Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 947

When she came to the front desk and found a staff member of the Trade Bureau, Tang Qiong said, "Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Carlos Bowman. What floor is he on?"

The staff is playing with the mobile phone, looking up to see Tang Qiong, her face immediately showed a startling color: "do you have an appointment with Bauman trade officer?"

"Yes, my name is Tang Qiong. I made an appointment with Mr. Bauman yesterday." Tang Qiong said with a smile.

"Yes, just a moment, please." The staff picked up the internal phone and was quickly confirmed: "Bauman Trade Officer is in room 16b on the fourth floor. He told you to go up again in ten minutes. You can go to the rest area over there and wait a moment."

"Yes, thank you."

Tang Qiong nodded and went to the rest area. After waiting for 8 minutes, she got up and went to the elevator and took the elevator to the fourth floor.

In this process, Tang Qiong has been looking back and forth, trying to find Li Feng, but to her disappointment, she did not even see the shadow of Li Feng.

"He said he would protect me secretly. Why didn't he follow me in?"

In Tang Qiong's conjecture, Li Feng should have disguised herself and walked in behind her. As a result, Li Feng was not seen in the whole process. She felt a little flustered.

But Tang Qiong turns to think, if even she can find Li Feng, then Li Feng still talk about how to protect secretly?

"Well, since he said that, he will certainly do it. I must have 100% confidence in him."

Tang Qiong is not only self comforting, she is really confident in Li Feng now. After all, she is a woman who wants to wear Tiffany's style to Li Feng. How can she do without this confidence?

Two minutes later, Tang Qiong came to the door of room 16b on the fourth floor and knocked on the door.

Soon, a deep male voice came from the room: "please come in."

Tang Qiong took a deep breath and adjusted her mood and expression to her best. Then she pushed the door and walked in. At a glance, she saw Carlos Bowman, a middle-aged white man sitting behind his desk.

Carlos Bowman looks about forty years old, with straight features and short, golden hair combed back and polished.

He was wearing a decent black suit, a black shirt, a red tie and a work card on his chest. He looked very energetic.

Don Qiong, you must be welcome

There was a flash of light in Carlos Bowman's eyes, and he got up and went to don Qiong to shake hands with her.

Tang Qiong wanted to share her hand with him. However, Carlos Bowman did not mean to let go. She held her hand all the time and said, "I have heard that Miss Tang Qiong is an angel like beauty. Today I see her, she really deserves her reputation."

Tang qiongxiu frowned slightly, pulled back his hand and said, "thank you very much for Mr. Bauman's praise."

Carlos Bowman had a sharp eyebrow and a displeasure on his face. After a long time, he said with a smile: "Miss Tang Qiong, you should know the purpose of calling you here today?"

"Yes, you want to talk to me about the import approval." Tang Qiong nodded and then frowned: "but what I don't understand is that all the procedures of our company are in accordance with the relevant laws of LD. Why can't we get the import approval?"

"This problem is very complicated. Now I have a more urgent business to deal with. If Miss Tang has time at noon, we can eat and talk." Carlos Bowman said with a look of embarrassment.

Tang Qiong was stunned at first and didn't know how to answer him.

Just then, a voice sounded directly in her mind: "promise him!"

It's Li Feng's voice!

Tang Qiong was startled and subconsciously looked around.

"Don't turn around. You can't see me." Li Feng's voice continued to ring in her mind.

Tang Qiong tried her best to stop her impulse to turn her head: "OK, I'll go to reserve a restaurant first, and then I'll call you directly after I've made a reservation, or..."

"Send me a message." Carlos Bowman took out a business card and handed it to don Qiong.

When Tang Qiong left here, Carlos Bowman took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Mr. Gullit, the fish has been hooked OK, I see. "

After he hung up the phone, he went to the window, looked at Tang Qiong who had already gone downstairs, and whispered to himself, "what a mouth watering Oriental beauty It's a pity that she was the prey of the Gullit family. If I could... "

At this point, Carlos Bauman's face showed a cesium soul and give expression, extremely disgusting.

Ten minutes later, Li Feng walked out of an empty corner, walked slowly to Panamera, opened the door and got on.

Tang Qiong looked at Li Feng with an alien look and asked, "what happened just now? Your voice appears directly in my mind? Is it true that the sound is heard from thousands of miles

Even though she has already seen the magic of Li Feng, Tang Qiong still has a kind of unreal feeling of dreaming. This kind of scene that can only appear in TV and novels actually appears beside her.

God, how many secrets does Li Feng have?Li Feng shrugged: "almost, if you are a martial arts strong man like me, you can also do this."

"Do I have a chance?" Tang Qiong's tone suddenly became a little eager.

In the past, her dream was to achieve economic poison and break away from the control of the Tang family through her own efforts. Now this goal has been achieved, and a new dream has emerged, that is to become a martial arts strong man like Li Feng.

This dream Tang Qiong is a little shy to say, a girl's home is not suitable for fighting, besides, her relationship with Li Feng is also very delicate.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Qiong still summoned up the courage to ask.

"Well..." Li Feng hesitated a little, his face strange said: "of course, but you have missed the best training age. If you practice according to the conventional means, you can't reach my present state."

"And unconventional means?" Tang Qiong caught the point at once.

"Yes, but that means nothing." Li Feng looks more strange.

Once the matter of mutual benefit is said, it will be misunderstood by Tang Qiong.

But Tang Qiong refused to let Li Feng go: "I really want to know."

"The time has not come." Li Feng, with a mysterious smile, urged: "you go to order the restaurant first. This matter is the same as I guess. There are gulit families involved in it. It is estimated that there will be some danger."

"But it doesn't matter. If I can make the Gullit surrender once, I can make them surrender again. If I protect you behind my back, you can do it boldly."

Since he knew that Carlos had been in the middle of the battle, it was clear that he was still in the middle of the battle.

Is it the other ancestors of the gulit family who have passed the customs clearance?

Oh, how is it? He is not fighting alone. It's time to show the value of Luo Tianzheng and wanzidao!

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