Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 951

Muddle than the tree muddle force fruit, muddle force tree you and I.

Li Feng is really very muddled at the moment. He can't help it.

What time is it, huh? How could Tang Qiong treat him like that? How can he have the mind to deal with a strong enemy?

No, don Qiong, you must be responsible for me!

When Li Feng was performing a rich inner drama, Tang Qiong stepped back and said, "you I Don't get me wrong. I'm just excited, so Well In short I don't mean to say that It's about That. "

Li Feng:

It's not What? Don't get me wrong. It's not what it means. How many meanings do you mean? You'll finish your words at one breath. Otherwise, I'll be flustered.

On the other side, Philippe gullet, these people, were all confused.

It's not There was a fight right now. Why are you still playing this kind of urgent drama? Can you be more serious?!

Because of Don Qiong's sudden behavior, Philip gullet forgot what he asked just now. You see, it's a mess!

"Well, that..." Li Feng pondered for a long time, then choked out a sentence: "I understand!"

You know Mao, you know, he doesn't understand at all, OK? But anyway, he and Tang Qiong have taken a big step. As long as the crisis in front of him is solved, he and Tang Qiong can have a good future.

"Well, just understand." Tang Qiong lowered her head and whispered, "well, next Please

"Don't worry. I'll take care of these crooked melons and split dates." Li Feng waved his hand and said domineering.

On the other side, Philip Gullett raised his eyebrows and said in a cold voice, "crooked melon and cracked dates? Huaxia boy, you are very arrogant. Do you know what kind of traps I have laid to deal with you? "

Hearing this, Tang Qiong couldn't help but tighten her body. Fortunately, Li Feng has been holding her small hand and constantly passing her courage.

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders: "yes, you have evacuated all the people within a radius of three kilometers. The people who are still around here are all your people, about tens of thousands of people?"

"After all, since you know where I live, why do you have to spend so much time and go to the door directly?"

"Well Let me guess. Are you afraid of disturbing me when the Chinatown residents are evacuated? It turns out that Gullit's such a hanging family that they're afraid of making a big fuss. "

Speaking of later, Li Feng was slightly sarcastic and laughed.

Philip Gullit's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that Li Feng's judgment on the situation was so clear that even how many people he mobilized knew it clearly.

What's more, through this information, Li Feng could even know why he didn't set the battlefield in Chinatown. This Chinese boy's mind is very unusual.

As Li Feng analyzed, although the gulit family was powerful, it could not do whatever it wanted in state y.

Once he launched a campaign against Li Feng in Chinatown without evacuating the residents of Chinatown in advance, thousands or even tens of thousands of people would be killed and injured. That would be a huge scandal that shocked the world!

Even if the Gullit family finally settles the scandal, it will hurt itself and it will take many years to recover.

For this reason, Philip Gullit set up the battlefield here. The population density here is not as high as that in Chinatown. The chief of the police department directly under his command is also a person supported by the Gullit foundation, so it is not difficult to evacuate.

When the time comes to kill Li Feng, and then fake the scene, make it look like a KB attack, then the police chief can take this promotion, kill two birds with one stone!

It can be said that for the sake of this plan, philite Gullit planned for a long time, but Li Feng saw through it at a glance. It was really a little depressed

"Do you think that's all I have in mind?"

Said philite gullet in a cold voice, with a puff of foul air.

"Well Let me guess. " Li Feng touched his chin. After a while, he snapped his finger and said, "are you still sending someone to tangqiong's apartment in an attempt to control aishania as well?"

Philip Gullett's pupils shrank, then he laughed: "good, good. You can even guess that. It's indeed the strongest rival of the Gullit family for hundreds of years. Now the problem is Are you worried about her safety? "

Before Li Feng saw through part of the plan, he took this opportunity to pull back a game, defeated Li Feng's psychological defense line!

"Do you want me to tell the truth?" Li Feng has a hook in the corner of his mouth.

"Is it interesting to tell lies at this time?" Philite Gullit didn't mean to start immediately. Instead, he was interested in playing psychological warfare with Li Feng.

It's not difficult to destroy a person's body. It's not so much fun. It's challenging to destroy a person's mind and body at the same time.

Li Feng caused great losses to the Gullit family. Only after destroying his psychology, then destroying his body, can we dispel his hatred enough!

"So it is." Li Feng sighed and then said with a smile, "in fact, I'm not worried at all, because I've been prepared for it.""Is it?" Felite gullet was not surprised, and said with a smile, "I guess you don't know what kind of strong man I'll send to her."

Li Feng nodded, playing flavor: "I guess you can't imagine what kind of player I will send to protect him."

"You are a strong man in the mid demigod period. You can compete with the strong one in the later period of demigod. I don't know if I'm right." Philip gullet suddenly changed the subject.

"The news is very accurate. It seems that I have left a great psychological shadow on those members of the Gullit family who survived by chance." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Hum!" Philip gullet snorted coldly, and then sneered, "even if you are a demigod, what kind of hand can you send to protect ashaniya? But the man I sent to capture ashaniah is a demigod late strongman

At this point, felite gullet's face could no longer resist the expression of satisfaction.

Li Fenggang just said "faction". Only those with high status and strong strength can send, and those with low status and weak strength can use this word.

Therefore, philite Gullit can conclude that the strength of the people sent by Li Feng to protect ashaniya must be lower than that of the demigods!

What's more, intelligence shows that Li Feng has no other strong people around him!

He finally moved back to Li Feng!

However, the image of panic did not appear on Li Feng's face, on the contrary, Li Feng's mouth was still hung with a mocking smile.

"You don't seem to worry at all?" Philite gullet frowned, puzzled.

"Of course not. I said that before." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and ridiculed, "because the people I sent to protect ashaniya are two demigods, one of whom is a demigod peak and the other is a demigod."

"What?" "You must be scaring me. I'm going to call fiomi and ask," he said with a sneer. "I'll get to the bottom of your lies soon. You'll wait for me."

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