Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 959

Luo Tianzheng is still a little confused: "watt?"

At this moment, the effect of his hard study of English was revealed. His subconscious question was not Chinese, but English.

In the distance, Wan Zi Dao and others finally came back to God: "lie trough! It's the elder

"Sleeping trough! It's really the elder! "

"Elder crouching!"

"Croucher! Big elder

"Elder?! Horizontal trough, horizontal trough! Big elder

Originally, the painting style was still normal, but gradually the exclamations of Wanzi Dao and others changed the flavor.

Luo Tianzheng's face immediately turned black!

It's not I said Lao Wan, how many meanings do you mean, what is "Crouching channel elder"? I regard you as brothers, but what do you want?

"Watt what Watt, you are the strongest fighting force on our side now. Whether we can survive depends on you. You will not fail to live up to my expectation, right?"

Li Feng directly picked up a high hat and put it on Luo Tianzheng's head.

However, he didn't mean to compliment Luo Tianzheng. Luo Tianzheng is the only semi God top player on their side. After the shangjiuyou change, he can compete with Philip Gullit.

With the help of five people in Wanzi Road, if you don't win Philippe Gullit, you won't make any sense!

Luo Tianzheng immediately came to the spirit: "yes, it's on me, please don't worry about it!"

In fact, Luo Tianzheng has a bit of a muscle, others praise him will go up, hate him a word will be angry.

But Li Feng is the patriarch, the superior, Li Feng's praise is Luo Tianzheng's strongest stimulant!

"Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

"Nine you change!"

Luo Tianzheng uttered a strange cry, and his breath soared in an instant. He went directly from the top of the demigod to the half step divine realm!

Then he took out a big axe one man high and ran at Philip gullet.

Philip Gullett's heart sank, and his face was as gloomy as water.

It's just Li Feng's six people. He is confident to break them one by one, but Luo Tianzheng is a strong man of the same level. Luo Tianzheng's joining directly adds a big iron lump to the balance, and the balance that was tilted towards him will rise in a moment!

Of course, the idea just quickly crossed his mind, and the next moment Philip Gullit said coldly, "anyway, I'll kill Li Feng!"

At the same time, he will bypass Luo Tianzheng and kill Li Feng first.

But Luo Tianzheng had already prevented him from coming to this hand. With a grim smile, he used the Youlian to bloom.

Philip gullet snorted coldly, and there was a flash of contempt in his eyes.

Just now, five people of Wanzi road used this move, but it was defeated by chunus. Although Luo Tianzheng's realm was above the five people of Wanzi Road, it was the same trick after all. Philip didn't believe that he was worse than chunus!

Thinking of this, Philip Gullett is a sword cut out: "blood moon sunset!"


the bloody half moon sword Qi flickers and cuts directly on the Black Lotus!



the black lotus leaves a hole, swallows the sword Qi directly, and then the Black Lotus trembles all over the body, as if to explode!

Seeing this, the scorn on Philip gullet's face was a little more intense, but the next development was beyond his expectation!

The Black Lotus just trembled for a short time, and soon recovered to calm. The next moment, the Black Lotus suddenly grew a circle, and the dark light became more intense, as if the appearance was painted with a layer of black paint!

"What's the situation?" Philip Gullett was a little confused.

In the distance, the morale of Wanzi Dao and others rose again, and they rushed to Philip Gullit with the nine you magic soldiers. At the same time, they mocked: "do you think our elder's Youlian blossom is so easy to break?"

"The elder is not Lao Wan. His lotus blossoms are almost impossible in the divine realm, except for those who are strong in the divine realm."

"Yes, that's it!"

"Lying trough, I don't object to your praising Lao Luo, but how many meanings do you mean when you hold him up and trample on me at the same time?"

"Ha ha, let's just take an example. Lao Wan, don't be surprised!"

Li Feng's mouth a smoke, this special what time, Lao Wan they are still fighting!

Lao Luo is very happy, the brothers are very face saving: "the brothers are right, want to break my lotus blossom with a sword? He's thinking about Farting! "

Philippe gullet, in his rage, slashed his sword!

However, he was not overwhelmed by anger. This time, he did not take the black Youlian as the target, but adopted the beheading tactics. The sword spirit crossed a strange arc, bypassed the black Youlian and went straight to Luo Tianzheng.

Since you can't solve the problem, solve the person who has the problem!"Idiot!"

The corner of Luo Tianzheng's mouth aroused a sneering smile. He stood still, just like giving up resistance.

However, he did not move, but the Black Lotus moved by itself. The black light flashed. The Black Lotus appeared on the path of the sword Qi and devoured them one after another!

After swallowing the sword Qi, the Black Lotus rose again, and the light was more prosperous!

Philip gullet's heart sank, and a sense of despair sprang up in his heart.

The martial arts skills of this old man of China are so strange that he can't find a solution for a moment!

In the distance, Li Feng, who was watching the battle, suddenly received a system prompt tone: "Ding, host, you have a new task. Do you want to check it now?"

Li Feng eyebrow tiny frown: "this time comes the task, is with who?"

"Check it out!"

"Mission: to seek the welfare of the subordinates"

"mission objective: to help Luo Tianzheng and others capture Philip Gullit alive, and then let Luo Tianzheng and others absorb Philip Gullit's energy and enhance their strength."

"Task reward: 5 million experience points, 20 million system points."

"I wipe it?"

After watching the task, Li Feng was a little confused. The system was enough for a forked beetle. He could even think of such a thing. It's a cow's hide!

"Lao Luo, Lao Wan, use Youlian to bloom and consume him, catch the living, and then absorb him with Jiuyou Gong!"

After Li Feng exits the system, he sends out a loud cry.

It must be unrealistic to ask him to come forward to help. He even has trouble playing, but he can give advice to Lao Luo and others!

Wan Zi Dao and other people's eyes brightened: "yes! This is a very good stove

At their level, ordinary cauldrons can't help them any more. However, the semi gods, such as Philip gullet, can definitely make them go further by absorbing all his skills!

Originally, wanzidao and other people were very popular. After attracted by this huge interest, they became more energetic. They all cried out to release the Youlian blossom and sealed all the retreating ways of Philip Gullit!

Philip Gullit just broke out for a while, and his body energy had already consumed most of his body. At this time, facing the siege of seven black lotus flowers, he could not rush out at all under the attack from left to right.

For a moment, the despair in my heart became stronger.

Is it possible that the founder of the Gullit family, the semi God top class strong man, will be trapped here by these despicable Chinese people?

He is not reconciled!

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