it.

However, the mirror also has its unique feature, that is, it is not limited by the signal. In some places without signal, the mobile video can not be used, but the mirror will not.

However, most of the semi gods choose to close down. The closed places are either underground or inaccessible. Naturally, there is no signal.

This is the only place where members of the Council of light can be comforted

"Reverend Allen, I have encountered powerful enemies with Riggs and Peyton. Peyton has been killed, and Riggs has fled seriously. I am helpless and can only be killed under the siege of many powerful enemies."Chunas, with a sad look on his face, said slowly.

"What, is it?"

"Is it from the dark Council?"

"It must be. Apart from the dark Council, I can't think of any enemy that could pose such a threat to chunas, Riggs and Peyton."

Chunas's words shocked the elders in the mirror.

"It's not the dark Council, but a few Chinese," chunas said with a bitter smile

There was a sudden silence.

Then a group of elders couldn't help but question: "Mr. chunas, are you sure the other party is just a few Chinese people?"

"The East and the west always do not invade the river. Why should they target the three of you?"

"Is there any secret involved in this matter, elder chunas?"

There are also several elders who have been hostile to China: "Damn it, it's Chinese? Ladies and gentlemen, I suggest that we gather together immediately and kill these powerful Chinese who dare to set foot in the western world! "

"Yes, the western world is our territory. How can we let a few Chinese people go wild here? If we don't kill them, won't our bright Council be shameless? "

"Yes, no matter what relationship we had with Peyton before, we should unite together to avenge Peyton at this moment!"

Hearing this, chunus couldn't help laughing. What he wanted was this kind of reaction!

Before that, however, he told us about their revenge for Philip Gullett.

All the senators understood that Philip Gullit was also a person who was eligible to enter the Senate of the light Council, but he did not join for some consideration. However, Philip Gullit had a good relationship with a number of senators.

In the following time, chunas told the story of the battle again, focusing on Li Feng's ignorance of other people's attacks.

After hearing this, the other veterans were shocked, and then they offered suggestions and suggestions on how to deal with Li Feng.

At the same time, Li Feng and Tang Qiong finished a new round of practice, cleaned up the scene, opened the door of the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, and returned to the apartment.

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