Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 944

It's not just the casino manager who thinks of this, but other gamblers, including Tiffany.

For a moment, people looked at Li Feng's eyes, and Tiffany whispered, "Li Feng, did you commit Amy's suicide?"

Is Amy a gambler? Tiffany doesn't think that since she was sold to ELFA, Tiffany knew that Amy's character was very despicable. How could such a person admit defeat?

Even if Amy is really willing to gamble and admit defeat, she can't commit suicide without saying a word. At least she has to negotiate with Li Feng.

But Amy committed suicide and ended her life in such a tragic way that her head hit the corner of the table.

Li Feng blinked: "what do you think?"

Tiffany's eyes flashed and she nodded.

Although Li Feng didn't admit it directly, it can be seen from his expression that it must have something to do with Li Feng. For a moment, Tiffany's heart was full of mixed feelings.

At this time, Li Feng secretly pinched her little hand and gave her a comforting look.

This look made Tiffany feel at ease. Although Li Feng's method was a little cruel, he didn't do it just to get angry with her?

If Li Feng didn't show up in time, would she have been given by ELFA now?

In this way, Amy will die of sin!

At the thought of this, Tiffany's thoughts are clear, no guilt, but also a little more grateful to Li Feng.

With the help of the manager of the casino, the 83 million pound chips were soon converted into cash, and 5% of the pumping was deducted and then it was transferred to Li Feng's account.

Shortly after the casino manager handed the bank card to Li Feng, a middle-aged man arrived here under the protection of a group of bodyguards.

He first glanced around the crowd, then strode to Li Feng, reached out and said, "I'm Wang Chao, the owner of this club. I'm glad to meet you."

Li Feng shook hands with him and said simply, "Li Feng."

Wang Chao first frowned, then ran a smile: "Mr. Li is from China?"

"Yes." Li Feng nodded, then thought of the previous conjecture. He couldn't help laughing and said, "this club is good, it has Chinese characteristics."

"Ha ha, some compatriots from China have this feeling when they come to me." Wang Chao looked up at the sky with a smile, and then said, "Mr. Li's gambling skills are good. Are you interested in staying to help me?"

"What?" Li Feng is a bit confused.

"Cough..." Wang Chao's face turned red and turned to the bodyguard to make a look. Then the bodyguards invited all the gamblers around.

At this time, Wang chaocai sighed: "Mr. Li has no idea, elder brother, as a native Chinese, it is not easy to start a business in Y country."

Li Feng spread his hands: "this I understand, but what does it have to do with asking me to stay and help you? "

"There was a guy who played against Amy before you, don't you remember?" Wang Chao said mysteriously.

"Remember, he should be the best gambler in your casino?" Li Feng asked.

"That's right." Wang Chao nodded and resentfully said, "I pay him 500000 pounds a month, but he is not satisfied. He has to ask me to raise his salary to 1 million."

"Although my brother's meeting hall makes money, there is not much left after deducting all kinds of expenses. Isn't it killing me to double his salary?"

Li Feng almost understood everything when he heard this: "you didn't promise, and then he took the opportunity to lose 20 million pounds to Amy and left directly, so you want me to stay here to help you watch the court?"

It's no wonder that the gambling master gave up his fortune just now. It turned out that he had a labor dispute with Wang Chao, but it's a bit of a drag to let him stay and watch the game. I'm a man who can easily exchange 50 million pounds of chips!

"Yes, I didn't expect him to be so cruel." Wang Chao's face showed a touch of sadness and indignation. Although he is the owner of the club and has a lot of money, he can export 20 million pounds at a time, which is enough to make his flesh ache.

Just like Tiffany, he was sold by his own people. This feeling can only be realized by people who have experienced similar things.

"Mr. Li and I are both from China, and you are also an expert in gambling. Do you think you can stay here and help me for a few days for the sake of being compatriots before I can find the right person?"

"You can rest assured, Mr. Li, that I will definitely offer you a satisfactory salary and guarantee to find the right person to replace you as soon as possible."

Wang Chao patted his chest.

Although Li Feng only played a game of suoha, it can be seen from his dare to take 50 million pounds against Amy that he has a strong confidence in his gambling skills.

On this point, Wang Chao felt that Li Feng was an expert in gambling.

"Do you know I just exchanged 50 million pounds in chips?" Li Feng looks strange to ask a way.

Wang Chao's face was stagnant, and then he said with a slight embarrassment: "I know, of course I know. Mr. Li is a super rich man and really has money! Brother, I have no other way, so I want to ask Mr. Li for help. "If he didn't know this, how could he have said so many words? I'm just throwing money at people.

"Well, I'll leave a phone call for you. If you can't solve the problem, you can call me. I'll decide whether to help you or not depending on the situation."

Li Feng can't stay here all the time. However, being in a foreign country, his compatriots should help each other. He doesn't mind making a good relationship with Wang Chao.

"This Thank you very much, Mr. Li Wang Chao didn't think about it for a long time and agreed to it, and even said thanks.

Originally he did not report much hope, Li Feng is willing to promise to help when the time is enough to satisfy him.

Li Feng waved his hand, and then asked Wang Chao to bring paper and pen, leaving his contact information.

"Mr. Li, I have an ungrateful request. I don't know what to say or not to say."

After seriously collecting Li Feng's contact information, Wang Chao pondered.

Li Feng waved a big hand: "but it doesn't matter."

Anyway, he is not thin skinned. If Wang Chao doesn't have interest in or doesn't want to interfere in the things he says, he just doesn't hear it. Anyway, he doesn't like other people's talking and only says half of it, although he is not an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"Well, Jim It's the gambling expert who deliberately lost 20 million yuan. He is likely to work in other casinos. If I find him, can Mr. Li teach him a lesson? "

"Mr. Li, please rest assured that the gambling money is provided by me. If you lose, you will get all the money you win."

Wang Chao said with a look of supplication.

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, ponder a little bit later nod a way: "can."

Wang Chao naturally said thanks, and then respectfully sent Li Feng and Tiffany away from the club.

After coming out of the club, Tiffany will take Li Feng back to the hotel to continue training.

Li Feng, of course, promised to come down, but before the two people returned to the hotel, Tang Qiong called and said, "Li Feng, I'm in a bit of trouble. Can you come here for a while?"

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