Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 958


Wan Zi Dao and others are ready to crack their eyes and try their best to drive to Li Feng.

This is totally subconscious behavior, not as complicated as before, because they don't want Li Feng to be killed like this!

Although the feeling of being controlled by Li Feng is a little oppressive, Li Feng is in such a desperate situation to save them. If Li Feng had just left them to run, he would not have been in such a dangerous situation.

Don't Li Feng know the fact that he is empty? Yes!

But why did he come to save them? It must be because of the sense of responsibility as a patriarch!

If you treat me as a statesman, I will repay you!

So they want to save Li Feng, even if they use their own body to block the sword of Philip Gullit, they will not hesitate!

But the speed of the five people on Wanzi road is still too slow. When they get there, the cauliflower will be cold!

Philippe Gullit grinned and roared. In order to be on the safe side, he cut out the setting sun of the blood moon: "this time you are not dead!"

Can't you hide in the void? Then I'll have two swords in a row. I'll miss your time hiding in the void. Can you avoid the first sword or the second sword?

I don't believe it!

At this time, the first sword has come to Li Feng.

Feeling the coming crisis of life and death, Li Feng's mouth aroused a helpless bitter smile.

Even if he has played all his cards, the huge gap in strength is not something that these cards can erase.

He can survive until now, kill a demigod later, seriously hurt and scare off a demigod later stage, hurt and scare off a demigod peak, which is an extraordinary achievement.


"I'm not a man who gives up easily!"

"Time is still!"

With Li Feng's starting time still, everything in heaven and earth stopped working. Even the furious Qi that could kill him was still a few centimeters in front of him!

Another moment later, the sword spirit will pass through his body and split him in half. It's dangerous!

Li Feng is safe for the time being, but the effect of time stillness can only last for 10 seconds. In this 10 seconds, Li Feng must come up with a way to break the game. Otherwise, when time comes, he will still face a dead end!

"Shit, I knew this task was very difficult, but I didn't expect it was a special hell mode!"

"What do I do now? I've run out of cards. Do you want me to go back in time?"

Li Feng now has only one time reversal card. In that case, everything will be reset, and the cards he has used will not be reset. However, the dead Peyton will be reborn, and the injured Riggs and chunus will also recover.

Once he's found by Philip Gullett, it's impossible.

If group space teleportation is not used, he may consider taking Wan Zidao and others to leave here, but he has just applied group space teleportation to Tang Qiong

As for monomer teleportation He didn't even think about it and abandoned his subordinates. This is not Li Feng's style of doing things!

It's a dead end!


"Why hasn't Luo Tianzheng come yet?"

Li Feng thought with annoyance, then bit his teeth, turned and flew to the direction of Tang Qiong's apartment.

At first, Li Feng had just stepped into the holy land when he was learning. At that time, he could get to a hundred meters away with one step. With the improvement of the realm, Li Feng could walk thousands of meters away with the upper inch!

The straight-line distance from Tang Qiong's apartment is 20 kilometers. Li Feng can arrive at the place with 20 steps at most. In addition, before the outbreak of the battle, Luo Tianzheng drove this way. Li Feng should not have to step 20 steps to meet Luo Tianzheng.

Of course, the premise is that Luo Tianzheng does not run in the wrong direction

The effective time of time stillness passes by one second, 8, 7, 6

When the time was still 4 seconds, Li Feng saw two figures in the air, one of which was Luo Tianzheng!

After Li Feng took another step, he found that another figure was Riggs?!

What's more, Luo Tian just put Riguez in his hand. Riggs closed his eyes and looked like he was knocked out!

Lying trough, what's the situation?!

Is it difficult for Riggs to run away in a panic, just happened to meet Luo Tianzheng, and then was stopped by Luo Tianzheng and knocked unconscious in his hand?

What a coincidence!

"Shit, forget about it. It's the most important thing to take Luo Tianzheng back!"

Li Feng takes another step forward and comes to Luo Tian. He pulls him back and forth, turns around and runs, and is constantly urged by him.

Li Feng's most powerful running skill is between square inches. Because of its strength, his real Qi consumption speed is amazing, which is also a great test for his physical endurance.In less than half a second, I fly one kilometer ahead, that is, 2000 meters per second. Moreover, this is a process from extreme static to polar motion. How many g accelerations there are, Li Feng has no time to calculate carefully. In any case, ordinary people will explode.

Before a fierce battle, Li Feng's true Qi had already consumed more than half, plus the injury, Li Feng was at the end of his tether, and every step required great perseverance.

But he still kept the same speed as when he came forward!

Time still has 3 seconds left, and he has to get back there before the time rest effect ends!

That is to say, it took him 5 seconds to come here, and his speed must be faster on the return journey!

Under the support of this strong obsession, Li Feng's pace is getting faster and faster. At last, his blood seems to be burning up and his speed is accelerating to the extreme!

Finally, before the end of the time stillness effect, Li Feng saw the bloody sword Qi from afar!


When the effect of time stillness ends, everything between heaven and earth returns to operation. The sword Qi cuts through the void and disappears into the distant sky.

"Well, are you hiding again? It's just a little skill that I've already seen through. How do you deal with it next? "

This scene did not surprise Philip Gullit. He looked like a bamboo in his hand, waiting for Li Feng to appear in his place.

But at this time, Philip Gullit heard the huge sound of breaking the sky from two o'clock. He was surprised to see Li Feng pulling two people from a distance to fly here.

Philip Gullit was crazy!

It's not When did Li Feng run in that direction and who were the two people he was pulling?

At this time, Luo Tianzheng was also fascinated.

In his memory of the first moment, he was carrying Riggs to the front. The next moment he was held by Li Feng?

When did Li Feng appear?

"Lao Luo, do you see that foreigner in front? His name is Philip. He is our biggest enemy now. You should use shangjiuyou to kill him. Lao Wan, they will help you!"

After Li Feng finished this sentence, a feeling of powerlessness came from his body. Now he is really hard to even move!

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