Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 956

At the moment of sweeping wanzidao and others, chunas rushed to Li Feng's body in a murderous manner. His black spear was like a dragon, hitting Li Feng's heart!

Li Feng just like scared silly general Leng in place did not move a bit!

The next moment, the extremely sharp black spearhead directly hit Li Feng's chest!

No energy, pure physical attack!

This attack was made by chunus after careful consideration. Whether it was Philip, Peyton or Riggs, their attacks on Li Feng were all swords, waves of fierce sword spirit.

However, it turned out that Li Feng was unhurt!

So chunas guessed that Li Feng should have some divine equipment like defensive strength!

In this case, he would use the most primitive means to stab people with a gun. He would not believe that Li Feng could be unhurt under the most pure physical attack!

So he put all his strength into this move. Even if there is an alloy mountain ahead, chunus is confident to make a big hole in it!


with a loud noise, the invisible energy wave diffused around and razed all buildings within one kilometer to the ground!

What about Li Feng, who suffered most of the energy shocks?

Just like nobody standing in the same place, the radian of the corner of the mouth, the ironic force directly explodes!

"The boss is mighty!"

"Lying trough, the boss is too strong to be attacked by all kinds of poisons and weapons!"

"I'm worthy of being our boss. I'm really convinced."

"I can blow it for a year

Wan Zi Dao and others took a breath of cold air, then exclaimed.

From the beginning of the battle to now, Li Feng has fought with the four people of chunas. What is the result? There's nothing wrong with it. You don't even mess up your hair!

If you look at the five people in Wanzi Road, they have more or less some wounds on their bodies, and their clothes are more tattered than beggars on the street.

Wei bin, the most seriously injured man, had two or three ferocious big cuts on his back. Although he sealed the acupoint in time to stop the blood flowing, the wound was very penetrating and would inevitably affect his actions.

The gap!

"It's impossible. It's not scientific!"

Chunus finally realized the feeling of Philip before, full of confidence, the damage caused by a full blow is not as good as a fart, who can bear it?

"Existence is reason." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, and his ironic power still exploded.

but this is only a superficial phenomenon. His mind is also a group of panic.

Li Feng's true Qi was greatly consumed by the use of virtual air chop and virtual night chop for two consecutive times. However, there is still a hard battle to fight.

More importantly The effective time of invincible aura is 10 seconds. Now it has been 8 seconds. If Luo Tianzheng has not arrived in two seconds later, or chunus and Philippe are not scared away by him, he will kneel here.

At the same time, Li Feng returned with a sword: "empty chop!"


a sword Qi suddenly appeared in front of Riggs!

Riggs stood on his head in cold hair and dodged.


the sharp sword spirit brushed his left shoulder, a ferocious and terrifying wound appeared, and blood burst out!

"Ah! I will never die with you Riggs roared, then turned and ran!

Li Feng:

Chunus and Philippe:

Wan Zi Dao et al

It's not It is said that you will never die. How can you suddenly run away? Can you point out your face? You are a strong man in the late period of demigod!

Just as the crowd was confused, Riggs had already rushed out nearly 100 meters away. Li Feng's face flashed a flicker of hesitation, and then turned to look at chunus: "poor bandits can't pursue! Lao Wan, the five of you will join me in killing chunus

The morale of the five people of Wanzi road has been thoroughly stimulated. At present, they use the shangjiuyou to change, and the breath of their bodies directly soars, and each of them improves a small realm.

Then, the five people of Wanzi road all used the Youlian to bloom!

Five black lotus flowers are suspended in front of the five people, emitting a dark light and rotating slowly. With the control of the five people, the five lotus flowers glide through the erratic track and surround qiunas again.

In this way, chunas is Li Feng in front of him, and behind him is a black lotus. There is no way to retreat!

Chunas's face changed slightly, and he roared, "look at me breaking them!"

His voice fell to the ground, and chunas raised his black spear and poked it up!


a black light burst out from the spear point!

It's like a laser gun in a sci-fi movie, and in a flash it's on the top of the Black Lotus.

The ability of Black Lotus is to swallow energy. The more energy it consumes, the more powerful it is, and the more energy it can swallow.

Unless the enemy's attack exceeds the upper limit of the Black Lotus, you can only fall into this dead circle!This blow of chunas produced 120% of the energy, and the explosion of the half step divine realm directly inflated the Black Lotus.

"Sleeping trough! Run

"No, the Black Lotus is going to explode. Get out of it!"

Wan Zi Dao and others face dramatic changes, a little at the foot of the explosion back out.

Originally, the Black Lotus consumed a lot of genuine Qi, and it contained extremely violent energy. In addition, the blow of chunas, once it exploded That's a tiny nuclear bomb!

In addition to the high radiation of the nuclear bomb, the explosion power can be comparable with it. They don't have the invincible aura like Li Feng. When would they not hide?!

Not long after wanzidao and others burst out, a light flashed in the middle of the rapidly rising Youlian, just like a star exploding in a science fiction movie.

The next moment, the Black Lotus exploded!


a loud noise that broke the eardrum!

The shock wave spread around, and the buildings within a kilometer radius were destroyed by the power of a gun from chunas before. At the moment, the ruins of one kilometer round are destroyed by this energy again, just like ploughing again on the ploughed land!

However, the shock wave was stronger than before. After one kilometer, it spread for two kilometers, and the buildings collapsed!

If you look down from the sky, you will find that the center of chunas is a piece of scorched earth within a radius of 3 km!

A black scar with a diameter of six kilometers has appeared in the modern city!

Although ordinary people within a radius of three kilometers were evacuated in advance by Philip, he still ambushed nearly 10000 of his subordinates here. If this attack goes on, his nearly 10000 subordinates will be completely destroyed

"Lying trough, this foreigner is too fierce!"

"NIMA, my internal organs are going to be shattered!"

"Shit, my nose is bleeding. Fortunately, I'm so quick!"

In the distance, Wan Zi Dao and other people generally have a long breath.

Look at Li Feng, invincible aura has less than a second, so Youlian explosion did not have any impact on him, but Philippe Gullit in the distance looked a little embarrassed, and his skin was a little dark.

As for the nearest chunas to the explosion center

Wait, what about chunas?

Looking at the place where chunas stood before, Li Feng, Wan Zidao and even Philip Gullit were in a state of muddle!

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