Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 957

"So Chunas has run away, hasn't he

Feng Dehai said with a face of muddle.

Wan Zi Dao nodded and said with a strange face: "it should be..."

Huang Weizhong and others are also confused. NIMA, the appearance of chunas just now is very handsome. OK, a move to destroy the world!

To tell you the truth, at that moment, Wan Zi Dao and others almost peed!

As a result, chunas Shuai ran away in less than a second. Is this a big contrast?

Just like the previous Riggs, he shouts "don't die" on his mouth, and makes a big move to run. It's obscene!

Philip Gullit's expression can't be described as muddled, lost, confused, shocked, puzzled and expecting Heavy emotions appear on the face, interweave, and finally turn into an unwilling roar!

"Chunus, I will make your eight generation ancestors!"

Well Maybe the translation is not accurate, but that's what Philip Gullett wants to say.

After the roar, Philip Gullit took the knight's sword, turned and rushed to wanzidao and others.

At this time, Philippe Gullit did not intend to kill Li Feng. The four men beat Li Feng in turn. As a result, Li Feng didn't lose a hair. What a fart?

If he goes on fighting, he will be dragged to death by Li Feng!

But Philip Gullett started a campaign, and he couldn't leave without killing. Then how could he stay in the western world? If you can't kill Li Feng, kill the other five first!

"Trough, Philip's here. Come on

"Boss, help me, this man is half step spirit state!"

"Boss, we can't carry it. Come and help us!"

Wanzidao and others were very consumed, and they were all suffering from various injuries. Although it was a bit excessive to say that the end of a strong crossbow, it would be difficult for them to face a strong man who had gone crazy and reached half a step of the divine realm.

Plus Li Feng before the performance so fierce, Wan Zi Dao and others have no psychological burden to help Li Feng.

Li Feng:

My special I'm at the end of my tether, OK?

The invincible aura is over, the hourglass is coming to an end, and the true Qi has consumed most of it. Although there are still 20 seconds of effective time for fury and rampage, he can't be the opponent of a strong man in a half step divine realm!

But after all, he is the leader of Jiuyou sect. If he doesn't respond, isn't it chilling?

So Li Feng stood in his place and pondered for two seconds: "I will help you Come on

Wan Zi said: "what's the matter

Feng Dehai:

Huang Weizhong's three people:

Shentemo help us to refuel? Is this what we want!

My special Wan Zi Dao and others are so quick to laugh, that is, Li Feng is in charge of their life and death. If you change someone, Wan Zi Dao and Feng Dehai will surely kill him first!

Philip Gullett's face was also stunned by mistakes, and then he laughed wildly: "ha ha ha ha ha, is this the boss you are so loyal to? It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. Ha ha ha

At the same time, he slashed with his sword, and the fierce bloody sword spirit went straight to Wanzi road!

"Lying trough!"

Ten thousand son road in the heart a tight, both hands clench nine you halberd hard to chop down, can can meet that blood color sword spirit.


a big bang!

Nine you halberd burst out a group of dazzling red light, violent energy turbulent flow scattered!

Even Feng Dehai and others, who are some distance away from Wanzi Road, were forced back by the turbulent flow of energy. The Wanzi road in the center of energy explosion was overturned directly, and his body almost turned into a little star and disappeared in the distant sky!

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth. He did not dare to watch the battle. He rushed up with his sword. At the same time, ten illusory Blue Mountains appeared around him and slowly revolved around him.

It is the Castle Peak guard that can resist ten times of all-out attack from the strong at the same level!

Perceiving Li Feng's approach, Philip Gullit quickly turned around and waved a sword.

The bloody sword Qi is floating and invisible. In a flash, he comes to Li Feng!


Li Feng dodged the sword by entering the void directly.

"Well?" Philip Gullett was stunned.

His original intention is to force Li Feng back, at least to stop Li Feng, and then he takes advantage of this gap to kill a few more people, but who knows that Li Feng has escaped!

Before Li Feng not all hard to resist it, this time how suddenly changed the way of fighting? Is

At this time, Li Feng's body appeared in place, waving is a sword: "empty cut!"

At the moment, the hourglass is over, Li Feng has no advantage in speed, so he can only rely on the mysterious characteristics of virtual chopping to win by surprise!

Philippe gullet was so nervous that he took refuge in the moment when the sword spirit was born in the void.The extremely fierce sword Qi flashed directly three meters away from his side, even his clothes Oh, no, he has no clothes. Even if he wears an elegant long skirt and becomes a lady's wear boss, the sword spirit can't even touch the corners of his skirt.

"Ha ha, it seems that you are not as fast as before?" Philip Gullett saw something was wrong.

Peyton and Riggs did not evade this move before, although he is higher and faster than these two people, but the gap should not be so big.

In addition, Li Feng did not resist, but chose to avoid. The only explanation is Li Feng is out of line! He's empty!

At the thought of it, Philip gullet is chopping with his sword!

Shua, Shua, Shua

Several sword Qi continuously cut to Li Feng!

Li Feng snorted coldly and again used the void dodge to hide in the void. However, the void dodge only allowed him to hide in the void for 0.1 seconds. As soon as the time came, he appeared in the same place. At this time, the last bloody sword came to meet him.

"Shit, I can't get away from it!"

Li Feng's heart sank, gripping his teeth and waving his sword!


just like wanzidao, the violent energy exploded under the collision, and Li Feng was directly lifted away for 100 meters.

In the middle of the air, Li Feng spits out a mouthful of blood, and all the green mountains around him are gone!

The Castle Peak, which can withstand ten times of all-out attack from the strong in the same realm, was broken by Philip Gullit with a sword, and Li Feng was injured for this!

Half step of the divine realm, it's really terrible!


"Lying in the manger, the boss is blown away?"

"Lying in the manger, did the boss vomit blood?"

Feng Dehai and others are looking at a face of muddle!

No wonder Li Feng just helped them to refuel. It turns out that he is really empty!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, you really can't do it. It's heaven that has eyes!"

Philip Gullit looked up at the sky and laughed wildly, and then ran after Li Feng.

After approaching Li Feng, Philip Gullit raised his knight's sword in his hand and cut it down with a roar: "the setting sun of the blood moon Cut


at the moment when the sword Qi broke out, the bright sky turned red, and a half moon shaped bloody sword went straight to Li Feng against the sun.

This is Philippe Gullit's strongest sword, and Li Feng is at the end of his tether. Once Li Feng is cut by this sword, there is a 99% probability that he will fall directly!

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