Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 948

Thinking of this, Li Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed Wan Zi Dao's phone and made some arrangements.

In this process, Li Feng laid down a real gas barrier to prevent the walls from having ears. Even Tang Qiong on one side did not know what he said on the phone.

Ten minutes later, Tang Qiong found a restaurant with high evaluation and high grade according to the catering review software on her mobile phone, and then reserved a private room through online booking.

After that, Tang Qiong took out Carlos Bowman's business card and sent the relevant information to his mobile phone.

At the same time, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, host, you have a new task, do you want to check it immediately?"

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick: "check!"

"Mission: save the goddess Tang Qiong (4)"

"mission objective: use all available forces to smash the conspiracy of the gulit family and ensure the safety of the goddess tangqiong. If the mission fails, 20 million system points of the host will be deducted for punishment."

"Mission reward: 5 million exp, 10 million system points, 100 conquest points."

"Mission: save the goddess ashaniya (2)"

"mission objective: use all available forces to smash the conspiracy of the gulit family and ensure the safety of the goddess ashaniya. If the mission fails, 20 million system points of the host will be deducted for punishment."

"Mission reward: 5 million exp, 10 million system points, 100 conquest points."

After reading the task introduction, Li Feng couldn't help frowning: "the reward for the two tasks is 10 million experience value. It seems that the task is very difficult..."

The more rewards, the more difficult the task is. The reward of 10 million experience value plus 20 million system points is enough to show how difficult the task is.

The key is, with the help of Luo Tianzheng and wanzidao, what is the situation of the gulit family and is it so difficult to deal with?

Li Feng fell into deep meditation.

After a while, he said with a smile, "I'll go down and smoke a cigarette."

After that, without waiting for Tang Qiong to reply, he pushed the door and got out of the car. He really took out a cigarette and started smoking.

In Tang Qiong's memory, Li Feng seems not to smoke, at least did not smoke in front of her, why now suddenly smoke again?

Why? Smoking is more interesting than talking to me, isn't it?

That is to say, there are many women in Li Feng. Otherwise, Tang Qiong would say "single by strength!"

Wait Now it's like she's the one who's single on the strength, right?

Thinking of this, Tang Qiong is a little weepy

What Tang Qiong didn't know was that Li Feng deliberately showed it to others. Since he knew that the situation was very serious, he would tell those people that "my master is beside Tang Qiong".

Although later he will continue to enter the stealth state, secretly protect Tang Qiong, but when the light and dark will make the other side more nervous.

In this way, you can make the opponent's cards play, save the elimination of a wave of strange, and brush out a wave, boring.

Take this opportunity to solve the hidden danger of the Gullit family!

At the same time, the manager of the restaurant where Tang Qiong reserved the private room received a phone call. After the call, he cancelled all the reservations at noon as quickly as possible, even if he paid three times the penalty for this.

Not long after the cancellation of the reservation, some "customers" entered the restaurant. These "customers" seemed to be no different from ordinary people. However, if you have a careful observation, you will find that these "customers" have an indescribable strong temperament.

Not only that, all organizations within three kilometers of the restaurant have received an emergency warning from the police station, saying that a group of KB elements are about to come here to carry out a KB attack, and all personnel should hurry to evacuate.

Because LD has had several KB attacks before, so these institutions have done corresponding drills, although panic, but also can achieve orderly evacuation.

The staff of the trade office building, however, delayed receiving the warning for a full hour, and by this time Carlos Bauman had found don Qiong and drove to the restaurant in her car.

As for Li Feng Once again, he disappeared into the sight of the watcher

"Vultures call eagles, vultures call eagles, Li Feng is gone. Is he in the restaurant, over?"

"Vulture vulture, I'm an eagle. There's nothing wrong with the restaurant, over!"

"Vulture, all of you keep a level one alert. I'll report to the owner as soon as possible, over!"

"Tiger received, over!"

"gray wolf received, over!"

"Crazy boa got it..."

On several commanding heights about three kilometers around the restaurant, several people in black holding the most advanced infrared telescopes, nervously observe the situation where their sight can reach, and transmit messages to each other.

Not only that, there are also some disguised people on both sides of the street, looking at the newspapers and drinking coffee, but actually observing the situation around them at any time.Even though this place has been evacuated, it is not very different from that in other people's eyes. Shops and restaurants are normally open, and people are still coming and going on the street.

For this action, the number of gulit family mobilized is close to tens of thousands. From this aspect, we can see how powerful the gulit family stands on the top of country Y!

At the same time, the location of Tang Qiong's apartment.

A Rolls Royce phantom slowly came to the entrance of the apartment building and stopped. Then, an old white man in a black tuxedo stepped out of the driver's seat, quickly stepped to the right rear door, opened the door, and respectfully welcomed a middle-aged white man down.

"Second master, this is where Tang Qiong's apartment is located. At present, Tang Qiong and Li Feng have gone out, and only aishania is at home alone." Said the old man in a tuxedo.

If Li Feng were here, he would find that the old man in Tuxedo looked a little similar to pound Longfellow, because he was bond Longfellow's father, an SSS + werewolf - Gavin Longfellow!

"Well, take me to his house." The middle-aged white man said indifferently, his name is fiomi Gullit, the father of philite Gullit, a semi God late strong man, had been in the closed door before the impact of God.

"Second master, I can go to such a small matter. Ashaniya is an ordinary person. Why bother you to do it yourself?"

Again, said Gavin Longfellow.

On the way, he talked to each other once, but fiomi Gullit didn't listen.

"Well, the last time I suffered from Li Feng was because Hannah looked down on him. I don't want to make the same mistake again."

Fiomi gullet snorted coldly, and Gavin Longfellow did not dare to say more, and led the way.

Soon, they arrived at the door of Tang Qiong's apartment. After Gavin Longfellow knocked on the door, a clear voice came from inside: "who is it?"

Gavin Longfellow had already figured out his lines: "check the gas meter."

"Oh, just a moment, please." The clear sound came again, and then a sound of footsteps came from far to near.

With a click, the door opened, and Luo Tianzheng's head appeared behind the door.

Gavin Longfellow:

Fiomi Gullit:

It's not The speaker is a woman, but the one who opens the door is a bad old man. What's the matter?

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