Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 952

Li Feng shrugged and made a gesture of asking for help.

On one side, Tang Qiong held his hand tightly, looking a little nervous.

She can't tell whether Li Feng's words are true or false. She is still worried about aishania.

Li Feng turned his head and gave her a smile, which immediately made Tang Qiong feel at ease.

At this time, Philip Gullit dialled the phone, and at this moment, he showed a relieved expression, and then said with a smile to Li Feng, "look, the phone is connected. It's time to uncover your lies."

Li Feng curled his lips, ironic Max!

"Hum!" Philip gullet snorted heavily and coldly, and then asked, "what's going on, fiomi?"

As he spoke, he also turned on the hands-free button.

Then there was a frivolous voice on the phone: "can't peak English, can you speak prawn bath?"

Philip Gullit's face changed dramatically and said in Chinese, "who are you?"

Li Feng's face suddenly became strange. I rubbed it. Lao Luo's English improved very fast. I could say a whole sentence. The last sentence "flower shrimp bath" sounds a little bit painful!

Although I don't know if Lao Luo only knows this sentence, at least it shows that Lao Luo is interested in learning English!

"Well, I'll reward him later." Li Feng made up his mind secretly.

Tang Qiong also recognized that it was Luo Tianzheng's voice, so she was more relaxed. Everything was in the control of Li Feng. What else should she worry about?

"I want to ask who you are." Luo Tianzheng sneered and then said, "Lao Qiu, don't stand there. First, look over this man and see what's good about him. Zong Boss did not say it, the strong outside is like a small boss in the online game, after killing will burst out a good thing

"Oh, well Qiu Biao's voice came from the phone.

Li Feng's mouth a draw: "I specially said this, how can I not remember?"

Philip Gullett's face was even worse: "say, what have you done to fiomi?"

"If you're talking about this white middle-aged man He's been killed by me. Besides him, he's an old white man. After he dies, he becomes a werewolf. "

"I'm surprised. Do you like raising wild animals very much? Let a werewolf be the housekeeper, and the cattle will be the cattle."

Luo Tianzheng's frivolous voice came again.


Luo Tianzheng's words let Philip Gullit into a state of fury in an instant, and the breath of the demigod peak was emitted!

At the same time, a towering shadow appeared behind him, and the restaurant was torn apart at once, and the rubble fell one after another, just like being attacked by a missile!

"Ah Tang Qiong sent out a scream, subconsciously into Li Feng's arms.

Li Feng's mouth hook, protect Tang Qiong at the same time, a wave of his right hand, a violent momentum appeared, will fall around the rubble all fly out, not a piece fell on him and Tang Qiong.

Looking at the other side, those bodyguards in black are also strong martial arts experts with high level. Although they can't cope with the situation as calmly as Li Feng, there is no critical situation.

"Oh, my God. It sounds very big over there. Have you started to fight?"

"Shall we go and help?"

"Can't you trust the strength of the boss?"

“…… Damn it, Lao Luo, when is the time for this special skill? You should dig a hole for me, and I must trust it

"Haha, I can also trust it. But the strange rate of the boss's brush is not low. We can go and grab some monsters to brush."

Listening to the conversation on the phone, Li Feng couldn't help laughing and cursing: "all right, you two, don't save face for me. Lao Qiu, you stay to protect ashaniya. Lao Luo comes to help. Although you don't know the location, you should..."

Before he could finish speaking, Philip Gullett had "click" the phone to pieces.

He's going mad with his cell phone, OK? If he had known that, he shouldn't have called!

Now the problem is, there are really two demigod level strongmen at ashaniya's side. One of them is still a demigod top strong one at the same level. The situation is not good!

"Mr. chunus, Mr. Riggs, Mr. Peyton, please come out and help me!"

Philip gullet let out a roar.

Then, three towering virtual shadows appear from the southeast and west of the restaurant, corresponding to three strong semi divine breath, one of which is the demigod peak, and the other two are the later period of demigod!

Li Feng couldn't help but shrink his pupils. He took a breath of cold air and said, "I said that the task reward is so rich, how can it be so difficult?"

If it's just fiomi and philite, Li Feng and Luo Tianzheng can easily crush them. It can be seen that fiomi is easily smashed by Luo Tianzheng.In this way, the task reward should not have 10 million experience and 20 million system points.

Now take a look at Still, the system is accurate in predicting. Half of the gods are at the peak of the two half gods. In addition, Philip gullet, the strong man of the semi God peak, is the two peaks and two later periods!

"In order to deal with me, who is in the middle of the demigod period, you even sent out such a cruel combination. Do you think highly of me?" Li Feng said helplessly.

Fortunately, he brought Lao Luo and other people to country y. otherwise, he would only be invincible and transport away.

at this moment, he deeply realized how desperate Brad youl was when facing Luo Tianzheng and others

"At the beginning, I thought I looked up to you a little bit, but I was always cautious and always thought bad about everything."

"Now it seems that I am perfectly right to be so cautious."

Philip gullet's face was once again pleased.

Just as he spoke, the three demigods had come to Li Feng's back and completely cut off his retreat.

Li Feng took Tang Qiong in one hand, took out the Shenwu sword in the other, and said without expression: "so That's all your cards, isn't it

Philippe Gullit raised his eyebrows: "why, it's not enough to make you despair? It will take time for your reinforcements to get here. "

"If the four of us do it together, you won't be able to keep him coming. What's more, you still have a drag oil that needs to be protected..."

Before the word "bottle" was exported, a white light flashed by, and Tang Qiong disappeared in place.

This scene directly let Philip gullet and others into a state of muddle!

It's not Surrounded by four of them, an ordinary person disappeared out of thin air? This is so unscientific!

"Not now." Li Feng mouth a hook, then hit a ring finger: "Lao Wan, you can come out!"

At the same time, five powerful breath rises from around the restaurant, at the same time, five towering virtual shadows appear!

Seeing this, philite gullet's face changed dramatically: "Damn, how can you have reinforcements?"

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