Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 949

It was Luo Tianzheng who opened the door.

He was wearing an apron around his waist and some flour on his hands, which made him an old man at home.

After Li Feng left, Luo Tianzheng volunteered to enter the kitchen, ready to steam a pot of steamed bread for aishaniya.

Steaming steamed bread is a technical skill. Although there are places to sell steamed bread in Chinatown, Luo Tianzheng thinks that his steamed bread is authentic.

If the members of Jiuyou sect saw this scene, they would be shocked. The great elder of Shenzong even steamed steamed bread for a Wai Guo girl. Can you believe it?

But Luo Tianzheng did this, and he enjoyed it very much. Who made ashaniya such a charming girl? Luo Tianzheng wanted to recognize her as a dry granddaughter

Just as he was busy working in the kitchen, Luo Tianzheng heard a knock on the door and rushed to aishaniya to open the door.

"Why, even the people who check the gas meters in country y are so formal?"

Luo Tianzheng is also a bit muddled, said in Chinese.

After these two days of study, Luo Tianzheng has been able to understand some of the Y language, but it is still very difficult for him to communicate with people in English.

In his imagination, people who come to check gas meters should wear overalls.

Wait This tuxedo old man is SSS + strong?!

Lying trough, a person checking natural gas meter is SSS + level strong, this is so unscientific?!

After discovering the realm of Gavin Longfellow, Luo Tianzheng knew that the other party was definitely not the staff checking the natural gas meter, but the one the patriarch told him to be on guard against!

This accurate prediction, the Lord is wise!

"Who are you?"

Asked Gavin Longfellow, in a stiff Chinese voice.

"I also want to ask who you are. Didn't you say that you checked the natural gas meter? Where is your work permit? Take it out and show it to me."

Luo Tianzheng glanced at Gavin Longfellow with some sarcasm and some contemptuous remarks.

SSS + level, he can blow the goods with a blow, it is not worth his attention at all.

However, the middle-aged man behind Gavin Longfellow was full of momentum, but he could not see through his realm, which made Luo Tianzheng a little wary.

Little did not know, in Luo Tian is looking at fiomi Gullit, fiomi Gullit is also looking at him.

"There is no energy fluctuation, and you can't see his realm. Is he just an ordinary person?" Fiomi Gullit thought to himself.

"Is the head of this apartment Tang Qiong?"

Gavin Longfellow frowned slightly and wanted to jump over Luo Tianzheng and look inside. However, Luo Tian was deliberately moving his body to block his sight, which made Gavin Longfellow more angry.

In addition, Luo Tianzheng's one mouthful and one special one is really very demanding. However, the most important thing now is to find out whether you have gone to the wrong place, and after confirming this, it is not too late to clean up the Chinese.

"Why do you want to know so much? Tell me your purpose

Luo Tianzheng took out his ears, took out his fingers and blew a breath at Gavin Longfellow. The Yellow earwax turned into fly ash and rushed to Gavin Longfellow.


Gavin Longfellow's rage is full of rage!

"Fake, you're old wood. Fake, are you looking for trouble? I tell you, this is the cover of Luo Tianzheng. Do you believe me if you dare to ask for trouble

Luo Tianzheng is not happy. Let alone that he has studied English for two days, even if he didn't learn English, he knew what fake meant. It's a common dirty word in the world.

"Lao Luo, what's the situation?"

At this time, Qiu Biao came out of the kitchen with a kitchen knife.

In the living room, aishania looked strange and said, "Mr. Qiu, two people came out to check the natural gas meter. Then Mr. Luo quarreled with them..."

Before Li Feng left, she told her to hand over everything to Luo Tianzheng and not to move. So she stayed in the living room obediently.

"Mm-hmm, OK, OK, I get it." Qiu Biao nodded, then calmly walked to Luo Tianzheng and touched his shoulder: "Lao Luo, what is the situation?"

Ashaniya spoke English. He didn't understand it at all. For the sake of face, he could only pretend to understand

"Oh, these two people are supposed to be on our guard by the boss."

Luo Tianzheng pointed to Gavin Longfellow and fiomi Gullit.

At this time, fiomi Gullit also looked at Qiu Biao. He could not see any energy fluctuation in his body, which made him frown slightly.

It is clear that they are two people without any energy fluctuation. Why should he be alert? These two people are weird!

At this time, Gavin Longfellow also saw that something was wrong. The old man at home looked too horizontal. Where did he come from?

At this moment, he seems to forget that he looks like an old man without any threat"Why? I was afraid you wouldn't come. " Qiu Biao Mei pointed to them and said, "don't blame me for not giving you a chance. I'll let you do three moves first, and then I'll send you to see the king of hell."

This is a good opportunity to ask for credit in front of the patriarch. He must take good advantage of it.

Luo Tianzheng was not happy: "I said Lao Qiu, I found these two people first. You can't rob me of blame."

Qiu Biao still wants to rob him. What can he do to ask the Lord for credit?

Fiomi Gullit:

Gavin Longfellow:

It's not What do these two bad old men mean? Look down on them, don't you?

"Second master, give orders."

Gavin Longfellow took a deep breath. He couldn't hold back. If Qiu Biao didn't jump out suddenly, he would have called for war just now.

Fiomi Longfellow nodded coldly. "Well, you're going to test them first."

When the voice lands, Gavin Longfellow is about to burst out the breath of SSS +.

However, before all his breath broke out, Luo Tianzheng and Qiu Biao all gave a blow.

"Boom" "boom"

two loud noises, Gavin Longfellow No!

A big living man is directly blasted to pieces!

That is to say, the two people block the vision of ashaniya, or she will be scared out of illness when she sees this scene!

"Damn it!"

Fiomi Gullit couldn't keep his cool look any longer. When he took a step back, he screamed out,

at that moment, the breath of Luo Tianzheng and Qiu Biao really scared him. One was the peak of demigod, the other was the middle of God. How could these two monsters come from?

"Why? Is it the late demigod? Interesting! "

Luo Tianzheng grinned grimly and moved with his right hand. He held a huge axe in his hand. Then he rushed to fiomi Gullit.

Behind him, Qiu Biao looked melancholy.

He wanted to rob the monster, but he didn't think that the other side was a strong man in the later period of demigod. Now he can only watch the elder show up alone

At the same time, don Qiong and Carlos Bowman came to the reserved room, a big net that had been woven was about to close!

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