Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 960

The unwilling belief broke out in Philip Gullett's heart. His eyes were red with blood: "burn, the power of Qi and blood!"

The voice fell to the ground, and a violent force surged in his body. Originally, there was a blood mist floating around his body. At the moment, the blood mist like alcohol met with an open fire and immediately burned up!

"No, he's burning his potential! Knock him out as soon as possible! "

Luo Tian's face color slightly changed. He rushed to Philip Gullit with the nine you axe in one hand. The nine you axe turned over and fell on Philip Gullit with a blunt face!

Burning potential is a life-saving skill that the martial arts strong will never use until they have to. After using it, the combat power can be increased by about 30% on the basis of the current combat power.

But everything has its advantages and disadvantages. This skill is powerful and its side effects are terrible.

Once he starts to burn his potential, he will hurt the root, leading to the fall of the realm, and can not recover. What's more, he will stay in the realm after the fall all his life, and there is no possibility of breakthrough!

For a strong man of martial arts, what is more painful than breaking the road of cultivation?

Of course, Luo Tianzheng is not afraid of Philip Gullit after burning potential, but What's more, it's their booty. It was originally a furnace cauldron at the top of a demigod. After burning its potential, it may become a semi God's later period or even a half god's middle period.

For ordinary people, it is equivalent to missing hundreds of millions!

"Die for me, old bastard!" Philip Gullit hated Luo Tianzheng very much. If it hadn't been for Luo Tianzheng's sudden appearance, he would have left after killing Li Feng and wanzidao.

So when he saw Luo Tianzheng smashing down the nine you axe, Philip Gullit did not dodge and raised his knight's sword to meet him!

Originally, Philip Gullit was at the end of his tether. After burning his potential, he was like a man who couldn't meet his will and ate a small blue pill. His combat power soared, even stronger than his peak!


a big bang!

Luo Tianzheng only felt that a huge force was coming, shaking him back three steps!

The two men ploughed the three kilometer round ground again with the energy shock wave generated under the blast!

At this time, Wan Zi Dao and other talents responded: "lying trough, this old boy is crazy, and even breaks the foundation by himself!"

"Fake, how much potential has he burned? No, I can't let him burn any more. I'm so distressed. Stop him!"

"Pooh!" Luo Tianzheng stopped his body and spit fiercely and said: "blow up the Black Lotus, blow him out!"

"Lao Wan, Lao Feng, Lao Wei, you three blow themselves up black lotus, Lao Huang, Lao Wang, you two listen to my order, I let you explode again and again!"

"Yes Wan Zi Dao and others dare not hesitate to control the Black Lotus to hit Philip Gullit.

Philip Gullit's face changed slightly, and he wanted to dodge, but all directions were blocked by Black Lotus. He didn't have Li Feng's body skills, so he could only bite his teeth and wave his sword!

My life is up to me


Before he cut heilian with his sword, heilian will explode beside him!

"Boom", "boom", "boom"

three loud noises, three mushroom clouds!

The air waves were surging, and Philip gullet's Qi and blood were floating, and his internal organs seemed to be squeezed together. His mind was dizzy and almost fainted!

Philip Gullett bit his tongue and forced himself to wake up.

When he woke up, Philip gullet's eyes became scarlet, and when there was a gap in the encirclement, he roared and rushed to Wanzi road.

"Lying trough, this old boy is not dizzy, he rushed to me!" Wan Zi Dao was startled and subconsciously turned to dodge.

"Lao Wan, don't talk to him. He's going to die!"

Luo Tian is roaring, carrying the nine you axe to chase up.

With Luo Tianzheng's warning, Wanzi Dao was more or less calm. Jiuyouji drew a light and went straight to Philip Gullit's face.

At the same time, Luo Tian is rushing behind Philip Gullit, turning the nine you axe, blunt face down, running to the back of Philip Gullit and smashing it in the past.

Philip Gullett felt the momentum behind him and ducked.

But at this time, Huang Weizhong and Wang Yuanliang controlled heilian and came to Philip Gullit!

"Boom" "boom"

two loud noises, two mushroom clouds!

Under the impact of violent energy turbulence, the dizziness in Philip Gullett's mind is more intense, which makes his movements have a moment of stagnation!


Luo Tianzheng failed to hit the next, quickly adjust his posture, a flash came to Philippe Gullit behind, an ax fell down.


a dull sound!

Philip Gullett felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and fainted.Luo Tian's eye and hand were quick. He pulled him in, and then he looked up at the sky and laughed wildly: "ha ha ha ha, the booty is here. He's mine, ha ha ha ha!"

Luo Tianzheng laughs obstinately, but Li Feng's life is rare. I don't know that Luo Tianzheng just robbed a big girl!

"Crouch, Lao Luo, are you going too far?"

"The booty is from our joint efforts. You can't take it alone!"

"Lao Luo, you put the people down, and others are easy to discuss!"

Wanzi road and others immediately rushed to Luo Tian, trying to snatch Philip Gullit from his hand.

"Shit, can I do the most? If you didn't have me, you would have been killed by this old boy. Would you like to capture him alive? Dream

Luo Tianzheng made a mockery as he ran away.

"Crouch, Lao Luo, you said that to the patriarch as well."

"Lao Luo, you are finished, the patriarch's face is black!"

"Patriarch, quickly suppress Lao Luo's arrogance, or he will go to heaven!"

Wan Zi Dao and others are chasing Luo Tianzheng and asking Li Feng for help at the same time.

Luo Tian's face changed slightly, and he quickly called out, "Lord, don't mention them talking nonsense. I don't mean that! You are absolutely the best in my heart, there is no one! "

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and coughed: "Lao Luo, your performance is very good. I'm going to reward you with one billion pounds."

Luo Tianzheng, who was running away quickly, was stunned at the spot: "more How much? "

His hands were shaking when he spoke!

One billion pounds, how much is it? He has never seen so much money since he was young!

"A billion pounds, Lao Wan, they can each get 500 million pounds."

Li Feng big hand a wave, heroic dry cloud said.

Luo Tianzheng takes 1 billion, five people in wanzidao, and Qiu Biao, who is staying in the apartment, gets 500 million each. That's 4 billion pounds, which is almost 40 billion yuan converted into Chinese currency!

Even the top few Chinese rich, one-time fear is also unable to take out so much cash.

But Li Feng said that there was no pressure at all. He had 13 billion pounds in cash in his account of country y. after spending 4 billion pounds, he still had 9 billion pounds, which was not counted as other property

As to whether it's worth it Without the help of Luo Tianzheng and others, Li Feng is afraid that he will die here. Is his life not worth 4 billion pounds?

Luo Tianzheng and others were stunned, and then Qi Qi called out: "long live the Lord!"

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