Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 954

Double whack!

Seeing this, Wan Zi Dao, who is fighting against chunus and Riguez, has changed slightly and his mood is somewhat complicated.

After this period of time together, their feeling of Li Feng is not only fear, but also a little more admiration and closeness.

In front of them, Li Feng didn't have a lot of patriarchal airs, and he often got in touch with them. They knew that Li Feng was not trying to buy off people's hearts, but his temperament was like this.

Therefore, Li Feng's behavior is very gratifying. Even Luo Tianzheng, who is not easy to convince people, expresses his admiration for Li Feng in private.

However, Luo Tianzheng and others are more afraid of Li Feng's control of their life and death. They are resistant to this fear from the bottom of their bones. After all, no one wants others to control their own life and death.

So at this moment, Li Feng is in danger. While Wan Zidao and others are worried about him, they still have some excitement?

If Li Feng died like this, they would be free!

At the time of Wanzi Dao and other people's thoughts, the bloody sword Qi of several meters was chopped on Li Feng's body!

At this moment, Wan Zi Dao and others couldn't help but sigh. The all-out strike at the top of the demigod is definitely not something that the strong man in the middle of the demigod can bear.

Even if a demigod is hit in the later period, he will be seriously injured. If he is in the middle of the demigod period, he will be seriously injured, and if he is heavy, he will fall. There is absolutely no second possibility!

Even if Li Feng was lucky to be seriously injured, wanzidao and others couldn't help to save him, and then he was attacked by a demigod on both sides in the later stage. He had nowhere to hide, only to fall down!

In the same way, Philip gullet had foreseen the result, and now his face was full of the joy of revenge.

But before all the joy on his face spread, Li Feng's body was covered with a layer of golden ripples. Then, the bloody sword Qi collapsed, and Li Feng was unhurt!

"Damn it, how could that be?"

Philip Gullett was stunned.

Just in the heart secretly sigh Wan Zi Dao and others are also stunned, then they think, before Li Feng and they fight, also happened such a situation.

At the beginning, they thought that this was the restraining effect of Jiuyou order on them. Now it seems that it is not the same thing at all. Is this a defensive skill?!

At the same time, Peyton chopped the white dragon claw into pieces. Just about to make a mockery of Li Feng, he saw the golden light on Li Feng's body, and the sword spirit of Daoxue color collapsed.

For a moment, Peyton was stunned on the spot.

It's not What's the situation? A demigod's best attack can't break the defense of a demigod's medium-term strongman. This is so unscientific!

At the moment when the crowd was confused, Li Feng directly opened the rampage and fury. Suddenly, his breath soared one after another. After a while, he came to the late stage of demigod, and faintly touched the threshold of the peak of demigod!

"Time hourglass Open it

The voice fell to the ground, and the time flow around Li Feng dropped ten times. Then he raised his hand at Peyton while he was waving his sword!

The fourth move of sky chopping sword - empty chop!

A sharp sword Qi that can cut everything is born in the void, and in a flash it is cut to Peyton!

Facing this sword spirit born from the void, Peyton has no time to dodge!

"Hiss" a sound, Peyton chest appeared a deep visible bone of blood trough, blood flow!

At the same time, Philippe Gullit's sword spirit is cut on Li Feng again!

Another golden ripple Li Feng is still unhurt after the sword Qi is broken!

Invincible Aura!

"Damn it! Why is that so? " Philip Gullett is going crazy. Clearly, his realm is higher than that of Li Feng, and he is fighting with all his strength. How can he not hurt Li Feng's fur? Is this so unscientific?

Philip Gullett is just going crazy, but Peyton is going to pee.

How could a sword hurt him in the mid demigod period? If he didn't wear a top-notch protective suit, that sword would have killed him half his life!

"Philip, stop him for me!"

Peyton roared. He took a small black bottle out of the space storage equipment. With the fastest speed, he pulled out the cap of the bottle, poured out some black paste and smeared it on his wound.

At the same time, Philippe Gullit's body flash, to block between Li Feng and Peyton, for Payton to heal time.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly wielded his sword and chopped again: "the fifth move of sky cutting sword - Virtual night chop!"

At the moment when the sword was cut off, Li Feng was the center. Within a hundred meters, the sword fell into absolute darkness!

It's like a huge black cylinder with a diameter of 200 meters and a height of more than 1000 meters. In this cylinder, all light disappears!

This is the power of the fifth type of sky chopping sword!

Not only that, the virtual night chop can also explode four times the damage, and the track is erratic, it is impossible to prevent!"Lying trough, why is it dark?"

Wan Zi Dao, who was struggling to support him, could not help exclaiming.

In fact, for the demigod level strong, whether it is day or night, the difference is not big, they can use the breath to lock in the enemy.

But the dramatic change of light will definitely affect them. This is human instinct. For the demigod strong, the impact is very short, even less than 0.1 second.

Can be strong between the battle, 0.1 seconds is enough to determine the battle trend!

At the moment of darkness, a black sword spirit burst out from the Shenwu sword, and the next moment came to Peyton, and then Philip could stand in front of Li Feng!


a dull sound followed by a painful cry: "ah

Philip gullet's heart sank. It was Peyton's voice! Did he get hurt again?

At this time, the night dissipated, and the light came back here again. Philip Gullett first chopped Li Feng with a sword, then looked back at Peyton.

When Philip Gullett saw what was going on with chuppetto, his pupils shrank and he exclaimed, "Mr. Peyton?"

Chunas and Riggs, who were fighting in the distance, forced wanzidao and others back one after another. They turned their heads and looked at this side, and then they also uttered a exclamation: "Peyton!"

Wan Zi Dao and others also took time to look at this, and then they could not help but take a breath of cold air!

I saw Peyton, who was invited by Philip Gullett to help him with his fist, was split into two. His blood flowed on the ground. He had no breath. He could not die again!

Lying trough, Li Feng killed a semi God late strong man in less than three seconds under the pursuit of Philip Gullit, the semi God peak strong man?

They're not dazzled, are they?

At the moment when they were confused, Li Feng summoned his armor and put it on his body. He said with a smile, "Lao Wan, Lao Feng, you two will hold on for a while. When I have finished Philip, I will help you."

As soon as he said this, Philip and others looked ugly again!

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