Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 950

"What would you like to have, Mr. Bauman?" After sitting down, Tang Qiong picked up the menu and asked.

"Well I have a question for you Carlos Bauman smile, face playfully said: "you and Li Feng feelings are very deep?"

"What?" Tang qiongxiu frowned slightly. Because of Li Feng's warning, she kept alert throughout the whole process. Therefore, Carlos Bowman's seemingly intentional problem made her very alert.

"It means If Miss Tang had any accident, Li Feng would have been very sad? " Carlos Bowman's eyes narrowed slightly and said with a dull smile.

Tang Qiong's face changed slightly: "Mr. Bauman, what do you want to do? I warn you not to mess around, or I will ruin your reputation! "

Before meeting Li Feng, Tang Qiong is very strong. Who dares to belittle her in words or deeds, she will let the other party pay a painful price!

Although Carlos bowman can decide whether the new company can get the import approval, Tang Qiong will not yield to the other party's silver prestige for this!

"Ha ha, don't be excited, Miss Tang. I just ask casually."

Carlos Bowman shrugged, then took out a cigarette and lit it. He asked, "I heard that you came with Li Feng. Where has Li Feng gone?"

At the same time, he also glanced around, as if Li Feng was hiding around here. It looked funny.

"He knows your purpose is not simple, so he has been protecting me secretly." Tang Qiong doesn't want to pretend at this time. Isn't it a showdown? I can do it too.

Carlos Bowman raised his eyebrows and said in disbelief, "but as far as I know, he left you half an hour ago, and he never showed up again."

"And There is no figure of him inside or outside the restaurant. Are you sure he is protecting you? Or He was aware of the danger, so he ran away? "

As soon as this word comes out, Tang Qiong's face changes again!

But then she shook her head and said, "no, I believe him."

"Pa", "pa", "pa"

just then, a clap of hands came from the outside. Even if the door of the private room was closed, the sound was as loud as it sounded in the ear.

Tang Qiong shuddered and looked back. She just saw the door of the private room open. A white old man in a gray suit came in under the protection of a group of bodyguards in black.

Tang Qiong quickly got up from her seat and asked, "who are you?"

At the same time, Carlos Bauman got up from his seat, took three and two steps to the old man, bowed nearly 90 degrees and said, "Carlos Bowman, 134 member of the Gullit foundation, has met the gulit master!"

Tang Qiong's face changed dramatically. Isn't the leader of the Gullit family dead? Is this re elected? But that night the Gullit family got together, and this man was not there at all!

And What is the Gullit foundation and the members of the 134th issue? It sounds mysterious and powerful

"Well." Philip Gullett nodded faintly: "you've done a good job. The next congressman has a place for you."

Carlos Bowman's face was ecstatic: "thank you very much, master Gullit. If you have any task in the future, I'll throw my head and shed blood at all costs!"

"Well." Philip Gullett nodded with a smile. "You can't help with the next thing."

"Yes Carlos Bowman didn't feel any displeasure after being looked down upon. He stood aside obediently.

Then Philip Gullett looked at Don Qiong and said, "it's really a rare Oriental classic beauty."

Tang Qiong dressed up before going out, not only for the meeting with Carlos Bowman, but also for Li Feng.

A woman is a pleasure to herself.

So although Tang Qiong was wearing a professional suit, she played a little careful. Her upper body was a white suit coat with a seven point sleeve and a white silk shirt inside.

Under wearing a white Baotun skirt, plus a black stockings, stepped on a pair of white pointed high-heeled shoes.

This dress is a good outline of her beautiful line, coupled with a strong contrast between black and white, it is very exciting.

Of course, no matter how good the clothes and make-up are, you have to have a foundation. Don Qiong happens to be a woman with perfect appearance and figure. It's no wonder that Philip Gullett would give such a comment.

At this moment, Tang Qiong had the feeling of being completely seen through by Philippe Gullit, as if she was not wearing a pair. At the moment, she stepped back and put her hands on the clasp: "who are you?"

"To introduce myself, I am Hannah gullet's great great great grandfather." Philippe gullet gave a faint smile, and then with a movement of his right hand, a chair flew from the distance, just behind him.

Then Philip Gullett sat down, cocked his legs and said, "you are Li Feng's lover. If I let you be my woman, would he hate to be crazy?"Tang Qiong's face changed again, and she was about to step back. To her horror, she felt as if there was an invisible wall behind her!

Just then, the black bodyguard behind Philip Gullett whispered something in his ear.

After listening to this, Philip guley nodded his head and looked at Tang Qiong with a sneer on his face: "it's time to see Li Feng's figure inside and outside the restaurant. It seems that he really gave up on you."

"In that case You can pay off some debts for him first. "

The voice landed, and Philip gullet raised his hand to tangqiong.

In an instant, Tang Qiong felt a strong suction, and she could not help but fly to Philip Gullit.

Just as Tang Qiong was about to fly to Philip gullet, a powerful hand pressed on her shoulder, and an invisible force burst out in front of her.

The suction disappeared and Tang Qiong stopped in place!

"Huh?" Philippe Gullit raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Feng who appeared behind Tang Qiong out of thin air and said, "what body method is this? Moving in an instant? Or Invisibility

This private room is closed on all sides, and there is no passageway on the roof. So how did Li Feng appear here?

What's more, to Philip Gullett's surprise, before Li Feng appeared, he didn't notice any energy fluctuation at all!

"Do you think I'll tell you?" Li Feng pulls Tang Qiong behind him and mocks.

"Li Feng, I knew you wouldn't leave me alone, I knew it!" Tang Qiong's tight body completely relaxed at this moment, tears burst out of her eyes.

Just a little while ago, she really thought that she had been given up by Li Feng. That kind of feeling made her very sad!

Now, Li Feng appeared, she was not given up!

"Little fool, I said I would protect you secretly, how could I leave you alone?" Li Feng holds her small hand and turns to comfort way.

At the moment when he looked back, Tang Qiong suddenly jumped into his bad situation and leaned forward

"Well..." Li Feng pupil shrinks, brain a blank!

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