Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 963

This sheet is not the one on the bed, but Tang Qiong found it in the bedside table.

She picked it up and examined it carefully. After making sure that the sheet had been washed, it was wrapped around her body.

It's not surprising that Tang Qiong has a habit of cleanliness, but she really does not have the courage to wrap the sheets on the hospital bed

Because the hospital bed of the Chinese Medicine Museum is a small bed of 1.2 meters, the matching sheets are not very important. Even if Tang Qiong tries to pull it, there are still some places that can't be covered up.

"It's been an hour. Why hasn't Li Feng come back yet?"

Tang Qiong wants to cry, worried about Li Feng, helpless about her current situation Wait, make this hour seem like a century to her.

If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't get out of the door, Tang Qiong would have gone outside to explore the situation!

Just as Tang Qiong read fragmentary, the sound of opening the door suddenly came.

Tang Qiong's face changed slightly, and she quickly held her breath. She was afraid that the gulit family would come.

"Don Qiong, are you still in it?"

Just then, Li Feng's voice came.

Tang Qiong body a shudder, quickly said: "in it, in, I am in."

At the same time, she would get up to meet Li Feng, but for a moment she forgot that she was wrapped in a sheet. She got up too quickly and stepped on the sheet, and then the sheet slipped down


Tang Qiong exclaimed, and quickly squatted down to pick up the sheets and began to wrap the sheets.

"Are you all right?"

Hearing Tang Qiong's exclamation, Li Feng was a little worried, so he quickly used his perspective eye to look inside.

As a result, it didn't matter. Li Feng was immediately surprised by the pictures inside.


Li Feng quickly moved his eyes and stopped the perspective eye.

"No It's OK. "

Tang Qiong wanted to cry without tears. She could not say that she had stepped on the sheet just now? What a shame!

"It's OK." Li Feng nodded strangely, then took out a set of ladies' spare clothes from the system backpack: "I've already taken care of the gulit family. You first put on your clothes, and then I'll take you back to the apartment."

Speaking, Li Feng put the suit at the door and turned around: "the clothes are at the door. I have my back to you. You can open the door."

Tang Qiong is a Leng at first, then just face slightly red say: "good, then I open the door."

With that, Tang Qiong walked slowly to the door. First, she opened the door and took a look outside. After confirming that Li Feng really turned around, she saw the paper bag behind him.

Tang Qiong takes a deep breath, stealthily picks up the paper bag, retracts the body, and slowly closes the door.

After finishing this, Tang Qiong leaned behind the door and breathed a few times.

She had never known what a thief felt guilty before, but now she realized that the simple act of opening the door, holding the paper bag and closing the door had almost exhausted her whole strength.

After calming down, Tang Qiong opened the paper bag and took out the clothes inside.

This is a woman's black dress, the same size as she usually wears, etc What's in it?

Tang Qiong's pupil shrinks. She finds a set of red underwear in her black dress. She raises it to have a look, and then her pretty face turns red.

"My God This Isn't that serious? "

Tang Qiong quickly put the red underwear back into the paper bag and touched her face again It's so hot!

Tiffany with the model has been a bit too much, this set of red underwear than Tiffany with the model is more excessive, not serious feeling ah!

Wait Li Feng brought this set of clothes. Did he want to use this to imply something to her?

For a while, Tang Qiong developed rich associations

Outside the door, Li Feng is still waiting patiently, but he always has a kind of uneasy feeling in his heart, as if he had just done something wrong. What is it?

At this time, Li Feng's mind flashed a bright light: "lying trough, thick big event!"

Because of the embarrassing side effects of space transmission, Li Feng has been used to buying some clothes in advance and putting them in the system backpack, not only his, but also women like Wei Bingqing and song Wanjun.

In order to facilitate future use, Li Feng also divided into grid storage, such as his on the first grid, Wei Bingqing on the second, and so on.

Because Tang Qiong's figure is not much different from Wei Bingqing, Li Feng just took out a paper bag in the second grid. Now think about it The clothes in that paper bag seem to be the kind that he bought for Wei Bingqing

Damn it, if Tang Qiong took it out, would he think he was taking this opportunity to tease her?

This is a big misunderstanding!

At the time of Li Feng's wild thoughts, there came a sound of learning and understanding.

A few minutes later, Tang Qiong was heard to say in it, "OK Well, you can come in. "Li Feng is a Leng first, then subconsciously said: "you can also come out, there is no outsider here."

Tang Qiong:

I rely on What he said is so reasonable that I can't refute it?

But if she changed her mind now, wouldn't she lose face?

Think of here, Tang Qiong said: "I am a woman, you are a man, shouldn't you come in to see me?"

Li Feng thought for a while, and thought that Tang Qiong said something reasonable. He nodded and said, "OK, I'll go in now."

Voice landing, Li Feng turned to push the door into.

Seeing Tang Qiong's moment, Li Feng's heart rises an impulse to observe Tang Qiong with perspective eyes.

He just wanted to know whether Tang Qiong had put on the "clothes" he specially prepared for Wei Bingqing.

"Spell it

After struggling for a while, Li Feng finally made up his mind to use the perspective eye on Tang Qiong, and then Li Feng almost had nosebleed.

Sure enough, it's on!

"What are you looking at?"

Tang Qiong always felt that Li Feng's look at himself was a little strange, as if he had seen through her completely.

"Let me see if you're scared."

Li Feng stops perspective eye, dry smile says.

"Frightened?" Tang Qiong is a Leng first, then pretty face slightly red way: "what are you talking nonsense about!"

Li Feng:

It's not What nonsense? How can I not understand it?

Wait Don't Tang Qiong hear that word?

"That I mean Did you get scared? " Li Feng dry cough a, complexion strange said.

"Ah?" Tang Qiong opened her mouth slightly, then lowered her head with a blush: "I know, I'm fine, I'm not scared."

Li Feng nodded: "mm-hmm, that's good."

When the topic arrived here, I felt that I couldn't go on. Both of them were silent.

After a long time, Tang Qiong rubbed her fingers and whispered, "Li Feng, that Did you buy it for me

"Ah?" Li Feng was stunned at first, then said strangely: "this Well It seems that it should be about Isn't it? "

He did not expect to hear Luo Tianzheng's sweeping words before, and now let him use it.

"Bah! You are not honest Tang Qiong blushed again, continued to rub her fingers and said, "so You're hinting at me, aren't you? "

Li Feng:

Now what should he say to the goddess tangqiong? Wait online. It's urgent!

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