Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 955

If it was before Li Feng killed Peyton, Philip and others would scoff at him.

A player in the middle of the demigod is so arrogant that he wants to beat a demigod peak in a short time. Where does he get self-confidence?

But now they can't laugh, on the contrary, they are very heavy.

This NIMA is a fierce man who killed a semi God late strong man in three seconds, and after fighting Philip with all his strength, there is nothing wrong with him. Dare you underestimate this?

"Philip, before I thought you were making a fuss, but now I find out Are you special? I really know

Chunas spits out a mouthful of turbid gas, complexion complex says.

"Philip, tell us the truth. Did you know Li Feng was so difficult to deal with, so you invited the three of us to fight?" Riggs also said with a gloomy face.

He, chunus and Peyton were both the elders of the Council of light, and the great men in the western world.

Even if the three of them had always been close to the Gullit family, it cost a lot of money for Philip to invite them to do so. At the beginning, they agreed on 1 billion pounds of cash per person, a total value of nearly 1 billion pounds of collectibles, and some materials needed for cultivation.

These things add up to more than 3 billion pounds, three people nearly 10 billion pounds!

That is to say, the gulit family is so rich that a new organization would not take out so many things in order to kill a person.

At the beginning, the three of chunus mocked Philip in private. Now it seems that Philip is not so timid. He is so prescient!

"I really don't know..." Philip Gullett's mouth bitter, dark hate, but also some regret.

He was completely prepared. As a result, fiomi was killed and Peyton was dead. Why?

If he put down his hatred and did not provoke Li Feng, would there be no such things?

No, it won't. There is a deep blood feud between Li Feng and the Gullit family. If Li Feng is not avenged, how can the gulit family stand on the top of the west?

Just when Philip Gullit was in his heart, Li Feng suddenly yelled: "Huang Weizhong, Wang Yuanliang, Wei bin, you three go to help Lao Wan and Lao Feng!"

At the same time, Li Feng wields his sword and cuts!

The fourth move of sky chopping sword - empty chop!


a fierce sword Qi was born from the void and came to Riggs in the next moment.

Although Riggs has been talking to Philip, most of his thoughts are on Li Feng. He is like Peyton. In the later period, Li Feng can kill Peyton quickly and kill him as well.

So when Li Feng roared, he was ready. When Li Feng cut off with his sword, he would point his feet and fly up like a flying monkey.

However, under the influence of the hourglass, Li Feng's speed was ten times faster than usual, and the virtual chopping was extremely difficult to prevent. Even though Riggs reacted quickly, the virtual chopping was still cut on his right leg.

"Hiss" a sound, Riggs's white robe cut a big hole, right leg was cut a deep visible bone wound.

At the same time, Huang Weizhong, Wang Yuanliang and Wei bin, who received the order, rushed to qiunas with Jiuyou Shenbing.

Wan Zi Dao and Feng Dehai did not dare to neglect them. They took out the unique skills of pressing the bottom of the box and blasted towards qiunas.

Now Li Feng obviously has the upper hand. Of course, they won't have any different ideas. Otherwise, Li Feng will make Li Feng unhappy. What can Li Feng do if he takes out the Jiuyou order to explode them?

And to tell the truth, Li Feng didn't die. They were not so disappointed. On the contrary, their admiration for Li Feng deepened a lot!

In the twinkling of an eye, qiunas was surrounded by five people of Wanzi Road, and all kinds of big moves were bombarded to him in turn.

Even if chunas is a semi God peak strong, this moment also felt a lot of pressure.

Look at Philippe Gullit. He was waiting for Li Feng to come and fight on his own. As a result, Li Feng turned his head and killed Riggs, which made him feel that he had been teased.

Under the superposition of old and new hatred, Philip Gullett's anger is directly full of: "crazy!"

With a roar, Philip Gullett's body soared in a circle, and his black suit was shattered.

However, the material of his boxers is very good, just like Hulk, even if his body does not burst after soaring, otherwise it will be very embarrassing.

With his body soaring and his breath, Philippe Gullit was the top demigod before, and now he can come to the level of half step God!

On the other hand, Riggs is also excited by the real fire, also used to crazy!

Like Philip, his body swelled in a big circle, his clothes burst, and only the boxers remained.

In this way, they should have bought the same brand of boxers.

After the madness, Riggs' breath went directly to the top of the demigod: "Damn it, you dare to hurt me, I will blow you to pieces!"As he spoke, Riggs wielded the knight's sword and chopped several times.

With his action, the virtual God behind him also turned into a Knight Sword and chopped down one after another!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

On the other side, Philip Gullit didn't leave any cards. He waved his knight's sword with the empty God behind him, and ran straight to Li Feng with several bloody swords.

In the face of their violent attack, Li Feng didn't have any fear on his face. Instead, he said with a sarcastic smile: "if you used your cards at the beginning, Peyton would not have died."

At the same time, Li Feng waved his sword and cut it off!


the space of 100 meters is once again in absolute darkness!

It's the fifth move of sky chopping sword - Virtual night chopping!

As soon as it turned dark, Riggs had a bad feeling in his heart. His body and nerves were all tensed up and he tried his best to avoid it.

The next moment, a fierce sword Qi was cut on his left shoulder!

The pain is coming!


Riggs can't help but breathe out in pain!

At the same time, the darkness dissipates and the light comes!

Philippe and chunus are shocked in their hearts. They follow the sound and see the picture of Riggs covering his left shoulder and retreating abruptly!

Under a closer look, the whole right arm of Riggs is missing, and countless blood is spilled under his feet!

Look at Li Feng, after repeated bombardment by Philippe and chunas, he is still unhurt!

"Peyton!" Chunas's eyes are splitting!

Although all three are the elders of the Council of light, chunus and Riggs have a better relationship, just like a brother, but her relationship with Peyton is not so close.

At this time, seeing that Riggs was seriously injured, chunas was in a violent mood of killing, and his breath soared, and he also came to the half step divine realm!

Then he swung his spear around!

"Boom" "boom" "boom"

Even if Wan Zi Dao and others dodged in time and were not swept by spears directly, they were still blasted out by the fury.

The encirclement of five people broke in an instant!

Half step of the divine realm, it is so terrible!

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